Hello...and greetings to all here

Hi, I am new here...and very glad to found this forum. I want to introduce myself a bit.
I have an Aquarian Sun/ Conj. AQAsc , Merkur and Saturn in 12.th house Aquarian too, , an Uranus 7.th house at the DC- so this is a (very) lot of uranian/aquarian energy. Moon in Sag./9 th house.
I am happy to be here ...:innocent:
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Well-known member
Hallo fellow Aqua,:)

Glad to have you around here, and hope you will like it.
Let me leave you with a welcome note that should guide you about here a bit.

Viel Spass und viele Gruesse,


Well-known member
Hello Aquarius29! I also would like to welcome you also to this Forum.
I am from Berlin, Germany.
And I was born in Holland but did not live there very long. I now live in Switzerand.

I do hope you will enjoy your stay with us and should you have any questions, you can PM one of the moderators for advice.

Cheers, Starlink:smile:


Well-known member
Hello and welcome. This is a beautiful Forum with many nice people around. A right place for learning.

Best regards
Hi guys and gals,

I am new here too, I hope this message finds you well!

Just to introduce myself, I am Mystic Saz :wink: and I have a great interest in Astrology and ways in which to understand and learn it for myself. I am over the moon to have found this forum with like minded people.

I think you will be hearing a lot from me now that I've found this site!!

Mystic Saz :biggrin:

P.S: It's freezing here at the mo I hope it's better where you are!