Epitome 28. Archer THIS is the Archer, who is a Centaur according to most accounts. Others deny this, however, because he cannot be seen to be four-legged, but is standing upright and drawing a bow; and no Centaur ever made use of a bow. This is surely a man, but one who has the legs of a horse and a tail like that of the Satyrs.* That is why these find it hard to believe that this is a Centaur, but prefer to think that it is Crotos, the son of Eupheme,* nurse of the Muses.
Yes. The beginning of the Aquarian Age is affecting the world from nowNo freakin way. If that's what you think, then you have no idea what's in store for us!
It is beginning to show some effects though.
The Aquarian Age is established. The global axis has shifted to Ukraine an Aquarian country, away from Russia (Pisces).
What's your own astrological/astronomical method for determining the start-year for the sidereal Aquarian Age, if you don't mind saying?
I'm asking because there's so much disagreement about it.
A reminder I am a 'seer' who sees things happening in a perspective related to astrological signs, there is no calculation needed. The reason is I have the three water signs in a Grand Trine giving high intuition.
So you are not Skyscript "Paul" from Scotland? My fav horarist. Interesting what you say, as my husband also saw our future back in 1974 and again in 1980. I typed it all so I'd not forget it. Rather uncanny as it simply appeared as though from out of no-where (I didn't ask for it) He does not like to enter that stage of consciousness however, it just takes too much out of him he says - kind of like Cayce in otherwords. He did it for me, but would never for anyone else. He's far more (in a conscious state) methodical and science oriented.A reminder I am a 'seer' who sees things happening in a perspective related to astrological signs, there is no calculation needed. The reason is I have the three water signs in a Grand Trine giving high intuition.
Although Sagitarious is a centaur and fits Chiron mithology, I feel chiron as an Scorpio energy, for his deep wound and regeneration.
chiron as an Scorpio energy