I notice that you included the position of MEAN Black Moon Lilith in the chart. Not many do that. Makes me wonder why you did.
If you take the position of Chiron (inner wounding) into consideration, there is a T-square (challenge and/in confrontation) between Saturn-Chiron-BML across the mutable signs in 2nd-6th-8th houses.
I would offer the suggestion of not playing the game of make believe pretence when with others, exaggerating acting other than you truly are (Sun-Venus trine Jupiter) to be popular, yet that hides/covers an imperfection and inferiority you experience within yourself ( Chiron on midpoint (semi-square) Sun and Moon) when amongst them. Learn to be as, and who you truly are. There is no shame or disgrace in that.
You may choose to be a loner because of the Sun square Moon parental issues that affected how you think (Mercury) and have left a painful Chiron scar within your being. You may trust only yourself because of it. Yet do situations you encounter give reasons to mistrust others?
That may be a message within the nodal path. 'No man is an island' and all that!
The T-square in Pisces (suggestion) and Gemini (mentality) can create an intangible imagination that may not perceive situations as they really exist. It is Chiron in Virgo that attempts bring this to attention by opening the eyes to look at things from a logical perspective that can then enable a mental/emotional breakthrough to occur. Virgo is THE sign that allows us to see that nobody is perfect; we all have our warts and all in one way or another that makes us individually different.
Capricorn rising with ruler Saturn (retrograde) in Pisces can experience being as the ship tossing in the storm seeking a safe harbour. It may make the choice itself to be a hermit in order to avoid it.
My ½ cent worth.