Natally you bring stuff to your relationships that can be significant.
To do a full analysis of your chart would require what I call the Seven Quotients of Natal Astrology© which is quite extensive and not possible in a forum, but included a full analysis of your current emotional and mental challenges, how you deal with change, how your think and your impediments/rose colored glasses and feeling pain and mental chaos, your strengths, your Fences not to cross, and your vitality. I can only look at some of the many significant items before doing this online, and clearly missing some really significant ones.
For this purpose, I will only look at a few:
1. You have a really high latitude moon
This means that you expect to get your way in things, but that often when you do things tend to get out of control quickly. You are a perfect example of the "BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR" syndrome, and you have what I also call the Sorcerer's Apprentice syndrome, where it seems ok, but when things get going you are often the victim of unintended consequences.
This can make relationships difficult both in your demands, and your not knowing how to be light handed, often using a sledgehammer when a fly-swatter would have been more appropriate.
2. Moon and Uranus are out of bound by declination
a. Moon OOB: A compensation for Moon OOB is that while the are often deprived of the mother’s love , they often achieve success, recognition, and wealth. Often it creates some insecurity which requires them to try to prove their worth to the world. Lack of good child mother relations drives these people to high achievement in their search for love respect, influence and security. This can put demands on relationships with women who are not your mother
b. Uranus Out of Bounds: especially inventive nature, but with an especial need for freedom of action. Always not wishing to be tied down so ultimately there is a struggle for commitment when the clutch comes.
3. You have a very significant Mutable T-Square with a Venus Focus Planet
Lets review what a T-Square is:
1. A COMMON CONFIGURATION: 40 % of charts have this
2. An Opposition with another planet at the midpoint of the opposition on either side of the chart---which is called the APEX Planet
APEX planet constantly challenges the glass ceiling of the opposition: the native cannot ignore the opposition
3. The power and friction of the opposition will show how impactive this configuration is in your life
4. The fact that there is a planet at the APEX leads to a continuous stress, like having blister on your heel that just won’t go away. It affects your psyche profoundly especially its powerful and high friction.
5. Usually a T-SQUARE represents a glass ceiling impacted by dealing with the rights and needs of others.
6. The whole thing can get out of hand and can take over the chart since the APEX planet is a constant irritant(again depending on the power and friction of it) that must be addressed
Yours is a Mutable T-Square, so lets look at the general characteristics of a mutable t-square:
1. The oppositional glass ceiling involves lessons of dealing with stimulation that is stressful to the nervous system, and sometimes disruptive to thinking, leading to some kinds of thinking disorders
2. Gives you lessons involving resolving boredom and restlessness that prevents him from accomplishing anything of a substantial nature
3. Causes you to have difficulty setting goals
Lives moment to moment, and often resists planning ahead for anything
Is so interested in contrasting ideas and opposing mental concepts that he is driven to knowledge gathering and sharing it with others
4. You tend to feel driven to let those in his life know about what you've learned but at the same time you struggle with too much vacillation and indecision about what you find out about reality
5. Until you learn to discipline yourself, people simply don’t know what to expect from you
6. Specifically, in regards to people relationships, you must also try hard to define exactly what you wants and when you want it
You have a VEnus Apex planet.
GEnerally Venus as the apex planet, poking at your thinking over and over again exists in this way:
1. Strong social drive and active need to be aware of people and their interactions with you
2. Tends to End up feeling unloved, unappreciated, even unfairly treated in his relationships with others, and is constantly looking for people to turn on him, thus constantly looking for cracks in the relationships that he KNOWS have to be there.
3. Tends to have People get attracted to him and then find that what he thinks is important and what they think important are not the same, and then the seem to disappear.
4. Partnerships require give-and –take, sharing, compromise but this requires dealing with the nitty gritty of living and the Apex Venus doesn’t want to do this
5. Expects relationships to be perfect, without conflict, without tension,
Wants thing to roll along smoothly in relationships, but often does his side by blocking any of the actions that would make that happen
6. Tends to be continually surprised that his perfect relationships fall apart
7. Relationships tend to be static and un-stimulating for others because he perpetuates an ideal form which has nothing to do with how relationships actually work. This means that the others tend to pull away from him, and then he doesn't understand why it happened.
8. Tends to require instant gratification, when long term relationships come from learning to delay gratification.
9. Tends to expect things to come easily without any hard work or struggle to obtain goals
And finally getting very specific:
Venus in Mutable T-Square
1. Can make the person be unpredictable in love relationships
2. Causes a tendency to have no real concept of what jobs is in a relationship need to be performed
3. May need to periodically separate from his partner, to the consternation of the partner
4. May constantly feel like s/he needs space and room to breath
5. Tends to feel that any commitment is an attack on his freedom of action
6. Need the freedom to come and go as s/he pleases, without regard for others needs in the relationship
7. Tends to nag and criticize partners for their actions, but won’t accept an criticism him or her self
8. Enjoys relationships with excitement and enthusiasm
9. Needs to develop greater emotional depth
4. The Moon Opp Mars in the T-Square is very powerful and very high friction
This opposition should be looked at specifically
5. The Venus square Mars is also very powerful and very high friction
This square should be looked at.
As you can see, these are basic things that you bring to the relationship. You need to be aware of them because without paying attention to these tendencies, your relationships will fall apart. If you are aware of them, then you can pay attention to how these things that you aren't aware of on the surface, might impact a partner.
Next we look at what she is bringing to the table, Then we look at what your basic issues are between you, and then we look to see if you are additionally hampered by situational issues that are driving your current focuses in life and how that stuff might potentially impact your relation between you. Some people do that in a composite chart, I do it in an synastry between emotional charts and synastry between mental charts which can give a lot more information but is long and tedious to do.