Autumnleaf's Moon conjunct Turtle's Moon:
Your emotional styles are compatible, allowing you both to feel you can be yourselves. Even the
way you experience "down time" is in harmony, so you can rejuvenate in each other's presence.
You speak the same emotional language and likely feel that you "get" each other at a deep level.
Autumnleaf's Ascendant opposition Turtle's Ascendant:
Your attitudes about approaching most everything conflict with each other. To have a healthy
relationship, you both are forced to stretch your acceptance of these differences to offset the
tendency to get irritated with each other.
Autumnleaf's Sun conjunct Turtle's Saturn:
This tie can go one of two ways. First, the restraining and restricting nature of Turtle can have a
dampening influence on Autumnleaf. Autumnleaf can feel that Turtle is be a heavy responsibility.
However, this same aspect is often found in profound, long-term relationships where both feel a
deep commitment and sense of loyalty to each other. If Turtle is the repressive type, Autumnleaf
will feel it immediately. This is most favorable in mentor situations where it is appropriate for Turtle
to hold the authority in the relationship.
Autumnleaf's Sun conjunct Turtle's North Node:
Autumnleaf naturally supports a path for Turtle that is growth-oriented and food for the soul. It
doesn't mean you are always comfortable with each other; in fact, sometimes it can feel like a
stretch into the unfamiliar, but it is a healthy growth-oriented stretch that you encourage in each
Autumnleaf's Sun trine Turtle's Moon:
A natural flow exists in the relationship with your energies naturally supporting one another. Turtle
feels safe to drop defenses and be at ease around Autumnleaf's natural energy, allowing
Autumnleaf to feel accepted and appreciated.
Autumnleaf's Sun trine Turtle's Mars:
You are able to work and play well together, because the way you do things doesn't get in each
other's way. You rarely have a conflict of wills and readily resolve issues when they arise. You
naturally empower each other's courage and your passions flow well together.
Autumnleaf's Sun trine Turtle's Uranus:
You encourage and support each other's uniqueness and individuality and put very few restraints
and expectations on each other. This allows your relationship to continue to grow and evolve.
Turtle's Sun trine Autumnleaf's Mercury:
Communication and a natural understanding of each other are favored. You "get" each other and
readily resolve the natural conflicts that arise in relationships. You stimulate each other's mental
activity and readily learn from each other.
Turtle's Sun trine Autumnleaf's Neptune:
There is a natural intuitive flow between the two of you that is quite comfortable. You can be
drawn to understand the subtle realms together through meditation and spiritual practices. You
empower each other's faith in listening to the "still quiet voice within."
Turtle's Sun trine Autumnleaf's Chiron:
You have natural empathy and support for each other's wounds, and in this gentleness, there is a
Turtle's Sun opposition Autumnleaf's Mars:
This tie is extremely intense and often confrontational. It is passionate, without a doubt, and very
favorable in some arenas, but arguments and battles of wills can be passionate as well. If you can't
take the heat, get out of the kitchen, with this one. You can inflame each other, and without
restraint or healthy outlets, things could turn bad.
Autumnleaf's Sun square Turtle's Jupiter:
You can encourage excessiveness in each other, one way or another. Turtle may try to encourage
Autumnleaf to grow and expand in ways that are not appropriate. This is motivational for
individuals who do not want to settle for complacency and, instead, reach for more of what life has
to offer, but watch out for grasping.
Autumnleaf's Sun square Turtle's Pluto:
Power struggles are likely to erupt unless both of you stay vigilant for any attempts by the other to
control the relationship in any way. Autumnleaf can feel that Turtle is always pulling strings trying to
get something. Turtle can feel as if Autumnleaf is always challenging Turtle's authority.
Turtle's Sun square Autumnleaf's Venus:
Your tastes and values can clash, and yet this is not entirely bad. It creates a strong sexual
attraction, though not the comfortable type; this type of fascination comes from that which is
different. The strong sexual attraction is favorable for getting the relationship going, but difficulties
can arise over differences in basic life values, making it difficult to live with each other on a
day-to-day basis.
Turtle's Sun square Autumnleaf's Saturn:
Turtle feels the hammer of Autumnleaf's disapproval always close at hand. Autumnleaf gets irritated
with Turtle's lack of responsibility. Projections abound between the two of you, and the wise
person sees the very qualities you dislike in each other as projections of unclaimed parts of your
own character. It takes character strength to deal successfully with this one; otherwise Turtle can
feel disapproved of and Autumnleaf feels unappreciated.
