Galaxies meaning?


Well-known member
As of november 23 this year it has been 100 years since we knew about galaxies. Yet NO astrologer has found out the meaning of it.
That's pathetic.


Staff member
I think it's pretty hard to have any personal experiences the galaxies. How do we learn about their astrological meanings?


Staff member

Symbolism and Interpretation​

The Galactic Center’s astrological significance is multifaceted. It is often associated with:

  • Spiritual Awakening: The intense energy emanating from the Galactic Center is believed to trigger spiritual awakenings, prompting individuals to embark on journeys of self-discovery and enlightenment. Its influence can stir a deep questioning of our place in the universe and the purpose of our existence.
  • Transformation: The Galactic Center is associated with profound personal and collective transformations. Its influence can catalyze major life changes, pushing us to break free from limiting patterns and embrace new possibilities. It can be a catalyst for shedding old identities and stepping into our authentic selves.

  • Connection to the Cosmos: The Galactic Center serves as a potent reminder of our interconnectedness with the universe. Its energy reminds us that we are not isolated beings, but part of a vast cosmic web, pulsating with life and potential.
  • Expansion of Consciousness: The Galactic Center encourages us to expand our horizons, to challenge our limiting beliefs and embrace a broader perspective. Its influence can open us up to new possibilities, fostering creativity, intuition, and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.'s%20astrological%20significance,of%20self%2Ddiscovery%20and%20enlightenment.


Well-known member
That's EXTERNAL galaxies. M87,andromeda galaxy(M31), M106,etc. NOBODY has a clue. Robert Hand, Noel Tyl, nobody. Pathetic. It's been 100 years. Come on.