Grand Sextile, Star of David's.


Premium Member
Hi all,
I thought i would look at Grand Sextile's since 1900, i have increased orbs to mirror the Harmonic Concordance of 9 November 2003, link below:-
Please note that if you don't increase orbs then some sextiles will be missing, if you investigate.
I'm an archaeoastronomer, so sit on the fence regarding astrology, however i did go to the Faculty of astrological studies.
I'll start with the next one on 3rd August 2025, my start is from London, but obviously they show up at all locations. When we get to 2025 some have beliefs that we should meditate on these planetary alignments using the energy to mix with our thoughts regarding creating peace and helping our problems with global warming. What do you think about this as it falls in "Lionsgate"?

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Premium Member
My thoughts are that these large planetary alignments are locational as they need a trigger, so for the one above being within the time frame of Lionsgate, you would need to travel to where Sirius is the heliacal rising star on 3rd August 2025 to trigger the Grand Sextile at sunrise.
As I'm an astronomer, i'm not keen on inaccurate projected measure, so use parans, and Sirius rises with the Sun along the 41st degree latitude or parallel, a couple of locations would be approx. New York and Barcelona, link below:-
Perhaps a song is needed or a bit of astrology magic LOL:-

Graph below:-
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Premium Member
We can only understand Grand Sextiles/Star of Davids by studying those from the past, some of them are what you see is what you get,...spookily!
The Russians liberated the evil Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp on 27th January 1945, a few days later on 7th Februry 1945, a Star of David appeared in the sky over the area, stunning symbolism!
I know what you are going to say...."These alignments appear at all locations,
So how can you just use one?"
Tomorrow i will explain, but this one has a trigger!


Premium Member
Triggers were used in Modern Olympics from 1896, it is the stuff of mystery schools, below i leave a thread written by myself that is unfinished about this but so far i have gone back to 1920's.
My avatar on this other forum is Astronomer 62, and i hope moderators don't mind that i can't write it all out again as i'm paraplegic and in pain!
It will give you an idea of how parans work and are used in electional astrology, however some occur naturally which i believe the Grand Sextiles regarding Auschwitz were, please read, turn pages, there are five so far:-


Well-known member
Triggers were used in Modern Olympics from 1896, it is the stuff of mystery schools, below i leave a thread written by myself that is unfinished about this but so far i have gone back to 1920's.
My avatar on this other forum is Astronomer 62, and i hope moderators don't mind that i can't write it all out again as i'm paraplegic and in pain!

It will give you an idea of how parans work
and are used in electional astrology,

however some occur naturally which i believe the Grand Sextiles regarding Auschwitz were, please read, turn pages, there are five so far:-
Hi Monk - one of our members has an excellent website
for which they write their own chart calculation software
for free natal chart calculation
and just recently I asked whether parans is do-able :smile:
Hi kaktuzz
I use Rumen Kolevs software which calculates parans
checking whether that option is do-able with your free software? :smile:
Paranatellonta are stars or star groups that fall upon angles
at the same time that a significant constellation or planet is also upon the angles.

They are viewed as attendants.

In ancient astrology the term was also applied to the constellations that ascended
with the zodiacal decans.
In modern astrology the term Paran (short for Paranatellonta)
is generally used to describe
stars or planets that are angular as a planet hits the ascendant, MC, Descendant or IC.
For example, the parans of Mercury would be those stars or planets
that were rising, culminating, descending of located upon the IC
at the same time that Mercury is in any or those positions.
Thus if the fixed star Regulus culminates on the Midheaven as Mercury rises on the ascendant
it is referred to as a paran of Mercury
and considered to have an influence upon its meaning.
to which kaktuzz responded as follows:

thanks for new inspiration!

I still haven't implemented fixed starts on Astro-seek and it's still waiting on my todo list (so it's not do-able currently)
... but once I finally implement some major fixed stars, then

I think that this calculation should be pretty do-able :)

I have just 2 technical/silly questions:

1) ...stars or planets that are angular as a planet hits the ascendant, MC, Descendant or IC...
does it also work for planet & planet (and is it useful?) ... or is it mostly used with fixed star & planet in traditional astrology?

