Is Tulsi Gabbard Trustworthy?


New member
I want to know something about Tulsi Gabbard. I have been hearing that she is wanting to run for Vice President with Trump. Can I trust her? I am wondering why she wants to run for Vice President.


Well-known member
She would be 10th guise, Venus sitting there about to conjunct North Node.
Mars ruler of NH coming to a conjunction with Saturn, ruler of the 7th of the public.
Saturn also represents politics and politicians, administrators.
Trust worthly, apparently yes.
Venus in detriment, but in the face of mars.
Venus in the sign of mars could also represent a woman doing a "masculine" job, and she was in the military..
Mars strong in its own triplicity.
She could be a good candidate.

Do you have her natal chart?


Well-known member
Note how close her aires stellium is to the solar eclipse at 19 degrees.
Her pluto opposes it all.
Neptune in trine.
Very interesting!!!
With her aires stellium and scorpio MH not surprising she was successful in the military field.