Is she lying


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My neighbour always lies and exaggerates the truth.
Now she has gone to another level or is this the truth??
She is saying her mother is in a hospice due to having cancer. Is she lying?


Well-known member
It looks like this time she is telling the truth.
She is 3rd house, mars, in her own 12th of institutes and hospitalisation.
Chiron exactly on the 3rd cusp shows she is suffering.
Her mother is 4th from the 3rd, ruled by mercury on the north node, in the hands of destiny.
Mercury is close to the end of its sign, end of life.
Her mother's 12th house of hospitalisation is ruled by Venus, who is in the mother's house, retrograde.
Moon in leo just separated from the square with Uranus, in your neighbour's 2nd of finances.
Uranus rules her 12th of hospitals. She might be having to pay for her mother's stay in the nursing home. Uranus also rules the mother's 8th house.
The mother's 6th of illness is ruled by Jupiter, in its fall, retrograde, approaching a conjunction with Saturn ruler of the mother's 8th house.
Jupiter is associated with tumours and cancer, as it represents expansion and a tumour is the irregular expansion of cells. Jupiter conjunct Saturn confirms that she does have a tumour.


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She was lying. I called her place of work and she doesn’t work there and never has. I called the hospice and they have not heard of the mothers name and never has been admitted. Spoke to my neighbour to confirm hospice name and casually In conversation double checked her moms Full name.

She’s a lying evil cow


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But it doesn't relate to the chart. What is the error here?
She is mars. In pisces which is a nebulous sign, watery and illusive, but not deceptive, plus mars is in its triplicity there, so showing its positive side.
She has the suffering of Chiron on her house.
Her mother is mercury, with Venus sitting there in retrograde.
It doesn't make sense.


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Jupiter represents cancer, and is in Capricorn who rules the bones.

Is she really ill, then?

No the neighbour is saying she has bone cancer and she’s in a hospice. She’s lied. She not in a hospice. She’s lied about it all.


Well-known member
I'm completely baffled.

It's true mars is near Neptune (deception) but is 11 degrees away and approaching, which would indicate the future not past.


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Neighbour’s Mother 4th from 3rd, Mercury, seems fine in her own sign. However, ruler of death is 8th house the sun, which is in the mother’s 12th house. Sun is also a sig for the life force. Mercury changes signs in 2 units to the Moon, Moon also in sig if life force the Sun, maybe she dies in 2 units of time.


Well-known member
Do you see this in the chart?

No. Just a general comment on why people lie.

I have a hard time separating what I know already about astrology, I don't trust myself to interpret horary. I did look at it earlier w/my horary book in hand. pg 189 3rd house questions.

Angles in fixed signs, Lord 1 in fixed and angular, moon in fixed and angular. Moon's depositor in fixed and angular. All point to truth right?

Lord of 3rd not in fixed but in angular, has to be both to be true and Frawley states this is the most important. He also says that you take a majority in cases like this. Clearly the majority says it's true

But the question was "Is she lying?" so yes, it's true she's lying or yes, what she is saying is true? I really have no idea. His example was "Is this (gossip, rumor) true" Not "Is what my neighbor saying true, so who knows,? Not I.