Does anything in your natal chart relate either to the moon or to the ascendent of the chart?
Ok, thanks for the feedback.In a horary thread, that question may be answered with a description (for example, "yes, I have [planet] conjunct the horary ascendant and my ascendant on the horary moon," or, "no, not that I know of,"), but do not post a natal chart in a horary thread. Horary threads are for horary charts only. This question was answered with a post of a natal chart, which I moved to the Read My Chart board. Please go there if you want to discuss the natal chart outside of brief correlations with the horary.
You're correct on this!Void of course Moon does not make a horary chart invalid. It suggests that nothing will come from what the querent is asking. The way the querent framed the question is bit problematic. If the question is, "Would a nursing career be a good fit for me, or beneficial for me?" then a void of course moon would suggest that nothing will come of that pursuit.
VOC moon manifesting itself!Okay well I'm unsure about nursing career and feel like I'm going to change my mind. The study with the maths is really horrible and at this point I'm going to fail the course. I don't know if it's worth it to try the course again just as an entry to university or study something entirely else.