I have had quite a few readers tell me my chart is primed for love this year, but is it really true? Even with all that squaring energy going on?


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update ice.png


Well-known member
Not really, since these readers thinks that the transiting Jupiter is in your 7th house, which is not, but rather the transiting Uranus is in your natal 7th house, which points to an unpredictable relationship life in this year (or you won't have any lovers this year, ans the first real lover will be eccentric and Aquarian). Also Vulkanus is trining back and forth to your natal Venus too, so you'll have a lover this year, but they're intense for you since Vulkanus intensifies things in a Martian-Solarian way, similar to Pluto (in a Martian-Venusian way).


Well-known member
Thank you for the response, I was left a little confused about your answer so is it likely if so what month? I mean there's only three more months left in the year.


Premium Member
I think they may be referring to transiting Saturn squaring the ruler of your 7th, Venus, this year. Your natal Venus exalts transiting Saturn. And you have natal Venus exalting Sat by square anyway, which may make you more receptive.
It's richly transformative in general for you with your signature Venus-Jup Mars Saturn angular t-square being triggered by transiting Saturn as you also approach your Saturn return very soon!


Staff member
Hard aspects by transit are what drives changes in the status quo, astrologically. Easy aspects don't. Transiting trines, and to some extent sextiles, are go with the flow aspects.

A new relationship, romantic or otherwise, is a change in the status quo. It takes some hard aspects for that.

Usually, you'll see some hard and some easy aspects at the same time. The hard aspects signal discomfort with or desire to change the status quo - in this case, your single status - which ultimately leads to change. The easy aspects provide you with support through that time of change. But if you were just having easy aspects by transit, the motivation to seek change or seize opportunities for it when they come wouldn't be there.


Well-known member
Thanks for the responses everyone, hopefully I can end this nightmarish year on a high note by meeting the love of my life and Xbox! :D


Well-known member
It's weird because what people have told me when I posted this in the horary section I got opposite answers of what I'm getting here.


Staff member
The only relationship horary question I can see that you asked recently is, "Will I meet my future wife this year?" If the answer is no, that doesn't mean there's no window of opportunity for a relationship. You could start a relationship with someone who doesn't end up being your future wife.

Not only that, "this year" is a very narrow time frame. Assuming you mean by the end of 2023, that's only two months away. Your astrological window of opportunity for a relationship will last longer than that.

If you get too fixated on the thing you want happening in a specific way and/or a specific time, that tends to drive away the very thing you want. You're closing yourself off to possibilities.

For that matter, if you start dating someone with the assumption in mind that she must end up marrying you, that will interfere with your ability to relate to her in an appropriate way for where the relationship is at. That in turn is likely to tank the relationship. Best to go into it with an open mind, ready to let what happens happen.

Only if you can do that are you ready for a relationship. No matter what window of opportunity seems to be open, astrologically, that opportunity won't manifest if you aren't ready.