First Saturn Return


Well-known member
Dear all,

Okay so, I will be going to have my first Saturn Return in months.

I want to hear how did you feel when you had your saturn return?

From astrologers, i have some questions, i request you that you please take a little time to answer these.

1. Do different people feel differently when they have their saturn returns?

2. Does the house and the sign placements affect how people would feel during their saturn returns?

3. If yes; say if someone has a good saturn would there be good things coming in?

4. Does it affect the houses saturn rule and the house saturn is into?

5. I am hearing the 2-3 years before Saturn return are also difficult. I must say that last 2 years have been like a hell in my life. So, like people say that they get into problems, do people get out of problems too at the time of their saturn returns?

(For those, who would like to know about my Saturn; I have Saturn at 7* saggitarius right on the cusp of my 8th house. Saturn rules my 9th, 10th and 11th house- Capricorn duplicated on 9th and 10th and Aqua on 11th, Saturn is in mutual reception with my Jupiter- Saturn in Saggi, Jupiter in Aqua. My saturn sextiles with my Sun 3* Aqua in my 10th and my Venus 5* Aqua that too in my 10th house. Besides, just a semisextile with Pluto at 7* Scorpio in my 7th).

I am not asking about interpreting my chart (however, if someone does this in the forum, i would appreciate a lot), please narrate your experiences under this post. There is nothing which is settled in my life. I am highly educated but so far have been miserably failed in finding a good job and according to my qualification. I'm going to be 29 in a month but no relationship or marriage. Just too caught up in family problems too. I must say this is the loneliest period of my life; superlative, loneliest.

Naturally a person in my situation craves for settling down and peace.

Please narrate how you felt when you went through your saturn return.



Well-known member
I haven't experienced my own return yet but my ex husband has. I believe the satern return is based on where saturn is in your chart, and what it rules. When my ex husband was experiencing his return, we had been newly weds. There were trust issues and problems in our relationship. I believe saturn makes sure you are on the right path, and following your own truth. Saturn fixed our relationship problems, my ex ended our marriage. At first it felt like hell, but that's how I ended up with my soulmate. My ex on the other hand has gone through a long inner journey. He straightened out his life, and I think he found peace with himself.
I also know someone else who has wanted a baby forever who got pregnant during her saturn return.


Well-known member
But, yeah I believe everyone experiences different things during their return because saturn affects their chart in a personal way based on all the components. I guess the end result of the return is better than the actual return itself, since saturn is making sure your life is on track. Anything that doesn't belong gets changed.


Well-known member
I haven't experienced my own return yet but my ex husband has. I believe the satern return is based on where saturn is in your chart, and what it rules. When my ex husband was experiencing his return, we had been newly weds. There were trust issues and problems in our relationship. I believe saturn makes sure you are on the right path, and following your own truth. Saturn fixed our relationship problems, my ex ended our marriage. At first it felt like hell, but that's how I ended up with my soulmate. My ex on the other hand has gone through a long inner journey. He straightened out his life, and I think he found peace with himself.
I also know someone else who has wanted a baby forever who got pregnant during her saturn return.

Thanks Abby for your response. So, it means that i can expect that i may get settled in life too. Somewhere, i was reading that it cuts out things which are not useful in one's life. I do not about Saturn return since i am 11 months away from it but this feeling has already started developing in me that i should cut out and separate the people who are of no good to me or my life. I have been a social being in my life but now leaving out people who are not sincere with me seems quite relieving and sound idea.

Thanks for your input, i greatly appreciate.

I wish more people can share about their returns.



Premium Member
Hi Sanaqua,

how the return will go seems to depend on what you have going on around the same time. (I don't see a chart in your original post so can't say, but you do mention Capricorn influence.)

Case in point, mine just concluded recently and it happened in the middle of the progressed Sun squaring Saturn (both natal and progressed), hence making the period seem very difficult and weary. However Capricorn is my rising and sun sign, so it would have to be extra dreary in my case.

You mentioned

I have been a social being in my life but now leaving out people who are not sincere with me seems quite relieving and sound idea.
This is in line with the energy of the return - Saturn is all about growing up and getting serious, so you would have an easier time realizing these people are not true friends and do not mirror your views or attitude. The same can happen with habits which no longer seem to serve a purpose, and possibly even your lifestyle if you are not feeling is representative of who you really are.

I would say transits and progressions would definitely matter during this time, especially anything contacting Saturn or being ruled by Capricorn in your chart.

I am curious if anyone has experienced a happy or generally positive return where there were no afflictions to or from Saturn at the time.


Well-known member
I support what the poster above me says.

I have been through two Saturn Returns, and with a Cap Asc, a Saturn Return is always a serious business to me.

Firstly, a Saturn Return is a very good thing - eventually - and it will force you to grow up, although it may not help you to relax and go with the flow. Do not fear it. I do not consider it to be either `good' or `bad'. It just *is*, and it is necessary. We do not reach adulthood at 18 or 21, but by the age of 31 you are sure to feel more like the adult you are capable of being. A Saturn Return will test you, but you will have ample time in which to figure out what to do. whatever you do, do not resist it.

My Saturn is in Leo in the 8th house, and is also my chart ruler, so any transiting aspects to my Saturn make me uncomfortable. During my first Saturn Return, I acknowledged that my (then) marriage was not a success, and that more time spent in it was not going to improve it. I admitted to myself that I would have to be the one to leave, as my husband was not going to. It took me a long time to admit to this, as the truth as I saw it was that I would have to face a life alone, and bring up my children alone. However, I did not leave until my next Saturn square began when I was 36.

A Saturn Return can be very isolating, but this is necessary in order to find out what *you* want and need and really believe. I find it interesting that you have all those qualifications - that is very typical of a Sagi Saturn. Saturn in Sagittarius is very goal oriented, and your Saturn return will (possibly, probably) lead you to altering your life goals.

Whatever you do, do not stress out about your approaching return. It will (eventually) give you clarity, but you cannot see this until you experience it. You cannot preempt what these changes will be. With a Jupiter-ruled 8th house, *and* Jupiter in Aquarius you are likely to seek freedom from limitations and restrictions. A Saturn Return will not feel especially `free' to you, but you must allow yourself to go where it takes you, and to experience the (very necessary) isolation it will lead you into.


Well-known member
Here's an update. The very day that Saturn entered sagittarius, the sign of my Saturn return, the resident manager of my building came and told me that the building is being renovated so I have to move. I was thinking a few months back of getting a different job, but decided against it because I live out of the way from everything. Then saturn came along and decided for me to move so that I can get a better job. Cute.