Turtle's Sun square Autumnleaf's Ascendant:
Tension exists in the way you each approach situations, and there can be a conflict of will unless
you allow for your differences. This combination is very favorable for natural magnetic attraction
between the two of you.
Autumnleaf's Moon conjunct Turtle's Mars:
This is a hot, passionate, and volatile combination. Autumnleaf can feel picked on and badgered by
Turtle. Turtle can have angry eruptions over Autumnleaf's emotional responses. If you can handle
the heat, passion and intensity are assured.
Turtle's Moon conjunct Autumnleaf's North Node:
Turtle's natural emotional responses to life are nurturing for the path of soul growth for Autumnleaf.
This tie is not particularly comfortable because it is a growth-oriented aspect, rather than one of
Autumnleaf's Moon trine Turtle's Saturn:
You work well together on both the personal and professional fronts. Turtle gives steadiness and
patience to the relationship. Autumnleaf adds emotional support to Turtle's efforts in the world of
Turtle's Moon trine Autumnleaf's Mercury:
Communication over personal issues is favored. You can always depend on each other for
understanding when needed, and this brings clarity into your lives.
Turtle's Moon trine Autumnleaf's Neptune:
An empathic rapport between the two of you is likely. Autumnleaf helps Turtle rise above petty
issues, and Turtle helps Autumnleaf stay in touch with personal feelings.
Turtle's Moon opposition Autumnleaf's Pluto:
Turtle can feel threatened, unsafe, and powerless to withstand Autumnleaf's will. A healthy
relationship can develop only if Autumnleaf can remain conscious of the potential misuse of this
power of intimidation. Otherwise, the potential for unhealthy psychological patterns to develop
between the two of you is strong.
Autumnleaf's Moon square Turtle's Venus:
Emotional issues are quite tricky to resolve. When one of you expresses emotional needs, the other
person's feelings get hurt. Or you get your feelings hurt when the other person is simply having a
bad day. It is hard not to take the other person's emotional issues personally, but that is exactly
what can improve your relationship.
Autumnleaf's Mercury conjunct Turtle's Saturn:
This aspect is favorable for making important business decisions together, or doing serious
research on some important interest. It is not so favorable for just having fun together, with Turtle's
serious ways being brought into communications. This combination works best when Turtle is a
natural authority for Autumnleaf, but not so favorable the other way around.
Autumnleaf's Mercury conjunct Turtle's North Node:
Your conversations and mental pursuits together naturally lead to each other's soul growth. You
can draw on each other for support and understanding in spiritual issues.
Autumnleaf's Mercury trine Turtle's Mars:
This tie is favorable for motivating you both to act on ideas. You rarely trigger each other's
defenses in communications, and can even work through difficult moments together without feeling
threatened by each other.
Autumnleaf's Mercury trine Turtle's Uranus:
You two are excellent at looking at issues from a fresh perspective and coming up with innovative
ideas for dealing with situations. Your communications stay lively as you encourage a "discovery"
attitude in each other. The ideas that you come up with together most often have relevance and
application in your lives.
Turtle's Mercury opposition Autumnleaf's Mars:
This aspect sets up arguments, because you tend to constantly trigger each other's defenses. The
way Turtle thinks and makes decisions can irritate Autumnleaf, while Turtle constantly feels
badgered and provoked by Autumnleaf's will. Learning how to avoid reacting to each other so
quickly is a key. When you feel hostility from each other, quiet it in yourself before you react, and
you can avoid the knee-jerk arguments that this aspect is known for.
Autumnleaf's Mercury square Turtle's Jupiter:
Your learning styles are different enough that it makes it difficult to carry out intellectual projects
together without getting exasperated with each other. Turtle is interested in growth that doesn't
interest Autumnleaf. Autumnleaf can seem narrow-minded and picky to Turtle. Give space for your
different learning styles and interests to avoid conflict.
Autumnleaf's Mercury square Turtle's Pluto:
Difficulties in communications with each other arise because of Autumnleaf's tendency to feel
threatened by Turtle's will. It is important not to allow manipulations of any sort to enter into your
communications with each other; no good can come from it. If either of you feels manipulated by
the other, name it for what it is, and refuse to take part in it.
Turtle's Mercury square Autumnleaf's Venus:
Turtle communicates in a way that offends Autumnleaf's sensibilities. Turtle feels Autumnleaf is
pretentious. Autumnleaf gets hurt feelings over the way Turtle communicates. You would be
advised to educate each other as to these sensitivities to avoid them in the future.