2) are you interested in calculation, which just checks your natal chart and tell you, if paran(s) is here or not?
- or are you rather interested in some "paran clock calculator"?

I found this article
and there is this "paran clock" nice tool. (I'm thinking how to do that :lol:)


thanks for clear explanations. I think that I understand now :)

I have just one last question - which fixed stars are mostly used in TA?

I think, that I'm able to implement max cca 10fixed stars with PRECISE JPL ephemeris.
I would have to download and import about 109500 ephemeris 00:00[UT] records for each fixed star (every day from 1800-01-01 to 2100-01-01) ... so it would be quite boring job :eek:

A) If those cca 10 fixed stars are sufficient in TA(?), I could do it this way.

B) If there are more fixed stars used in TA(?), I could do it in more simple way (but not so accurate).
I could use the exact position of 100-200 fixed stars during several reference date(s) (for example: 01-Jan-1980; 01-Jan-1990; 01-Jan-2000; 01-Jan-2010); and then recalculate/adjust these positions by the rate of precession to get the position for any other date:
1° per 72 years, or 0.838′ per year
It will not be that super accurate as option A); but it could be more do-able way how to work with lots and lots of various fixed stars.
Definitely Sirius kaktuzz :smile:


has the most reliable information online on Fixed Stars
also most comprehensive listing of Fixed Stars

Algol is popular due to its dramatic connotations


thanks for the link to - very useful website.

I spent last few days by digging into this website and NASA ephemeris ... and finally implemented and launched new "Calendar of 286 Fixed Stars 1800-2100" on astro-seek :)

There are various filters and options;
- displaying just Alpha (α) Stars;
- displaying just Beta (β) Stars;
- displaying just Gamma (γ) Stars; etc ....

- displaying all 286 stars at once;
- displaying just Behenian 15 Useful stars:

and there are various sorting option:
- by longitude degree;
- by magnitude;
- by declination;
- by star name;
- by constellation;
- by latitude;

Calendar includes every year from 1800-2100; and longitude is displayed in both Tropical and also Sidereal zodiac (with various Ayanamsas, including Aldebaran 15Tau :))

Detail of any Fixed Star:
displays some basic info and "Current longitude" and "Current declination"; + there is a list of all values (Long/Decl/Latitude/RA) during every decade 1800-2100 (1800/1810/1820/1830/ ... 2080/2090/2100...)

I guess that I finally have all necessary fixed star data (Longitude/Declination/Magnitude) ... and so I can start playing with those parans :tongue:
You are welcome! :)

I have 2 questions ... just for sure:

When two or more planets are simultaneously on THE SAME, adjacent or opposite angles
they are said to be in paranatellonta.

1) does it mean, that it counts also for conjunction of the planet & star & angle?
(=planets are in conjunction and also in paranatellonta)

2) what about orbs? I've read an older topic, where dr.farr metioned this:

I use the following orbs (of longtitude, and of parallel in declination), based on star magnitudes:
1st mag = 3 degree orb; 2 degree orb of parallel
2nd mag & 3rd mag = 2 degree orb; 1.5 degree orb of parallel
4th & 5th mag = 1 degree orb; 1 degree orb of parallel

Can I use this settings as default? Or do you have any other suggestion about orbs?

