Ok, so how do you think this eclipse will tie in with this week's new moon in Cancer? This should be an exciting time. The new moon will square my Venus and trine Uranus and the eclipse will trine Venus and square Uranus. It will be interesting to see how people are affected by the aspects made to planets at the beginning of Cancer vs. the end of Cancer.
Sabian symbols
1:30 Cancer: A Man On A Magic Carpet Hovers Over A Large Area Of Land
29:26 Cancer : A Daughter of the American Revolution
I see this as having to make the choice between two contradictory paths.At this time maybe we will see the big picture and have a great opportunity to understand what is and is not working in our lives and . The lunar eclipse in Cap might be the big reality check and then the solar eclipse might infuse us with the inspiration to make those changes. The eclipse is at a critical degree in Cancer so it could get very emotional, but if we choose to be brave like the lion ( Leo) instead of letting fear keep us prisoner we can experience life more authentically. Those are my thoughts
Sabian symbols
1:30 Cancer: A Man On A Magic Carpet Hovers Over A Large Area Of Land
29:26 Cancer : A Daughter of the American Revolution
I see this as having to make the choice between two contradictory paths.At this time maybe we will see the big picture and have a great opportunity to understand what is and is not working in our lives and . The lunar eclipse in Cap might be the big reality check and then the solar eclipse might infuse us with the inspiration to make those changes. The eclipse is at a critical degree in Cancer so it could get very emotional, but if we choose to be brave like the lion ( Leo) instead of letting fear keep us prisoner we can experience life more authentically. Those are my thoughts
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