Turtle's Mercury square Autumnleaf's Ascendant:
Misunderstandings are not uncommon with this aspect, as you both tend to misinterpret each
other's attempts at communication. Avoid this potential for misunderstanding by double-checking
important communications with each other.
Turtle's Venus trine Autumnleaf's Jupiter:
The friendship between the two of you flows naturally and you encourage movement toward
refinement in each other's life. The arts, culture, philosophy, and socializing together are all favored.
Autumnleaf's Venus square Turtle's Uranus:
Turtle feels constrained by Autumnleaf's values and attitudes about relationships. Autumnleaf's
security is threatened by Turtle's need for freedom. There can be sexual magnetism that comes
from the fascination of something different, but your tastes being so different would be a test.
Turtle's Venus square Autumnleaf's Pluto:
Karmic patterns of manipulating each other in love, either through guilt or intimidation, must be
dealt with in your relationship. Strong passion can exist between the two of you, but intimacy will
elude you until you are both able to let go of control and surrender to the relationship.
Autumnleaf's Venus square Turtle's Chiron:
Your values concerning health and healing can be at odds with each other. Autumnleaf's desires for
pleasurable activity can activate the wounds Turtle is carrying from previous relationships.
Turtle's Mars conjunct Autumnleaf's North Node:
You keep each other current with the times and on track with your soul growth. You give each
other courage to move forward, away from the path of least resistance and toward growth.
Autumnleaf's Mars conjunct Turtle's Chiron:
Autumnleaf provides Turtle with great motivation to get beyond old wounds, but not much
sympathy. Turtle can alternately feel the courage to move toward healing from Autumnleaf, and at
other times, can feel defenseless in stopping Autumnleaf from aggravating old wounds.
Turtle's Mars trine Autumnleaf's Neptune:
This combination is excellent for romance as it brings the best of imagination into your passion. You
can inspire each other creatively in all types of ways, and the danger of the blind spot with Neptune
is minimized.
Autumnleaf's Mars opposition Turtle's Uranus:
This is another aspect that requires skill to avoid the danger. Wild, unexpected conflicts can rise up
between the two of you like spring thunderstorms, so you have to be careful not to set each other
off. You can encourage reckless behavior in each other unless you learn to handle these surges of
intense energy that flare up between the two of you.
Turtle's Mars opposition Autumnleaf's Pluto:
You are being tested with the right use of power in this relationship, and power conflicts erupt with
the slightest provocation on either of your parts. Taking martial arts training together would be a
good metaphor of your test. With this training you would learn that your power comes from staying
in your center, and not getting pulled into anger. This is no small trick in your relationship because
of the hair-trigger reactions you both have to conflict issues when either of you tries to change the
other in any way. You can bring out each other's shadow issues, and need to be willing to question
your motives in any plans you come up with together.
Autumnleaf's Jupiter conjunct Turtle's Neptune:
The best of this aspect can lead to providing each other with spiritual insights and bursts of pure
inspired creativity. The danger is looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, which is
always pleasant enough in the moment; but avoidance, denial, and escapism are also possible with
this combination.
Turtle's Jupiter trine Autumnleaf's Saturn:
You work well together on career and professional matters, as well as all issues of handling
responsibility together. You are especially effective at planning together and follow a step-by-step
approach to getting to your shared goals.
Autumnleaf's Jupiter sextile Turtle's Pluto:
You can support and take part in mutual interests in travel, education, philosophy, and mysticism.
You encourage each other to reach for goals that benefit society as well as yourselves.
Autumnleaf's Jupiter opposition Turtle's Ascendant:
Many disagreements can erupt because your basic beliefs about so many life issues are at odds
with each other. These arguments aren't so hot as to be threatening, with Jupiter involved, but
Turtle can experience Autumnleaf 's beliefs about education, religion, and politics to be way off
Turtle's Jupiter square Autumnleaf's Neptune:
You encourage each other into blind spots and plans based on false optimism. With this aspect, it
is always best to think things all the way through before heading off on a fantasy. You can
encourage indulgent behavior in each other, and this could be trouble if either of you has problems
with escapism or addictions.
