In What Sign is Chiron Domiciled?


New member
Ancient texts may disagree on the validity that Sagittarius is indeed depicted as a Horseman or double-bodied constellation.

Epitome 28. Archer THIS is the Archer, who is a Centaur according to most accounts. Others deny this, however, because he cannot be seen to be four-legged, but is standing upright and drawing a bow; and no Centaur ever made use of a bow. This is surely a man, but one who has the legs of a horse and a tail like that of the Satyrs.* That is why these find it hard to believe that this is a Centaur, but prefer to think that it is Crotos, the son of Eupheme,* nurse of the Muses.

Taken from "Constellation Myths: With Aratus's 'Phaenomena'":

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Well-known member
The Sagittarius centaur is entirely appropriate and represents the ruling of animal instincts by human rationality, and is also seen in the symbol of the arrow having passed through the barrier of emotion. The groundwork for this was done in the emotional sign of Scorpio in a previous life. Each of the water signs deals with birth in different forms, Scorpio with the overcoming of 'the law of the jungle' of Leo, and entry into spiritual adulthood of the personality.
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Well-known member
The Aquarian Age is established. The global axis has shifted to Ukraine an Aquarian country, away from Russia (Pisces) and other past-age countries such as the UK (Virgo, opposite of Pisces), whom Russia has a particular antipathy for. Also interesting to watch is the interaction between Belarus (Virgo) and Russia, in this case an ally. But most relevant to the outcome is the Pisces split within Russia between fighters at the front (Wagner), and bureaucrats in Moscow. This is the typical paradox within Pisces of the reality on the ground not corresponding wth the ultimate reality of Putin's ideology, and will continue to widen. The accidental release of water from the dam by Russia is another indicator of the opening split of the sign representing 'the Girl'. Overall air dominance is a decisive factor, and Ukraine acquiring advanced jets will indicate air superiority over water. The speed of these events gauges the movement of the Age.
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david starling

Well-known member
The Aquarian Age is established. The global axis has shifted to Ukraine an Aquarian country, away from Russia (Pisces).

What's your own astrological/astronomical method for determining the start-year for the sidereal Aquarian Age, if you don't mind saying?

I'm asking because there's so much disagreement about it.

There's also disagreement about Chiron, in regard to what sign it should be paired with.
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Well-known member
A reminder I am a 'seer' who sees things happening in a perspective related to astrological signs, there is no calculation needed. The reason is I have the three water signs in a Grand Trine giving high intuition.
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david starling

Well-known member
What's your own astrological/astronomical method for determining the start-year for the sidereal Aquarian Age, if you don't mind saying?

I'm asking because there's so much disagreement about it.

Since the thread is about Chiron, who was a mythological Centaur, there are two constellational Centaurs, one for the constellation Sagittarius and the other for "Centaurus", which isn't a zodiacal constellation.
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david starling

Well-known member
A reminder I am a 'seer' who sees things happening in a perspective related to astrological signs, there is no calculation needed. The reason is I have the three water signs in a Grand Trine giving high intuition.

I respect that. For me though, I want to see the Age-marker actually ingressing the Age-sign in a chart for the Age to have "officially" taken full effect. Although I believe it can begin having influence in the chart long in advance.

For example, I'm also highly intuitive, and I can feel the Sun transitioning from one sign to the next before the ingress actually occurs.

What's important is, we both can feel the power of the Ages to change things. If one ignores the Ages, one is missing an important astrological influence, imo.

Personally, I consider Chiron as being domiciled in Sagittarius, but not ruling it.
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Well-known member
A reminder I am a 'seer' who sees things happening in a perspective related to astrological signs, there is no calculation needed. The reason is I have the three water signs in a Grand Trine giving high intuition.
So you are not Skyscript "Paul" from Scotland? My fav horarist. Interesting what you say, as my husband also saw our future back in 1974 and again in 1980. I typed it all so I'd not forget it. Rather uncanny as it simply appeared as though from out of no-where (I didn't ask for it) He does not like to enter that stage of consciousness however, it just takes too much out of him he says - kind of like Cayce in otherwords. He did it for me, but would never for anyone else. He's far more (in a conscious state) methodical and science oriented.

automatic writing= His natal 12th house Scorpio (water ruled) Part of Spirit - Mercury 06Scorpio & Chiron 09Scorpio
Jupiter in Scorpio 1st house trine Moon in critical 29th deg. Cancer (water) 9th house trine Mars 9th house Cancer conj
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Well-known member
I have Jupiter in Scorpio in the 8th house. This magnification helps account for the ability to relate external events to a hidden astrological pattern.
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david starling

Well-known member
Although Sagitarious is a centaur and fits Chiron mithology, I feel chiron as an Scorpio energy, for his deep wound and regeneration.

I'm not sure it's domiciled in any one sign. I have Chiron in Scorpio, and it takes on Scorpio's qualities, as you so well describe them, in my own chart. But, it may entirely take on the qualities of whatever sign it's transiting.


Well-known member
chiron as an Scorpio energy

Chiron has healed his wound so is now Sagittarius, qualified to be tutor to others in healing their wounds, and guiding them across to the further shore. With perception every Sagittarius action can be seen as a life directive. Scorpio is the previous lifetime when the wounds are actually overcome. There is a progression of growth throughout the 12 signs one to the next, which are divided into three cycles in the triplicities. The 'law of the jungle' outlook of the Leo triplicity must be overcome in Scorpio to enter Sagittarius in the highest triplicity. Scorpions spend their time in the dark leaf litter underneath the jungle where they suddenly encounter, kill, or are killed, exercising a power which seems to come from above. The human Scorpio studies unseen patterns until they can transcend the law of the jungle.
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Well-known member
For me, it's domiciled in Virgo and Sagittarius, because both Virgo and Sagittarius have healing qualities, Virgo heals physically and Sagittarius heals spiritually, and it's more comfortable in Sagittarius than in Virgo because Chiron heals more spiritually than physically, since Chironic wounds are the spiritual wounds inside themselves, or have a new wound and feel that wound inside themselves for a long time, then they forgot it for a long time, then it emerges again for you to heal your soul wound that came from the physical wound that you've experienced. I have Chiron in 9th, natural house of Sagittarius and I've helped a lot of people to heal their own spiritual wounds, either in this forum, Reddit or any other kinds of social media, so it's very comfortable in Sagittarius/9th house, after all