How did you get into astrology?


Well-known member
My adopted mum liked astrology, and she taught me basic sun-sign astrology when I was 8 years old, after I had learned basic Greek mythology.

We would read encylopaedias and books with fanciful pictures of the sun signs, the archetypes, so I could imagine them.

I looked at these books around the same time I was playing with tarot cards and trying to understand their meanings.

I started becoming much more interested in astrology at around 13 years old, and drew my birth chart by hand at around 14, and learned how to use astrology software (especially SolarFire)

My books were heavily used, so I mostly looked on the Internet and software from age 16, from 2008 onwards

I abandoned tarot around 2010, it was too random

david starling

Well-known member
Geez... It was the late 60’s. What a question to ask someone from the Love generation! I chose my spouse through astrology and am still married 50 years later. Everybody knew about astrology in 1967-71! Anybody worth knowing, anyhow.

We also couldn't help knowing about the "dawning" of the Age of Aquarius! The vision was of the future, but disappointingly interpreted as being immediate, or very soon to manifest. Wish we didn't know now what we didn't know then. :crying:


Well-known member
We also couldn't help knowing about the "dawning" of the Age of Aquarius! The vision was of the future, but disappointingly interpreted as being immediate, or very soon to manifest. Wish we didn't know now what we didn't know then. :crying:
There was also that huge Aquarius stellium back in February of 1962!


Premium Member
Curiosity. I went for a astrological reading (I was in my 30's) and wondered how he could make such predictions or know aspects about me that I hardly knew about myself. He thought I should study astrology and pointed to teachers that no longer were teaching so I went it alone. People around me were not supportive but I had an inter-drive to discover its secrets. One of my most powerful moments was asking a horary when my package would arrive from UPS? As I looked at the chart I read it to say it would arrive any minute. Sure enough within 15 mins. the package arrive and I was a believer.
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Well-known member
Were you there in Dr. Farr's living room when he first unboxed the astrolabe that his mom got him for St. Patrick's Day? 🙂
weren't we all :)



Hello, my name is Magnolia. I joined Astrology 12 years ago, and I specialized in sexstrology. The interest was born in the course of psychology, where I decided to seek the sources of sexology in ancient traditions, reaching astrology. Today I serve in a professional center, about 5 to 9 people per day.


Well-known member
Hello, my name is Magnolia. I joined Astrology 12 years ago, and I specialized in sexstrology. The interest was born in the course of psychology, where I decided to seek the sources of sexology in ancient traditions, reaching astrology. Today I serve in a professional center, about 5 to 9 people per day.
Fascinating, let's talk sometime!

Start a thread or message me anytime :geek:

Forgotten Warrior

Well-known member
Perhaps my story is not as interesting as many of the others, but I discovered astrology when I was 14, when I found out you are more than just your Sun sign. I felt called out to it. And to this day, it's an ongoing passion for me.