Have you ever seen a chart without bad aspects?


Well-known member
A chart with only trines,sextiles or conjunctions.No squares or oppositions.No debilitated planets or anything negative.Something like a perfect chart.Is that possible?Just out of curiosity,what would be the result of such a chart in someone's life?


Well-known member
Lost Spirit, that is hardly possible as there are always some minor aspects to find. Just the same, I think, if the conjunctions would also between good planets, then the person lacks enormous amount of push, initiative, drive, you name it. It would, I think, be very detrimental.

I have once done a chart for a brother and sister. Believe it or not, the girl had only hard aspects, the boy soft aspects. I am talking about traditional aspects only now, not about semi this or that which also were present, but hardly. He committed suicide. The girl is successful. It was the most interesting astrological experience I ever had.


Staff member
A chart with only trines,sextiles or conjunctions.No squares or oppositions.No debilitated planets or anything negative.Something like a perfect chart.Is that possible?Just out of curiosity,what would be the result of such a chart in someone's life?

I had a friend who always seemed to be causing trouble among the group. She instigated a lot of drama between the girls by telling each one what the others would say about them, but she would really stir the pot, and even started some of the conversations herself.:devil:
Also, she complained endlessly about everything. Nothing made her happy or satisfied. She did not like the car her parents bought her for her birthday, and complained about it endlessly, while driving the other 'carless' girls around.
She was seemingly insensitive to others situations as well. She was a very pretty girl, but would complain endlessly about one pimple, like it was the end of the world, and even in the presence of someone with severe acne, she would loudly obsess over a blemish on her perfect face. :unsure:
The friends eventually froze this girl out and did not want her around anymore. I ran into her Mother one day and expected her to ask me about the situation, but instead she apologized for her daughters behavior, and worried that they might have spoiled her, even though her other kids showed no similarity in temperament. I seized the moment to get the correct birth time.
The one main thing that I remember, and it shocked me at the time, was that there were no major afflictions. No squares or oppositions, no malefic conjunctions. She had a massive air grand trine, and Neptune sextile Pluto.
:rightful:The ONLY hard aspect was a semi-square from the moon to her asc. So I guess she just made a huge big deal out of every little thing and needed to do so for the drama effect.


Well-known member
That's interesting!:happy:
So I guess having a "soft" chart with not many afflictions gives someone things easily in life and finally spoils him making him very sensitive about everything he has to face through life!Hmm...


Staff member
That's interesting!:happy:
So I guess having a "soft" chart with not many afflictions gives someone things easily in life and finally spoils him making him very sensitive about everything he has to face through life!Hmm...

Yes. It often prepares the person for 'nothing'.
One often sees huge wonderful grand trines in people who cruise easily through high school, being popular, having a great time, no problema. But if there are no hard aspects, like squares. oppositions or at least inconjuncts, then there are no motivating factors. And these people may end up hanging out, chilling, playing video games LOONNNGG after their friends have moved on with their lives, and gone to off to war, off to college, been married , moved to Europe etc.

" If it ain't broken, don't fix it" ---so people without afflictions in their natals are not usually ready for self introspection and improvement. When they begin to get their hard Saturn transits they sometimes fall apart. :crying:


wouldn't that then fall into the very purpose of the saturn tranist? Kind of like someone yelling "Hey idiot! Your wrong!" if they have been, or kind of like an omonious dictator figure inspecting everything you've done so far?

[deleted swear - Moderator]
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Staff member
wouldn't that then fall into the very purpose of the saturn tranist? Kind of like someone yelling "Hey idiot! Your wrong!" if they have been, or kind of like an omonious dictator figure inspecting everything you've done so far?

Absolutely. But if the native has a Moon / Saturn square, and all of his life he has had to work through being called out like that, then Saturn opposed Saturn is just another bump in the road. He deals and moves on.
The pretty, and popular prom queen , with no natal squares , goes off to college and has a hard time dealing with being just another pretty face. If she has her closing Saturn square, while away from home, she may not get through it. She may not be prepared for dealing with rejection, or being called out. Nobody has yelled "HEY idiot you're wrong" right in her face before, so it is a real test. If she has NO natal afflctions, she may not have the inner motivation or drive to even WANT to deal with this turmoil. Why not just go back home and chill with the ones who love her like she is. WHY CHANGE?

Challenging aspects force changes. Trines /sextiles go with the flow.

[deleted swears - Moderator]
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Well-known member
Yes without our square, oppositions and some conjunctions we do not gain strength and progress. It is best to see them as challenging and many of them can be turned into easy aspects. THose without challenges cannot survive when some negative event happens but those with the harder aspects are the ones to succeed in life. Saturn in particular makes us strong in dealing with the harsh facts and realities of life and maturing.


Well-known member
I find that with some sextiles and trines for instance, that they never get utilised and can be taken for granted. It may be where we have dealt with the issues in the past and can use and fall back on the talents that they represent and the opportunities. A karmic reward if you like for our past progress.


