Has my boyfriend log in to my email and read what he shouldn't?


Well-known member
Hi all,

I have given my boyfriend the password of my Facebook for setting up of something, and my email account shares the same password.

He asked me various weird questions today like, "Have you ever smoked?" "Has your ex been contacting you?" "Has he ever written you a love letter?"

Indeed I received an email from my ex 2 weeks ago but I haven't figured out how to deal with it yet so I lied to my boyfriend that I didn't.

After that, he replied me "I hope you would always tell me the truth and I wish I could face every thing with you." It seems awkward to me cause he seems to know the answers.

My boyfriend had previously peeked through my MSN conversation history as well as my cell phone messages while I was taking a shower so I doubt he did log into my email account by stealth once he knew my account password.

I am not very good at 3rd house issues but I am trying to interpret:

1st house represents me, ruler Jupiter lies in 3rd house, meaning I am having a concern with the email issue. Mercury Rx, 7th house ruler, which means my boyfriend, he is in his rulership which empowers him, having a sextile with Uranus, but at the same time squaring Jupiter, going to have a conflict with me. I am not sure if this means he has already had all the answers in his mind and started to place his suspicious on me. Maybe he feels sick towards my dishonesty?

However, Mercury is placed under a cadent house, which does not seem to be a fair position. (6th house, yes, I just knew he is physically sick at the moment) And he is moving backwards to Taurus, soon losing his empowerment in Gemini. He said he would forgive what I've done in the past and hope I won't lie to him anymore in future. Maybe he knows it's inappropriate to check someone's privacy so he will not look into the thing in detail? (I am not planning to admit it anyway...)

Moon lies on asc, just finished a square with Saturn(ruler of 3rd), moving forward into the 1st house from the 12th house (my secrets), and will be squaring Uranus very soon as well(co-ruler of 3rd). This would give me an answer of yes, he has read through my emails and know the answers.

But since Mercury isn't really having contacts with either Saturn or the moon. I am not sure if my above interpretations are correct, maybe I am overly worried and I had a wrong assumption? Can anyone help?

I know I shouldn't be lying, but I didn't expect he would have a chance to glance through my inbox and maybe I should just tell him the truth?


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Well-known member
Narcissus, it sound absolutely as if he did look into your affairs. Why did you not just tell him that your ex boyfriend did write but that you dont know what to do with it? Then ask him if he read your mails! See if he tells you the truth!!

In Horary, a retrograde planet often signifies the thief, especially when the question points to such a thing. Your friend is ruled by a retrograde Mercury, oh yes, I do believe he has been the "thief" of your mails no doubt.

Just tell him the truth and ask for his!



Well-known member
Hi Starlink,

Thanks for your reply.
Actually I'm pretty sure that he had looked through my mails from the questions he had asked. Want to see a "NO" from the chart but it seems all the evidences are pointing to a "YES". But I just don't know how to tell him the truth for I've been denying for quite a few times today when he asked.

I don't like him checking up all my privacy when I give him my passwords with respect, but at the same time I am too timid to speak it up. It's been so many times I have discovered him checking my mails or conversation history.


Well-known member
If you love someone or something, let go of it.
I like this quote Narcissus. I wanted to PM you but do not seem to be able to do it. Has happened before, very weird, must ask Radu why this is.
What I want to say is that you just should tell him. Dont be afraid of his reaction, he must feel just as bad for having misused your confidence. He seems a jealous sort of man. Timidness will not bring you rewards in a relationship, only abuse, believe me. If he blows up and leaves, wait if he comes back. Then you know he is for you.If not, it never was and you are the better for it. Walking around with these feelings inside is not healthy either.


Well-known member
Hi Starlink,

He confessed this morning that he had checked my email account and blamed me for my dishonesty.
I didn't really know what to say. I told him I didn't like having someone checking my email inbox without letting me know, and at the same time apologized for my deceitfulness. We were both silence afterward and I don't know what I should do next.... I know he will not give me up but at the moment I don't have the courage to stand in front of him for I had been lying to him....


Well-known member
Very happy to hear all is out in the open! You can say that , because of the insignificance of that other boyfriend, you did not want to upset him by telling him about it, knowing he is a bit jealous maybe?
I don't have the courage to stand in front of him for I had been lying to him....
He has lied as well, dont kid yourself! Just let it die down a bit, all will be well. Always talk, talk, talk, it is the only way to keep a relationship open and healthy.:)


Well-known member
Hi starlink,

I am now talking with him about the issues...Yes, I told him that I didn't know what to do about the ex's email and I had planned not to reply to it. Also I told him that I am in concern about his negative feelings if I let him know the truth.

What bothers me most was that he asked me if I have ever smoked before. I denied, but in my email inbox there was an email from my ex 4 years ago had mentioned about I did smoke for a short period before.

He was so angry about my denial and dishonesty. I don't know how to explain why I lied to him....sigh


Well-known member
Ai ai ai Narcissus, you do get yourself in a tiff hé? Lesson learned!! and sure all will be forgotten soon. Just promise you learned from your mistake and always will tell him the truth, no matter how painful!! and hopefully he will never breach your confidence anymore either :)


Well-known member
Hi Starlink,

I promised him that I will never lie to him again and he said he will not look into my accounts anymore. He did say he wanted to let go of the relationship cause he couldn't tolerate his mate lying to him, but he loves me much and was reluctant to leave me. So we're fine now, I just need to take some time to make him forget the thing..

Thank you very much and it's been so nice chatting with you. You're such a good astrologer who helps the querents really to look into the problems but also provides comfort and suggestions.

Once again, I'm amazed by the how accurate horary charts could be. It seems that almost 90% of time I casted charts they told all the fact accurately if they were interpreted correctly.