Fun with personal planets


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I am a bag of hot air, but emotionally, I am sorry for existing. I talk like a 3 year old who's ready to go home, but express my energy in a brooding potential serial killer way. In love, I want a partner who feeds me and tells me I'm pretty. Before they get to know me, people percieve me as a teacher's pet.

:D Brooding potential serial killer! Lol! Umm, maybe...?!? Bag of hot air is perhaps rather accurate, and all a partner would be good for is feeding me and telling me I'm pretty (I'm aromantic asexual, so romantic love is a no show in my life). And ok, maybe I come off as a teacher's pet. Mercury being conjunct Mars makes me rather more of a drunken sailor than 3 year old though... And emotionally I'm kinda not there (12th house).