Turtle's Saturn conjunct Autumnleaf's Neptune:
The best of this combination is when Turtle grounds Autumnleaf's imagination and helps find ways
of manifesting this in the world. It is also favorable when Autumnleaf inspires Turtle to open to a
reality beyond worldly responsibilities. The low road is when Turtle doubts and disapproves of
Autumnleaf's imagination, or when Autumnleaf erodes Turtle's strength to carry out responsibilities
through guilt or fear.
Autumnleaf's Saturn conjunct Turtle's Ascendant:
Autumnleaf is a natural authority for Turtle; thus, this is a favorable tie for parent-child,
employer-employee, and teacher-student relationships, when Autumnleaf is the authority. There is
a strong commitment and sense of loyalty that comes with this tie, but Turtle can feel oppressed by
Autumnleaf unless this authority is handled wisely and the hammer of disapproval is used sparingly.
Autumnleaf's Saturn trine Turtle's Pluto:
You give each other strength and support for tackling large projects, and the two of you together
are very effective when dealing with administrative authority. You can count on each other during
crunch time, when your back is against the wall.
Turtle's Saturn trine Autumnleaf's Chiron:
There can be mutual interest in serious, scholarly studies and pursuits related to health and healing.
You have a steadying influence on each other's path of moving forward in the healing process, and
you are there for each other in times of need.
Autumnleaf's Saturn opposition Turtle's Neptune:
You tend to feed each other's doubts and fears, eroding each other's strength. When a cycle of
doubt comes over the two of you, it feeds on itself, and soon everything can look bad. This misuse
of the imagination needs to be addressed as if it were a test. Discipline needs to be developed to
block these negative wanderings of the imagination.
Autumnleaf's Saturn square Turtle's Uranus:
There is tension from Autumnleaf wanting to maintain the status quo and Turtle wanting change.
Autumnleaf feels Turtle is a loose cannon and disruptive to what is going on. Turtle becomes
frustrated by Autumnleaf's narrow thinking.
Autumnleaf's Saturn square Turtle's Chiron:
You tend to undermine each other's attempts to move beyond old wounds. You may make
judgments about each other's insecurities and fears, exacerbating the problem, rather than helping.
Be aware that advice you give is not likely to be well received; it is best to talk less and listen more
to each other's fears and insecurities.
Turtle's Uranus trine Autumnleaf's Neptune:
There is a creative flow between Turtle's intuition and Autumnleaf's ability to image. This sets up a
favorable flow of spiritual guidance that comes to the two of you spontaneously through
coincidences and sudden knowing.
Autumnleaf's Uranus trine Turtle's Chiron:
You support and advance each other's path of healing. You can count on the original insights that
you get from each other during deep discussion about your process. You encourage each other's
ability to listen to inner guidance in matters of health and healing.
Autumnleaf's Uranus sextile Turtle's North Node:
This aspect is favorable for keeping each other excited about a path of evolving and discovering
life. You come away from discussions feeling excited about the fresh insights you give each other.
Turtle's Uranus square Autumnleaf's Ascendant:
This destabilizing aspect will keep your relationship from becoming stagnant, if nothing else.
Autumnleaf feels uncomfortable with, and even threatened by, the way Turtle expresses
individuality and independence. Turtle constantly hammers at Autumnleaf's conventionality.
Autumnleaf's Neptune conjunct Turtle's North Node:
This combination is extremely favorable for mutual spiritual and soul growth. When Autumnleaf is
on track with the highest expression of Autumnleaf's spirituality, this is perfectly aligned with
Turtle's path for soul growth. Deep interest in mysticism, spirituality, and the transcendent states of
consciousness is likely. If neither of you is focusing on your own spiritual growth, this manifests as
leading each other down illusionary paths.
Autumnleaf's Neptune square Turtle's Pluto:
You are prone to promote each other's worst-case fears. You lead each other into the confusion of
the shadow world where it is difficult to distinguish between what is real and not real. The test is the
right use of your imagination, and the consequences are severe, as is always the case with Pluto
challenges. Can you anticipate the absolutely disastrous results that come when you feed each
other's fears, and instead train your imaginations not to go down that hellhole of fear? It usually
takes meditation training and spiritual practices to get a handle on this subtle, but insidiously
powerful, aspect.
Autumnleaf's Ascendant square Turtle's Chiron:
You have difficulty understanding each other's wounds and sensitivities, and thus tend to judge
each other as being indulgent and weak, where instead you could offer support and acceptance.
Turtle's North Node trine Autumnleaf's Chiron:
You can out bring out the best in each other because you support life paths that are healing and
growth-oriented for both of you.