harvest from crops-which house.


Well-known member
If you wish to know what house rules the harvest from your crops where would you look. The crops are moveable so to speak as they are in pots, so would the crops be second house of goods? And which house would be the harvest- would it be the crops turned first? the charts radical third. Any help here would be most appreciated.


Premium Member
I asked my boyfriend he does weather and farming prediction. He normally used 5th as the seed and 6th as the harvest. Virgo/6th is the house of Harvest.


Premium Member
I thought about this as I walked. 4th is the womb, the soil and the Mother Earth (1st child in female chart is the 4th), 5th (1st child in male chart) then harvesting in 6th which is Virgo and the start of Autumn.

dr. farr

Well-known member
The use of the agricultural Parts (Lots), which cover numerous types of crops (wheat, barley, beans, onions, etc etc) can be of much use in making such estimations-you'll find a pretty complete list in al-Biruni's "Introduction to the Elements of Astrology"...a discussion of application of such Parts is to be found in Zoller's "The Arabic Parts"...

dr. farr

Well-known member
In Traditional astrology Saturn is ruler (significator) of agriculture, farming, and crops (particularly grains); in general the 4th house was used as significator for farming, farm lands and their production-however, harvest crops can be looked at from various perspectives and so different houses might need to be taken as specific significators-maybe that's why the agricultural Lots (Parts) came into play (around the 8th century AD, during the Islamic transitional era)...


Well-known member
If you wish to know what house rules the harvest from your crops where would you look. The crops are moveable so to speak as they are in pots, so would the crops be second house of goods? And which house would be the harvest- would it be the crops turned first? the charts radical third. Any help here would be most appreciated.
The 6th house has a connection with farming and crops generally http://www.skyscript.co.uk/temples/h6.html
I asked my boyfriend he does weather and farming prediction. He normally used 5th as the seed and 6th as the harvest. Virgo/6th is the house of Harvest.
2nd house significations include:

'....earnings and all issues concerning wealth or of a financial nature. The manner of attaining wealth (note sign on cusp, planetary ruler and its condition). Personal goods and belongings, assets, income, gain, money lent to others, profit (or loss when afflicted)....'

Pots contain earth :smile:


4th house significations include: '....Farming, agriculture and any occupation that is concerned with tending the land is relevant here....'

10th house significations include: '....
Employment, profession or trade...'


Well-known member
My question certainly has opened quite a debate on this subject. Thankyou to poyi for your answer and to all who are participating. I always try to follow Frawleys methods and simplify. This is why the pots, to me, represent your second house of goods. They belong to you and are your possesion. Just as the tenth house represents the "profit" from your ninth house of learning, I would have thought the third so to speak would represent your "harvest" profit. Does that make sense? But after thinking about poyi's answer I also realised could the fifth house represent your "creation" ie. your pots, something you have planted and nurtured and watch grow to fruition. And therefore the sixth could represent your "harvest". This could align with poyi's answer right enough.


Premium Member
My boyfriend works with farmers to predict weather and harvest which is why I asked him. Only that he doesn't come to the forum now as he doesn't have the time to do free anlaysis. I think it should work. The result of the afford you put in for hobby even, the product of your nurturing as you said should also be 6th house being the 2nd of 5th. Tell us if you find consistency with your reading in the future.


Well-known member
Unless your pots are seen as "moveable resources" I don't think they should be placed in the 2nd. Your primary interest is in what the pots will produce, not as a resource (such as gold, jewelry held for its value, a means to attain more personal liberty. They are not (I don't think) seen as "assets" by you, but instead are "utilitarian" and primarily 6th House.

The choice of a house for the quesited often involves one's perspective on them, or their state of develpment.

The Sixth is the house of "crops" in the sense that they provide us with something necessary or useful, and that use is a primary feature of the crop. Your crop, while it sits in the field soaking up water and sunshine (amber waves of grain) can be seen as 4th House, but the grain in the granary, used to make tomorrow's bread and feed the 4th House family, is Sixth. (In my opinion).

Did you cast a planting chart for your crop? Did you pay attention to the phase of the Moon? If a crop is grown for its flower buds, seeds, fruits, etc., (sunflowers, corn) then planting on the burgeoning Moon is good. Root crops generally like to be planted on the wane.


Premium Member
Gardening with moon phase is a huge thing. Analysing the sign and phase is actually an ancient method of promoting better crops while weather prediction is extremely essential when it comes to large crops. But then yours is in pots weather is less important also if you use artificial light and greenhouse but the timing of planting the seed according the harmony with the moon sign and cycle actually are very interesting and valuable information to consider.
See this agricultural post:




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Lilly used the 4th for agriculture:

CAII p. 558

It rules land, the quality and nature of the ground, (whether it is fertile, swampy, woody, stony or barren), and all buildings and structures on it - the property of the home as well as the emotional environment.
Farming, agriculture and any occupation that is concerned with tending the land is relevant here

Henry Coley, Lilly's true friend and one Lilly mentored claims that money made from crops is the 5th, the 2nd of the 4th: Lilly does NOT emphasize this.

Lilly list no harvest queries but cattle related exist in CA.

Like Deb Houlding shows there is a 6th house relationship here!



Well-known member
Harvest and crops is a physical matter belonging to the earth element because it's about the cycle of agriculture and the products that come out of the earth.

Taurus is the beginning of physical growth in the spring when growth first comes out of the earth, Capricorn brings the decline of the physical when the products of the earth return back into the earth and hibernate.

