It's eclipse time again! 29 Cancer



Ok, so how do you think this eclipse will tie in with this week's new moon in Cancer? This should be an exciting time. The new moon will square my Venus and trine Uranus and the eclipse will trine Venus and square Uranus. It will be interesting to see how people are affected by the aspects made to planets at the beginning of Cancer vs. the end of Cancer.

Sabian symbols

1:30 Cancer: A Man On A Magic Carpet Hovers Over A Large Area Of Land

29:26 Cancer : A Daughter of the American Revolution

I see this as having to make the choice between two contradictory paths.At this time maybe we will see the big picture and have a great opportunity to understand what is and is not working in our lives and . The lunar eclipse in Cap might be the big reality check and then the solar eclipse might infuse us with the inspiration to make those changes. The eclipse is at a critical degree in Cancer so it could get very emotional, but if we choose to be brave like the lion ( Leo) instead of letting fear keep us prisoner we can experience life more authentically. Those are my thoughts:)
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Neptune Rising

Well-known member
I find eclipses fasinating! Woooo!

Ok this last new Moon was opposite Pluto suggests power struggles. I've seen them already inthe people around me.

This new Moon 1 degree Cancer also squared my Juno, and trined my natal 10th house Uranus/POF, the Moon fell in my 7th house. It also trines the mid-point of Lilith/Psyche/Moon. Well I'm not sure what to expect but I feel some big challenges at work where I've had to assert myself otherwise they treat us like donkeys. :annoyed::rightful::devil:

The Full Moon/lunar eclipse is then opposite natal 14 degree Saturn and falls in my 1st house. I think whatever is brewing now will culminate then, 2 weeks! It seems to be mainly at work these power struggles are occuring. I wonder if this will bring something to do with authority/Saturn/fear, also finances and values as Saturn rules my 2nd house and natal Sun. Perhaps they will get fed up with me standing up for myself and my rights and sack me at work! (if I look ahead, the August lunar eclipse falls exactly on my natal 2nd house Venus/Mercury which rules 10th/7th houses - ending of the job...?).

Then the Solar eclipse at 29 Cancer falls again in my 7th house, and trines natal Juno, 4 degrees away from opposition to natal Sun. Also conjunct natal Vertex. The trines look nice, but not sure what to expect here, some sort of karmic gift. :happy: After these lovely power struggles, a gift would be nice.


Senior Member, Educational board Editor
Hi-Here's an excerpt from wikipedia about the eclipse, for those interested.

The solar eclipse that will take place on Wednesday, July 22, 2009 will be a total eclipse of the Sun with a magnitude of 1.080 that will be visible from a narrow corridor through northern India, eastern Nepal, northern Bangladesh, Bhutan, the northern tip of Myanmar, central China and the Pacific Ocean, including the Ryukyu Islands, Marshall Islands and Kiribati. Totality will be visible in many cities such as Surat, Varanasi, Patna, Thimphu, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, Hangzhou and Shanghai, as well as over the Three Gorges Dam. A partial eclipse will be seen from the much broader path of the Moon's penumbra, including most of South East Asia and north-eastern Oceania.
This solar eclipse is the longest total solar eclipse that will occur in the twenty-first century, and will not be surpassed in duration until June 13, 2132. Totality will last for up to 6 minutes and 39 seconds, with the maximum eclipse occurring in the ocean at 02:35:21 UTC about 100 km south of the Bonin Islands, southeast of Japan.

Those places listed are the ones we should watch over the coming months as they fall beneath the eclipse shadow.
Following the January eclipse, that fell over southern Australia, they experienced devastating fires and a number of other catastrophes of a Natural kind.(Global warming).


Well-known member

Well I would like to see what will happen...karma, hmmm.
I have vertex at 29 Cancer in 8th house, tr. NN conjucting antivertex also...well this would be interesting.
Intimacy, values through other person...hmmm. Carmic person, we shall see....



Well-known member
Can't wait for this. It will be in my 4th conj my node. I am trying to make life changing decisions here and I am struggling. :sad:


Well-known member
My natal chart has absolutely nothing at that degree at all! It falls in my h2, and the only thing I have in Pisces is Pholus at 3 degrees. Hold on, though, doesn't Scheat "live" at 29 Pisces?

That does not bode well, people!

It will oppose my Vesta, and square my NN & SN, though. Not sure what to expect there.

I, too, have noticed weird power struggles at work, it's not been too nice at all! I think one of my colleagues' Moon falls around 29 Pisces so I wonder what that means for him. He is being taken out of his much-beloved team at work and moved to another one. Meanwhile another guy will be replacing him who is already friends with his old team. It almost feels like he is being "eclipsed" or at least may feel that way.

Another of my colleagues has his Sun very near the end of Pisces (at the beginning of Aries actually). He is also being replaced by a younger female member of staff (the Moon?). I think he feels pretty cut up about it. Strangely, 22nd July will be his last day at work. I will be v. sad to see him go, he is a good mate.

Neptune Rising

Well-known member
It will oppose my Vesta, and square my NN & SN, though. Not sure what to expect there. .

I'm just guessing, but thinking as this solar eclipse is like a really powerful new Moon, and the Sun is involved, would it bring in someone maybe a man at work to do with your destiny? I remember when Saturn squared my nodes, I had problems with authority, I got punished for being a bit of a rebel. :rightful::innocent: Moon/Sun seem like nicer planets to square the nodes, maybe you get some new responsibility at work/vesta?


