You have ASC close to 0° of a Cardinal sign. Generally speaking that's good for achievement in life - especially if ASC is close to one of the equinoxes (0° ♎︎/♈︎), because in that case the MC will automatically be close to one of the solstices (0° ♋︎/♑︎). The equinoxes and solstices are the most powerful points of the zodiac, so when they're aligned with the angles, they can show people who'll make a difference in the world.
However, one thing that could prove problematic in your chart is the situation of ☽, ruler of the 10th house (career, job). It's weak in detriment (♑︎) and separating from △ of ☉ (good), □ of ♄ (bad), ⚹ of ♂ (good). What's more, the ☽ is applying to no other planet within the remainder of its current sign: meaning it's void of course (VOC).
From my experience, people with VOC ☽ in their natal charts often have problems finding long-term employment in their life, esp. if this ☽ is somehow connected to the 10th house. Such people are often passive, they tend to let themselves go and lack a clear direction. They might have fleeting or vague plans in life, but fail to actually attain them because they ain't putting in regular, continuous effort.
It's very unlikely that you'll be able to make a living with Youtube alone - this can be said even without looking at your birth chart, just based on statistics - but you can try it out. Youtube as a "career" is naturally ruled by ☿ (talking, being witty and funny) and ☽ (popularity, going with the hype/trends). Having already talked about the ☽, let's take a look at ☿.
Your ☿ is at the beginning of ♍︎, very well placed in terms of essential dignity. Plus, since it's slightly more than 15 zodiacal degrees in front of the ☉, it has apparently just made its heliacal rising as a morning star. This is good for job perspectives. However, the only thing that's not so nice about ☿ is that it's accidentally weakened by being placed on 12th cusp. So you might be qualified for talking, but public recognition or fame will be nevertheless difficult to attain.
Another potential "job" candidate in your chart likely is shown by ♂:
- ♂ is in domicile (♏︎) in the 2nd house of finances.
- It's in ⚹ with both ☽ and ☉, lying on the midpoint between them.
- Furthermore it's placed on the antiscion of ♃, natural ruler of wealth.
- Also, ♂ is conjunct the fixed star Zubeneschamali ("Northern Claw"), or Beta Librae at about 19° ♏︎. Zubeneschamali is also described as the North Scale of Libra (the Scales) - an instrument that's traditionally used for measuring coins and gold nuggets, amongst other things.
Position of fixed star Zubeneschamali within the constellation of Libra/the Scales: longitude ca. 19° ♏︎
(Tropical zodiac), latitude about 8,5° north of the ecliptic (at the northern fringe of the zodiac band). Cf. with position of planet ♂
which happens to be slightly south of the ecliptic.
- ♂ is lord of 7th (partner), and likewise natural ruler of men.
- Add also the fact that ♀ ruler of 8th (2nd from 7th = partner's finances) is placed on the 2nd cusp (native's finances).
I don't know about your relationship life - but taken together the chart seems to suggest that in the long term you'll profit by getting with a wealthy (male) partner who can support you. There's some chance that you'll "marry rich" some day. I keep my fingers crossed for you... there's nothing wrong with being an "unemployed", but wealthy housewife.