Exactly halfway in between the new growth of Taurus and the old and decline of Capricorn comes the perfect physical balance of Virgo which is neither too young nor too old, never too much or too little, always exactly right and just so, the absolute physical health and order, and the moment when the products of the earth are ready for the harvest. Virgo is when the fruit of the earth has reached its ultimate perfection and is still pure and untouched, like the virgin. But since the physical state of Virgo is trans-mutable, so this moment of physical perfection cannot possibly last - if the fruit is picked that perfect physical balance is lost, or even if it is not picked it is lost anyway - because when something reaches perfection the growth can go no further, when the physical peak is reached the decline of Capricorn must begin.

Capricorn is the reaper and brings the winding down of the physical cycle after the perfect fruit of Virgo has been picked and the harvest has been reaped. Note that at the very moment when the very end comes it also marks a new beginning, as it is with Capricorn taking place at the solstice.
Then Taurus will once again restart the physical cycle in agriculture. Ruler Venus (Persephone) emerges from below the earth like the young tender shoots.

So you could say (as dr.farr has said) that Saturn is the harvest because he is the reaper.
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Premium Member
6th house

Main Rulerships: ...Lilly specifically mentions day-labourers, farmers and shepherds....Pets, small animals and lesser cattle (ie., hogs, sheep, goats, rabbits) and any profit or loss attached to the sale of such cattle. The 6th house also has a connection with farming and crops generally.
In Mundane Astrology:
The nation's food reserves, especially grains, and the farming industry.

Capricorn through rules farming industry in a way as it ruled major structure and governmental or national structure, but it governing winter not autumn like Virgo when harvest actually occurs.

House would be more important than sign. In my opinion, is 6th house. Even so Capricorn was never truly mentioned to be related to Farming but instead Mining. Well Mining is a type of farming but over minerals. In the old social system, Capricorn would be the landlord and government land tax. http://www.skyscript.co.uk/temples/h10.html
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Premium Member
To cut into details. The three earth signs Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn.

Virgo rules the digestive system stomach, belly, bowels and small intestines, in mundane level is the tummy of the nation, the food storage. It rules places connected with agriculture, harvest, and argicultural storage cornfields, hay-ricks, greenhouses, barley, wheat, peas, cheese and butter is churned and stored. A woman holding Harvest. Where the food is stored, where the foods/fat are digested and stored most that is our belly. http://www.skyscript.co.uk/virgo.html

Taurus one of the animals signs, the ox, also rules all kinds of resources, possessions, such as luxury items, silks, jewels, the fine life, wealth of owning livestock, stables where horses and cattle or their implements are kept, rules Farm Land. I would think it also rule fertilizer cause the nature of productivity. http://www.skyscript.co.uk/taurus.html

Capricorn essential actually rules over farming equipment, the farms itself, wood stores, and places where farm animals roam, bare land, barren field, land that is bushy and thorny. It also rules territory, walls, garden fences etc. http://www.skyscript.co.uk/capricorn.html


Premium Member
ahahahahhah I just asked my boyfriend why do we consider Virgo as Barren sign. He said cause it is a Virgin so she can only have a harvest from God. Therefore the harvest from God, from sky, rain and sunlight.

The zodiac figure is generally depicted as a winged maiden holding a palm branch in her left hand and an ear of corn in her right. The palm branch is an ancient symbol of rejoicing, triumph and glorification....The ear of corn held in the right hand clearly links the constellation to the season of agricultural harvest or expectation.
Mutiple historical information why Virgo relates to harvest from multiple cultivations of the early stage of astrology.


Well-known member
ahahahahhah I just asked my boyfriend why do we consider Virgo as Barren sign. He said cause it is a Virgin so she can only have a harvest from God. Therefore the harvest from God, from sky, rain and sunlight.

Mutiple historical information why Virgo relates to harvest from multiple cultivations of the early stage of astrology.

'....The constellation of Virgo is representative of many identities, all related to maidens, purity and fertility. She was originally associated to Dike, also known as Justice, daughter of Zeus and Themis, who was once the Mistress of All-Divine Order and Law prior to the Olympians. Dike initially lived among mankind but withdrew when they no longer upheld justice....' wikipedia

'.....Virgo is the only female figure in the zodiac and associated with most of the main female deities: Ishtar, Innana, Aphrodite, Ceres, Demeter, Astraea, Erigone, Isis; and in Christian symbolism, Virgin Mary. The ear of corn held in the right hand clearly links the constellation to the season of agricultural harvest or expectation. The roots of the symbolism of Virgo as the earth goddess holding a spike of corn are traced to the ancient Mesopotamian period. :smile: Rupert Gleadow argues that although the Sun's passage through the sign marks the period of harvest, the Mesopotamians would have placed most significance upon the time that the full Moon illuminated its stars during the Sun's transit of Pisces. For the Mesopotamians this occurred in early spring, just as the first signs of corn appeared above the ground. Thus the Babylonian reference for the constellation was Ab Sin, 'the Furrow', depicting the virgin land about to bear its fruit.....' Deborah Houlding

'....By the classical era the Sun's transit through the zodiac sign had taken precedence and Virgo became more directly perceived as a Maiden of fruition through the Harvest. The original Virgo is believed to be the early grain goddess Nidoba who, prior to Nabu (the Babylonian god of wisdom, justice and 'the scribe'), was an important goddess of writing. As Nabu rose to prominence he absorbed the worship of Nidoba and became identified with the planet Mercury, which reinforced the scholarly associations of the constellation through that planet's rulership and exaltation in the sign....' Deborah Houlding