How to Recognize Physical Beauty


Well-known member
Johnny Depp is another exception ;) he is too gorgeous, I don't care how old he is. Also, Jennifer Aniston's birth time was given an AA rating on The birth time source quotes her birth certificate (unless I'm wrong?). If we go with what you're saying and her birth time is wrong and that makes Venus opposite her ascendant, then that means Saturn probably won't be opposing her ascendant. In my opinion, I think she does give off the Saturn opposite ascendant vibe.


Well-known member
@Cypocryphy Here is my photo and my chart...I am wondering your comments cuz my venus has a lot of bad aspects also Venus is my moon sign significator :/

We have to work backward because it is already established that you are pretty. So the question is, "Why are you pretty?" You have Venus neither aspecting your ascendant nor the chart ruler. You also have Saturn afflicting your Venus via a square.

But—your Venus is strong. It is the strongest planet in your chart. It is exalted, at the zenith and in its triplicity. So the planet itself is going to have a strong effect on you. It also has a loose conjunction to the MC, and it forms a trine by sign to your ascendant.

You are a Venusian woman, through and through, and it is likely that because Venus dominates your chart, it need not form any of the classical configurations to beautify you.

I believe that is the reason. :smile:
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Other Examples

Paris Hilton


Not a double A score, but once again we have a woman who has her Venus sextile the ascendant and trine her chart ruler, which is Jupiter. It seems fitting . . . .

Laura Hutton


Laura Hutton, with a AA Rodden score, has Venus sextile to the Moon, which is her chart ruler. Neither of which are afflicted. Venus is in Libra, too.

Debra Winger


Debra aslo has a AA Rodden score. She has Libra rising, and her Venus forms a tight opposition to her ascendant.


Well-known member
@Cypocryphy Here is my photo and my chart...I am wondering your comments cuz my venus has a lot of bad aspects also Venus is my moon sign significator :/



I just wondered what you are doing for a profession/studying to become, as you have Venus conjunct your MC in the 10th. Plus its exalted. Are you in the hair/beauty industry or perhaps aspiring to become an actress?


Well-known member
Johnny Depp is another exception ;) he is too gorgeous, I don't care how old he is.

Yes! He is an exception! I have no answer for that other than noticing that men are not so prone to requiring Venus to be physically beautiful. Perhaps it is personality that you find so attractive and not necessarily his looks?

Here's a little secret about women that I just learned, about how they perceive physical beauty. Women look at power and wealth as being equivalent to good looks. In a recent study, women were asked to rate men on a scale of 1 to 10 on how good looking they are. After the men were ranked, women were asked to rank the men again, but this time they were privy to how much money each earned. The man who was a 9 made 25k a year and was a retail clerk. He went from a 9 to a 3. The man who was ranked a 3, the lowest of the lot, made 350k a year and was a CEO. The women then ranked him a 10. The women were asked to rank them solely on their physical appearance. :lol:

So my question to you is this: Are you really seeing Depp as the man or are you seeing Depp as the powerful movie star? I think I know the answer to that one! :wink:

Just as an aside, Venus is the strongest planet in his chart, much like Venus is for Gail. It is at the zenith, in its rulership and triplicity. It is unhampered by Saturn, which is functioning extremely well by sign and by mutual reception via face with Venus. No other planet is as powerful as Venus is in Depp's chart.

Nonetheless, anticipate a revision of my theory or, at least, a different theory for men. We'll have to see. I, however, need more charts.

Also, Jennifer Aniston's birth time was given an AA rating on The birth time source quotes her birth certificate (unless I'm wrong?).

Nope. You are right. I must have been thinking of someone else. I've been looking at heaps of these charts, so I might have had her confused with someone else.

I have been noticing special exceptions with those who have either Taurus or Libra rising. They seem to have a natural affinity toward physical beauty, so I think I need to give the signs more importance in their influence over the native.

Her Venus would be in opposition, however, if her birth time were adjusted a couple of minutes. I have heard of doctors and nurses recording birth times after the birth, perhaps anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, and then estimating how much time had elapsed and using that estimation to subtract from the current time.

Now these are sometimes catalogued on computer. The other issue is when is a baby officially born? Is it when the head comes out? When it first starts to cry?

If we go with what you're saying and her birth time is wrong and that makes Venus opposite her ascendant, then that means Saturn probably won't be opposing her ascendant. In my opinion, I think she does give off the Saturn opposite ascendant vibe.

