Well-known member
Fixed Signs Rising: = the matter is established already under way determined to meet it's goal
ASC in Last 3 Degrees = "Non Radical" or Stricture Against judgement of the chart Via Combusta (15 deg LIbra - 15 Scorpio) \Similar to Mars cj. Uranus or "disruptive! Produces unexpected turns of events when planet is rx and the other direct in aspect or Venus square Neptune rx mutual application if $ then one partner could be lying when there is a partnership
9th House = Law, Publicity, Media coverage & Travel long distances
18 Libra = Degree of Arrest
07 Scorpio = Self contained and inclined toward materialistic
Intercepts = thwarted or obstructed. unable to land i.e. 12th hs. & mutables.
(see Tiffany Tehan)
Neptune rules mysteries & Secrets
Mercury the traditional ruler of children
Saturn fate, destiny & death
Fixed Signs Rising: = the matter is established already under way determined to meet it's goal
ASC in Last 3 Degrees = "Non Radical" or Stricture Against judgement of the chart Via Combusta (15 deg LIbra - 15 Scorpio) \Similar to Mars cj. Uranus or "disruptive! Produces unexpected turns of events when planet is rx and the other direct in aspect or Venus square Neptune rx mutual application if $ then one partner could be lying when there is a partnership
9th House = Law, Publicity, Media coverage & Travel long distances
18 Libra = Degree of Arrest
07 Scorpio = Self contained and inclined toward materialistic
Intercepts = thwarted or obstructed. unable to land i.e. 12th hs. & mutables.
(see Tiffany Tehan)
Neptune rules mysteries & Secrets
Mercury the traditional ruler of children
Saturn fate, destiny & death