Is this a valid midpoint configuration


Active member
Sat/Nep midpoint in Sagittarius 6°31’
and Mer/Jup midpoint in Pisces 6°36’
we have two midpoints in exact square to each other . Does it make sat and Nep connected to Mer and Jup in a valid midpoint configuration by hard aspect between their midpoints ?
Those two midpoints are located at more or less the same place. a midpoint is repeated every 45 degrees, so each midpoint is found 8 times in the circle. i'd give a midpoint a 1.5 degree orb, and midpoints with angles or the sun/moon a 2 degree orb.

When a planet transits around 6 degrees of any mutable sign, or 9 degrees of any fixed sign (45 degrees from 6 degrees of a mutable sign, it will stimulate both midpoints.

If a planet sits at 6 degrees of any mutable sign, or 9 degrees of any fixed sign, that then planet can be further interpreted (after sign, house and aspect) in terms of the nature of the midpoints. ie: someone with sun at 6 pisces experiences their pisces sun in a way that involves frustation, loss, guilt (saturn/neptune) as well as a broadening of the mind (mercury/jupiter).
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Active member
Thank you .

Do you mean by saying the two midpoints (6 degree picses and 6 degree sag ) more or less the same place that threw those midpoints contact made between jupiter and mercury and between neptun and saturn in a 4 planets midpoint configuration ?
Thank you .

Do you mean by saying the two midpoints (6 degree picses and 6 degree sag ) more or less the same place that threw those midpoints contact made between jupiter and mercury and between neptun and saturn in a 4 planets midpoint configuration ?

no, the planetary pairs stay as pairs, and it wouldnt mean that you could say, for example:

saturn-neptune + mercury-jupiter = saturn-mercury + jupiter-neptune

or saturn-neptune + mercury-jupiter = saturn-mercury-jupiter-neptune

if that makes sense

heres some further reading: are midpoints?,third planet, point or body.

also you can check out :,stripbooks,181&sr=8-1
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Active member
In the book "The Combination of Stellar Influences " there are 3 examples for
midpoint pictures and one of them is when a pair of midpoints fall in the same sign and same degree (with small orb ) but if a pair of midpoints is in 90 degrees from each other , is it too a valid midpoint picture ? like a conjunction of two midpoints .
In the book "The Combination of Stellar Influences " there are 3 examples for
midpoint pictures and one of them is when a pair of midpoints fall in the same sign and same degree (with small orb ) but if a pair of midpoints is in 90 degrees from each other , is it too a valid midpoint picture ? like a conjunction of two midpoints .

yes. each midpoint is repeated every 45 degrees.