What do you mean? If Venus opposes the ascendant, then so too would Saturn? It is not such a time difference that Saturn would move out of orb.
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Well-known member
Skillcoil said:
This thread is very ethnocentric. There are different standards of beauty throughout the world, the judgements in this thread really isn't valid outside of Western American beauty standards.

In terms of what this media promotes as attractive, what about Brad Pitt? He's often mentioned when people bring up male physical attractiveness and I don't see any of the aspects mentioned in his chart.

Aside from a few people scrambling to check their charts for an ego boost, what else can come from this thread?

Skillcoil brought up some interesting points, which should be addressed.

  • This thread is very ethnocentric. There are different standards of beauty throughout the world, the judgements in this thread really isn't valid outside of Western American beauty standards.

It is true that this thread is ethnocentric. But you should ask yourself why it is ethnocentric. There is a simple reason. Most of the information that I gather is based on (1) identifiable celebrities known for their physical beauty, (2) whether they are in's data base, and (3) whether they have an AA Rodden rating (or close to it at times), the latter of which is extremely important since we are using the ascendant as a focal point.

The ethnocentric and racial issue has resulted because of an extreme difficulty in finding beautiful celebrities who have a double A Rodden rating. I have looked for Beyonce, Vanessa Williams, Jada Smith, Iman, Naomi Campbell, Hard Kaur, Shruti Hassan, Konnie Huq, Yu Wexia, Michelle Yeoh, etc. They are either not in the data base or have such a poor Rodden rating as to be completely unreliable.

Are there different standards throughout the world? Yes, in a sense, but it is a misleading statement. Aside from various isolated cultures who engage in bizarre behavior, such as making a woman eat herself fat or having rings placed in increments around the neck of young girls until each one looks like a giraffe, beauty is the same. Look at India, China, Japan. The differences are mild. As I said in another post, and I will say it again: Physical beauty is geometry of the body, based on precise ratios with mild deviation. Noticing that someone is beautiful and another is ugly is as subjective as noticing that one shape is a circle and the other is a square.

  • In terms of what this media promotes as attractive, what about Brad Pitt? He's often mentioned when people bring up male physical attractiveness and I don't see any of the aspects mentioned in his chart.
If there is a common celebrity that should be mentioned, take it for granted that he or she is not here because none knows when he or she was born. And if that is not the case, then time is untrustworthy. Pitt's birth time is unknown.

  • Aside from a few people scrambling to check their charts for an ego boost, what else can come from this thread?

This is a good question. None will get an ego boost looking at a chart if no similar reflection is gleaned from a mirror. The underlying point of this thread is to (1) demonstrate one of the effects of Venus and, most importantly, (2) to show that astrology works, that it's not just loose thought association based on a random array of symbols, retroactively applied and manipulated to make anything out of everything.
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Well-known member
I just wondered what you are doing for a profession/studying to become, as you have Venus conjunct your MC in the 10th. Plus its exalted. Are you in the hair/beauty industry or perhaps aspiring to become an actress?

i am civil engineer but i wanna be an actress you re true...North Node,Venus,part of fortuna and Aphrodite conjunct with my MC..My astrologer says me that i will be an actress in 2015-2016.I do not know but now i am gonna start drama and cinema courses :) My heart tends to be famous actress that's why being beautiful is quite important for me :innocent:


Well-known member
I 've read an article about midpoints(heliocentric nodes).Venus and ASC midpoints is about to physical beauty too...And We should check Aphrodite,Helena(Helen),Bella,Galatea,Eros,Psyche,Astarte,Innanen, Ishtar,Hathor,Esther,Pan and Nymphe....

Another exceptions are Natalie Portman,Gisele Bundchen,Brooke Shields and Michelle Pfeiffer....

This is about Venus-Saturn hard aspects and celebrities....


Well-known member
Other Examples

As an explanation as to how I find these charts, I think of someone or wonder about someone who has been deemed physically beautiful. I then enter the name in and see if I get a hit. I sat here and thought of four new names, two men and two women. It is surprising how often random picks such as these (which is what I have been doing for the others) fall in line with the theory.

Katie Holmes


Katie's Venus is strong by house and squares her ascendant.