I'm sending my tropical chart, where:
- Jupiter Sag 8°19' conjuncts IC Sag 5°30' (2°49'orb)
- Jupiter Sag 8°19' conjuncts Antares Sag 9°32' (1°13' orb)
- Antares Sag 9°32' "conjuncts"(?) IC Sag 5°30' (3°58'orb)

What about this situation? I suppose that Antares and IC are "out of the allowed orb", so there is no paranatellonta between Jupiter and Antares?
(and if the orb would be tighter <3° => would it be paranatellonta?)
The following information on parans is from Robert Hand's Essays On Astrology page 65 to 66 personal encounter with parantellonta, or parans as they are called.
These are simultaneous bodily transits of two or more bodies over the horizon
or meridian circles of a given place at the same time.
However, it must be pointed out that a paran-related pair of planets
does not have to be actually on the angles at a given time to be in paran.
They merely have to be potentially capable of transiting the angles at that latitude
at some time during the day :smile:


Premium Member
Hi Jup,
Parans are the most ancient of astrology practice, in truth there are 3 day starts, ancient Egyptian day marker, being Sunrise, ancient Greek day marker being Sunset before date in Gregorian Calendar, and more recently modern midnight.
The triggers are Sirius and Alnilam, and they need to be on one of four locations, being True (Due) North, South, East and West.
You will need an APP for your phone, compass magnetic bearings are no good, link below:-

We have many American members here, so choose a town or city in America, use Wikipedia, as on top right of page, it should show Latitude and Longitude.
I will get back to you as soon as you have posted.


Premium Member
Hi Jup,
while i'm waiting for you to pick a location, i will continue with Grand Sextiles that have triggers, i will show the triggers soon that fixes the Grand Sextiles to the locations that i have picked,
On 19th May 1937, a Star of David passed over the contruction site of Buchenwald concentration camp, and approx. two months later the camp opened, link below:-
Astrology graph below:-


Staff member
Monk, it's good to see you again. I hope your health is improving.

Grand sextiles/stars of David are characterized by 3 oppositions, so I doubt that they are entirely benign.

Your findings on the Holocaust seems to suggest this. The liberation of Auschwitz would seem to be super-beneficial; but actually it was too late for some of the survivors who died thereafter due to lack of proper care. Or had no homes to return to in a Europe that was still anti-Semitic.


Premium Member
Hi Lady Waybread,
I'm well, having moved into a special care flat and have a lot of girl carer's who like to be in charge, LOL!
Below, is the Buchenwald Concentration Camp chart, set at ancient Greek and Jewish day start, being Sunset, and we find Mars in Scorpio rising, which is auspicious for the up coming war, i would like to hear from you about your analysis of this chart. it is fixed at this latitude as it has a powerful trigger, being the center star of the Belt of Orion and Osiris Star, Alnilam ,setting with the Sun, as shown below.
I don't think this is electional astrology, therefore i have no explanation for it, other than it being a sign from the Cosmos.
Electional astrology sticks out like a sore thumb, it would have had to be on actual day of opening for me to be suspicious!
Astrology graph below:-

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Premium Member
We can only understand Grand Sextiles/Star of Davids by studying those from the past, some of them are what you see is what you get,...spookily!
The Russians liberated the evil Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp on 27th January 1945, a few days later on 7th Februry 1945, a Star of David appeared in the sky over the area, stunning symbolism!
I know what you are going to say...."These alignments appear at all locations,
So how can you just use one?"
Tomorrow i will explain, but this one has a trigger!

This also had a trigger to release energy at latitude location, for earlier the previous day at Sunset, being Jewish day marker, we find Sirius, the Isis star rising as the Sun sets, a powerful trigger of releasing energy in area, astronomy graph below:-

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Premium Member
On the 1st March 1941 Himmler visited Auschwitz and ordered expansion into the evil Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp, 16 days later another Star of David appeared over location, link below:-

Please note you need to increase orbs to Harmonic Concordance margins to actually see this one, however astrology chart is below:-

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Staff member
Monk, I'm glad those women are looking after you and keeping you in line :wink: , and hoping you like your new flat.

The Buchenwald chart is really interesting because:

1. The Star of David as a paramount symbol of Judaism. (In Hebrew, Mogen David means the Shield of David.)

2. The oppositions involving malefics.

I include Pluto here-- named for the Roman god of death-- in the 8th house.

Mars (domiciled) opposite sun.

Saturn opposite moon (I use out-of-sign aspects.)

Notably uninvolved are Mercury, Venus, Uranus, and Neptune.