I didn't realize the eclipses of 2001 were also in Cancer/ Capricorn. I know we have some turbulent aspects coming..what do you think of these eclipses compared to those of sep 11th?? I am already feeling uncomfortable, great heaviness, but I think it's a good thing because it means I am changing. Tough stuff!


Well-known member
How exciting, I have been thinkng I need to take more notice of the eclipses lately and guess what this solar eclipse happens to conjunct my Jupiter on my IC, in my 4th. Im off to see what it all means :surprised:.
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Well-known member
Snipbean, if your mars has progressed to within one degree square of neptune natal or progressed, be very very careful of having the 'wool pulled over your eyes'. Mars square neptune is not necessarily favorable. In your case it would mimic the square in place in your natal chart. Thus you should be familiar with this energy. Neptune is dissolve and also deception, imagination, but on the good it is dreams and wishes. A square with the assertive and violent energy of mars could bring someone into your life who decieves. Be quite careful.


Well-known member
Try July 22nd 1990.

That was the last total solar eclipse at 22 degrees cancer.
Not as long lasting as this one.

Its my BD, so should be an interesting year.
Trying not to be too negative.

As far as the lunar eclipse on the 7th...should be early this morning.
I guess we find out.
That one is on my NN.
Can't wait! (chuckle)

Have allot of doom and gloom about eclipses.
Hope it goes well.

Going to keep an eye on my health the next month.
Sleep, food, etc.

I scanned over 1990 July, august, etc..
was the year I moved to a new town, shortly after, well...during the eclipse.
Not sure that year on what house my sun was in for solar return.
I't was a big move, father had a new job, and brother was born later in December.
New School, new friends, started all that in August of that year, shortly after the BD.

OTher then that i'm pretty lost on how it could have personally effected me.
Im sure it will show up in the houses, natally, and the aspects you have natally.

The eclipse will square my fathers nodes.
he has transiting Nodes square his own, and this eclipse is square as well, along with my natal sun.
Wondering on potential conficts starting up around this time, of any kind.
I guess its a waiting game.


Well-known member

Snip: Here's the July 22nd solar eclipse information from WIKI, posted by lillyjgc:

The solar eclipse that will take place on Wednesday, July 22, 2009 will be a total eclipse of the Sun with a magnitude of 1.080 that will be visible from a narrow corridor through northern India, eastern Nepal, northern Bangladesh, Bhutan, the northern tip of Myanmar, central China and the Pacific Ocean, including the Ryukyu Islands, Marshall Islands and Kiribati. Totality will be visible in many cities such as Surat, Varanasi, Patna, Thimphu, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, Hangzhou and Shanghai, as well as over the Three Gorges Dam....

This solar eclipse is the longest total solar eclipse that will occur in the twenty-first century, and will not be surpassed in duration until June 13, 2132. Totality will last for up to 6 minutes and 39 seconds, with the maximum eclipse occurring in the ocean at 02:35:21 UTC about 100 km south of the Bonin Islands, southeast of Japan.

Snip: I notice the eclipse enters your 8th house of personal transformation, opposite 2nd house of that which you value highly....or....maybe your personal possessions...

Thanks to you tsquare --and I'm happy that you're out of the bad corner, so to speak :) --
the link to that report by the eclipse worshipper who went looking for the perfect place
to view the previous July 22nd eclipse -- it was a good read.

Like life, our sun and moon cannot offer a guarantee
that we will like it, only that they will rise at the appointed place on the solstice, or meet
at the eclipse. Even though us humans may not be able to actually "see" what's happening...
it's spectacular.

Happy eclipses!



Well-known member
I'm certainly feeling some tension from the full moon eclipse we had at 15' capricorn. It formed a loose square with my pluto. One of my group members had a peevish attitude with me today. Oh well. I get to practice forgiving and being irritated all at the same time.
Perhaps this last solar eclipse was the beginning of the great cardinal crunch. That's what I'm calling all of these planets moving into cardinal signs over the next 1-3 years. A couple of weeks after the lunar eclipse in acquarius next month, the north node will roll into capricorn. In late October, Saturn will move into libra.
My but is going to be in the frying pan for the next few years as transiting saturn, jupiter, uranus, pluto and my progressed moon light up the sensitive side of my chart or my personality.


Well-known member
my jupiter is 29 degrees cancer, in my second house.

anyone ever have an eclipse conjunct their jupiter ?

Hey WeAre! My Jupiter is at 29 Cancer in the 4th, it will be interesting to see the difference between the 2nd and 4th matters :lol:!


Well-known member
yes . saturns over there in my 4th house doing the opposite of expansion - ... constriction . (conjunct my n.node at the moment--think you can relate).

this eclipse seems to be drawing a huge emphasis on my values regarding my interactions (trades) with people.
-the lunar eclipse was in my 7th
-the solar in my 2nd,
so , it seems to make sense.

Mist Knacker

Well-known member
This Total Eclipse will make a T-Square with my Mercury-Venus/Pluto opposition.

On that day also, the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron will be on my Sun/Uranus midpoint.

This triple conjunction will also be squaring my natal Mars but will also be in sextile to my natal Venus, and Uranus will be trine my Mars.

Other transits going on that day:
Mars will be conjunct my North Node, almost exact.
Pluto Conjunction Neptune will be about exact again.
Transiting True Node Square Pluto.
Saturn Conjunction Ascendant
Venus Conjunction Midheaven
Venus Square Ascendant
Mercury Square Sun

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