Rachel Hunter


The chart does not have an AA rating, but she is cusping it, and I believe a slight five minutes will make her chart ruler Mercury, which Venus forms a sextile to. She said there could have been a change of five minutes or more.

Paul Newman


Known as one of the most beautiful men in Hollywood, Newman's Venus forms a conjunction to the ascendant and forms a sextile to his chart ruler, which is Saturn.

Marlon Brando


Brando, the legend, has Venus in opposition to his ascendant.


Well-known member
I 've read an article about midpoints(heliocentric nodes).Venus and ASC midpoints is about to physical beauty too...And We should check Aphrodite,Helena(Helen),Bella,Galatea,Eros,Psyche,Astarte,Innanen, Ishtar,Hathor,Esther,Pan and Nymphe....

Another exceptions are Natalie Portman,Gisele Bundchen,Brooke Shields and Michelle Pfeiffer....

This is about Venus-Saturn hard aspects and celebrities....

Thank you for the tip, Gail! I have to check these out now.

Neptune Rising

Well-known member
I agree with Zarathu in that this view of beauty seems to be a little less than objective. For example, Sean Connery being an exception to the rule in that , he doesn't have Venus aspecting the ascendant. As another poster pointed out, it depends on what you find attractive (as in the women/money study). He has Saturn on the ascendant strong in Capricorn, seems very apt for a strong, masculine man to play the sophisticated character of James Bond, very Saturn in Capricorn, very dignified, very respectable, very authoritative, which some women, and men, may indeed find attractive. I certainly do, with Saturn in my 7th house, I look up to men with status, power and respect. Plus Johnny Depp, but he is indeed different....


Well-known member
i think Venus square,conjunct or opposite Saturn gives marked bone stracture. Example; Angelina Jolie,Natalie Portman, Gisele Bündchen, Johnny Depp...


Well-known member
Pamela Anderson: Venus/Saturn=Pluto, As/MC=Venus/Pluto

Jennifer Aniston: Asc. (Venus) – Saturn, Venus//Saturn, Venus quindecile Pluto, Venus quindecile Ascendant.

Gwyneth Paltrow: Venus-Saturn, Venus/Saturn=Ascendant, As/MC=Venus/Pluto

Angelina Jolie: Venus//Saturn, Venus-Ascendant, Venus/Saturn=Venus/Jupiter, Venus/Pluto=Saturn

Elizabeth Taylor: Venus-Pluto, Venus/Saturn=Ascendant, Saturn/Pluto=Ascendant

Penelope Cruz: Saturn-Pluto, Venus/Saturn=Venus/Pluto, Venus/Pluto=Venus/Mars

Tyra Banks: Venus in Capricorn, Pluto in Libra, Venus#Saturn, Venus#Ascendant, Saturn-Pluto, Venus/Pluto=Ascendant, Saturn/Pluto=MC

Nicole Kidman: Venus-Saturn, Venus//Pluto, Saturn/Pluto=Venus

Jessica Alba: Saturn Libra, Pluto Libra, Venus/Saturn=Pluto, Saturn/Pluto=Asc

Gail: Venus-Saturn, Venus-Pluto, Venus//Pluto, Venus/Saturn=Venus, Venus/Saturn=Pluto, Asc/MC=Venus/Saturn, Asc/MC=Saturn, Asc/MC=Pluto, Asc/MC=Venus, Venus/Pluto=Saturn/Pluto


Very interesting, Bas! :biggrin: And I think Gail will find your assessment of her midpoints between those three planets very interesting.


Well-known member
I 've read an article about midpoints(heliocentric nodes).Venus and ASC midpoints is about to physical beauty too...And We should check Aphrodite,Helena(Helen),Bella,Galatea,Eros,Psyche,Astarte,Innanen, Ishtar,Hathor,Esther,Pan and Nymphe....

Another exceptions are Natalie Portman,Gisele Bundchen,Brooke Shields and Michelle Pfeiffer....

This is about Venus-Saturn hard aspects and celebrities....

Actually, none of these are exceptions. Portman does not have a birth time, there is something interesting about her time, which I will share.


Well-known member
Other Examples​

Gail mentioned some exceptions, but it appears they are not exceptions at all.