When we look at your "Auschwitz liberated" chart these planets reappear. I note that Venus traditionally rules peace, with Uranus as the modern ruler of liberation. Uranus and Mercury are in mutual reception.

Pluto does carry that connotation of life>death>rebirth. In ancient times Mercury as Hermes or Hermanubis was the psychopomp or conductor of the souls of the dead to the afterlife. He also had a re-birth connotation in the myth of Demeter-Persephone, when he conducts Persephone back to the surface.

Monk, have you looked at Ceres? I'm now finding that she is prominent in synastry or midpoint composite charts of highly polarizing individuals in relation to laws that affect them. Examples would be the natal chart of Julian Assange in relation to the US first amendment to the Constitution (freedom of speech, freedom of the press) and the Espionage Act, under which he is being charged; or Donald Trump who is likely to be impeached by the House of Representatives next week.

I started this thread on Ceres/Demeter as "the law-giver," a sobriquet applied to her in ancient Greece. I think she represents a kind of natural justice, vs. Jupiter as the more formal written law (which often benefits the ruling class.)

It would be interesting to see if Ceres is prominent in the charts you've posted.


Premium Member
Hi Waybread,
Thank you for your analysis, i will get back to you about Ceres, as it is auspicious on my own birth chart.
I liked your interpretation on Mercury/Hermes which can be Thoth actually.
As this thread has so far been about Jews, i thought i would leave my interpretation regarding why 11th September was chosen, 4 pages below:-

I will get back to you soon regarding Ceres.


Premium Member
Hi Waybread,
On the chart relating to Buchenwald on 19 May 1937, Ceres is at 26*48' Aquarius and powerful being Square both Mars on Asc. and Sun on Desc.
I'll give more info later!


Premium Member
On the Auschwitz liberated chart when twisted back to Sunset the previous day on 6 Feb where the trigger is, being Sirius rising, we find Ceres in Scorpio at 05*05', the I.C. is 2*37'.
Ceres is square Mercury and Pluto.


Premium Member
On the Auschwitz Birkenau chart dated 17 March 1941, when twisted back to Jewish day start at Sunset of previous day where the the trigger is being Alnilam, Belt of Orion, culminating ( I'll show graph later.) we find Ceres is 2*26' Capricorn and Square Sun on Desc.
Neptune that is bang on Asc and rising is 26*21' Virgo, and the planet of Sacrifice.


Premium Member
Hi Waybread,

My Quintiles are interesting involving Ceres, although i sit on the fence regarding astrology belief, and have never taken myself siriously, if indeed dwarf planets work.(To stop heated debate).
It is strange that my birthday falls on Lionsgate, but probably by chance LOL!




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Premium Member
On the 1st March 1941 Himmler visited Auschwitz and ordered expansion into the evil Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp, 16 days later another Star of David appeared over location, link below:-

Please note you need to increase orbs to Harmonic Concordance margins to actually see this one, however astrology chart is below:-


Jewish Sunset day marker used, being previous day, however this was before the Star of David had formed fully.
Ceres was square the Sun, and Neptune, planet of sacrifice was rising


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Premium Member
I thought the Star of David below would interest, on 27th Febuary 1948 it passed over Tel Aviv, which was approx. two and a half months before the Israeli Decaration of Independence on 14th May 1948:-
Astrology graph below:-


Staff member
Interesting stuff!

The more I observe them, the more I think quintiles are powerful aspects indicating talent plus the ambition to manifest it. "Genius" charts are sometimes characterized by a mix of quintiles and septiles; with the septiles indicating insights into the reality behind our taken-for-granted material reality.

Another point that carries the septile connotation is the vertex. Astrologer Alice Portman said that people with a planet septile the vertex often have psychic abilities. I think this works with the conjunction, as well.

Do you think that these stars of David would work somewhat like an eclipse-- indicating a change in modality with long-term repercussions?

BTW, my natal Pluto conjuncts your sun, and your Mercury conjuncts my Saturn. (Transl. "fated conversations"?)