Well-known member
Everyone has afflictions even if as life progresses with the transits and progressions.
A person may be born with an "easy" chart, not that I have seen one without some conflcits, but they sooner or later will deal with adversity.


Well-known member
I think that the key word in every chart is AWARENESS. The stronger the Mercury is, well aspected with the Sun or even AC (I think), a nice Uranus - Sun aspect also...
Anything that could help a person to be aware of his weaknesses and deviations. Strong Saturn to ``slow a person down`` when it is needed...

So even with a ``chalenging chart`` you can overcome the obstacles and make the best of it.
I also believe that only ``positive aspects`` are never enough. They can even make a person to over - relax and wait for things to come by themself (which is never the case...).

Best r


Well-known member
A chart with only trines,sextiles or conjunctions.No squares or oppositions.No debilitated planets or anything negative.Something like a perfect chart.Is that possible?Just out of curiosity,what would be the result of such a chart in someone's life?

Yes. Plenty of them. Even the oppositions and squares and conjunctions were not bad aspects. Remember they are not harsh all the time, it is all in how you use them in life! Really :smile:


Staff member
If you only include the normal planets i have a chart without the "bad aspects". Except I have Pluto Opposite Midheaven and Midheaven Square Sun. I'm not sure what my "result" is from that?

And if the "posetive" aspects are involved with Mars i think there might be a better chance for action? :)


Exactly, having a well aspected Mars could help tremendously. But I think your saviour is those Midheaven Squares. Without those there might not be much drive or initiative shown.

Do you think you have an 'easy' life overall?


Staff member
I did once see a chart on another astrology forum posted by a woman with no harsh aspects, unless you count conjunctions. She was very unhappy however. I think transits and progressions tell the tale.

People with tough charts can turn out to be wonderful people, if early in life they learn how to deal with adversity in constructive ways. With an easy chart, the native is not "hard wired" to respond to adversity, so that when it hits them, they haven't developed a lot of coping skills.

Grand trines involving stellia would seem to offer easy lives, but sometimes these people become dissatisfied later in life. Why get off the living room couch if life is going to go reasonably OK, regardless? They didn't apply to university or learn the job skills commensurate with their talents. Sometimes the tight squares goad people to develop the energies indicated by the involved planets in productive ways.


Well-known member
Here's my cousin's chart....
No squares or oppositions, no trines either.



Well-known member
I have once done a chart for a brother and sister. Believe it or not, the girl had only hard aspects, the boy soft aspects. I am talking about traditional aspects only now, not about semi this or that which also were present, but hardly. He committed suicide. The girl is successful. It was the most interesting astrological experience I ever had.

Interesting you should mention that. When I was first introduced to T-squares, I thought "yikes!"... especially since I have several squares and a Mars/Pluto/Saturn T-square. Thought I was up a creek. But over time I've noticed that the T-square helps in my combating the disadvantages of my Pisces rising (that being people taking advantage of you very easily). Over time, I noticed even people older than me starting to feel intimidated by me, which wasn't really my goal.... it was simply not to be taken advantage of. Now I just have to figure out what my Jupiter/Neptune and Venus/Neptune squares mean, lol.


Well-known member
Actually, Poshlob, there are a couple important oppositions there:
Venus opposite Ascendant
Saturn opposite Ascendant

Those are pretty strong aspects, not as strong as say moon opposite sun or something like that, but I also have a Saturn OPP Asc and it's a bit of a rough aspect. However it can be very rewarding if overcome.


Well-known member
I did, it was massively made of positive aspects, kinda like the one posted above by poshslob.

The person in question is a very sensitive person, I wouldn't say their life was easy, but it wasn't a tragedy either.

I feel there's a bit of conformism or commodism in the attitude. And also, a very lonely person, the chart is heavy on the 8th house.


Well-known member
I have actually seen quite many charts, that in my opinion, were pretty "easy".

One example that I have, is this one guy at my work. He has some oppositions, but mainly the chart is full of trines and some sextiles. One word that would descripe him, is "lazy". He is a under achiever in everything he does - marriage, school, work, his arts, you name it. He just does not seem to bother to do much work - maybe it's because he has always got his way or found his way out in some crazy way from the situations that he has caused by his lazyness, so he does not bother to change his behaviour. He is quite artistic, but he does not challenge himself at all - he just draws the basic things all over again and stays very mediocre only because he does not PUSH.

Maybe that's the problem indeed with too many sextiles and trines - the pushing effect, the urge, the need to change is just not there.


Well-known member
Poshslob- that chart is the tightest "bundle" chart I have ever seen.
I'm wondering what went on her life when Saturn squared his Scorpio Planets, and now with Saturn square her Sagittarius planets? HOw did he deal with those squares?

Katydid was right when she said that having a soft chart prepares you for nothing.
However, if your life is easy because you have no financial or emotional turmoil, then usually things don't get dicey till the Saturn return, which will be when Saturn returns to Scorpio in the future.
She seems to have the chart of a woman totally protected by family in all ways...a powerful mother & a successful father. I assume she is married?
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