The only relationship horary question I can see that you asked recently is, "Will I meet my future wife this year?" If the answer is no, that doesn't mean there's no window of opportunity for a relationship. You could start a relationship with someone who doesn't end up being your future wife.
Not only that, "this year" is a very narrow time frame. Assuming you mean by the end of 2023, that's only two months away. Your astrological window of opportunity for a relationship will last longer than that.
If you get too fixated on the thing you want happening in a specific way and/or a specific time, that tends to drive away the very thing you want. You're closing yourself off to possibilities.
For that matter, if you start dating someone with the assumption in mind that she must end up marrying you, that will interfere with your ability to relate to her in an appropriate way for where the relationship is at. That in turn is likely to tank the relationship. Best to go into it with an open mind, ready to let what happens happen.
Only if you can do that are you ready for a relationship. No matter what window of opportunity seems to be open, astrologically, that opportunity won't manifest if you aren't ready.