A chart with only trines,sextiles or conjunctions.No squares or oppositions.No debilitated planets or anything negative.Something like a perfect chart.Is that possible?Just out of curiosity,what would be the result of such a chart in someone's life?
I had a friend who always seemed to be causing trouble among the group. She instigated a lot of drama between the girls by telling each one what the others would say about them, but she would really stir the pot, and even started some of the conversations herself.
Also, she complained endlessly about everything. Nothing made her happy or satisfied. She did not like the car her parents bought her for her birthday, and complained about it endlessly, while driving the other 'carless' girls around.
She was seemingly insensitive to others situations as well. She was a very pretty girl, but would complain endlessly about one pimple, like it was the end of the world, and even in the presence of someone with severe acne, she would loudly obsess over a blemish on her perfect face.
The friends eventually froze this girl out and did not want her around anymore. I ran into her Mother one day and expected her to ask me about the situation, but instead she apologized for her daughters behavior, and worried that they might have spoiled her, even though her other kids showed no similarity in temperament. I seized the moment to get the correct birth time.
The one main thing that I remember, and it shocked me at the time, was that there were no major afflictions. No squares or oppositions, no malefic conjunctions. She had a massive air grand trine, and Neptune sextile Pluto.
The ONLY hard aspect was a semi-square from the moon to her asc. So I guess she just made a huge big deal out of every little thing and needed to do so for the drama effect.