Natalie Portman


Portman does not have a birth time, so we cannot know where her ascendant, which also means that the ruler of the chart is undeterminable. Nevertheless, a planet this is of primary importance in her chart is Mercury since the Sun and Moon are both ruled by Mercury. The Mercurial influence is drastically augmented by a tight conjunction with Venus. Venus is square to Saturn, but Saturn is in a very good condition, being exalted and conjunct Jupiter, the latter of which also aspects Venus and Mercury.

Brooke Shields


Brooke's Venus is strong and forms a square to her ascendant.

Michelle Pfeiffer


Michelle's Venus is strong in the chart despite an aspect from Saturn, and it squares her ascendant. Saturn is not in a condition to harm Venus so as to weaken its influence on Pfeiffer.

Gisele Bundchen


Bundchen's Venus aspects the ruler of her chart.


Well-known member
I did my research and found that these people didn't have the Venus link either :joyful: There's Marilyn Monroe, Liv Tyler, Kirsten Dunst, Jennifer Lopez, Evan Rachel Wood, Ann Sheridan and Catherine Zeta-Jones :smile:
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Well-known member
Okay. I am working on something at the moment, so I'll post the charts later. But I will discuss some of the charts.

Jennifer Lopez's birth time is unknown, so I won't even speculate.

Marylyn Monroe, however, has a AA rating, but her birth time is exactly 9:30. Granted that she could have been born exactly at 9:30, I nonetheless find it suspect and that the time was probably rounded off or an approximation. Sometimes nurse and doctors make a guess after the birth of the child. But if you look at her chart, her Venus is making a trine to the ascendant by sign. And a difference of approximately 25 minutes would allow for a nice square to her ascendant. And, interestingly, it is one of those situations where it is a square coming from Aries to Leo, making it a trine/square

Next, Zeta-Jones' birth time is from memory, but even then, her Venus forms a trine with the ascendant. It has a wide orb, but then again, her time is from memory and might not be accurate.

Liv Tyler's birth time is from memory. But it is within minutes of forming a trine to her chart ruler, which is the Moon. That is minutes.

I'll look at the others later, and I'll try to post these charts so people can see.

Regardless, I appreciate the exceptions that you are finding. :happy: This is still very much a theory, so reworking the theory is going to be necessary. And you are definitely helping in that area!

Just out of curiosity, is your birth time from your birth certificate?
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Well-known member
When using midpoints method (45 degrees orb 2.30) much becomes clear.

In charts of "physical Beauty" women; also connections from :venus: - :saturn: - :pluto: connected to...

Ascendant, Midheaven, Equatorial Ascendant
Venus/Equatorial Asc.


.. points to attractiveness.

Often this is already indicated by the "Venus link" !

This is really interesting. :smile: Thank you for sharing!

I've been thinking about it and am curious as to what led you to connect Venus, Saturn and Pluto with physical beauty? What is it about Pluto do you think lends itself to symbolizing beauty?


Well-known member
Skillcoil brought up some interesting points, which should be addressed.

It is true that this thread is ethnocentric. But you should ask yourself why it is ethnocentric. There is a simple reason. Most of the information that I gather is based on (1) identifiable celebrities known for their physical beauty, (2) whether they are in's data base, and (3) whether they have an AA Rodden rating (or close to it at times), the latter of which is extremely important since we are using the ascendant as a focal point.

The ethnocentric and racial issue has resulted because of an extreme difficulty in finding beautiful celebrities who have a double A Rodden rating. I have looked for Beyonce, Vanessa Williams, Jada Smith, Iman, Naomi Campbell, Hard Kaur, Shruti Hassan, Konnie Huq, Yu Wexia, Michelle Yeoh, etc. They are either not in the data base or have such a poor Rodden rating as to be completely unreliable.

Are there different standards throughout the world? Yes, in a sense, but it is a misleading statement. Aside from various isolated cultures who engage in bizarre behavior, such as making a woman eat herself fat or having rings placed in increments around the neck of young girls until each one looks like a giraffe, beauty is the same. Look at India, China, Japan. The differences are mild. As I said in another post, and I will say it again: Physical beauty is geometry of the body, based on precise ratios with mild deviation. Noticing that someone is beautiful and another is ugly is as subjective as noticing that one shape is a circle and the other is a square.

There are millions of beautiful ethnic women you could have included, you need to be comprehensive in your research so that your conclusions are more generalizable. The site has the charts of many famous Bollywood and Hollywood stars with precise birth times. This site also rates the quality of birth data and is very useful.