Well-known member
Dear all,
Okay so, I will be going to have my first Saturn Return in months.
I want to hear how did you feel when you had your saturn return?
From astrologers, i have some questions, i request you that you please take a little time to answer these.
1. Do different people feel differently when they have their saturn returns?
2. Does the house and the sign placements affect how people would feel during their saturn returns?
3. If yes; say if someone has a good saturn would there be good things coming in?
4. Does it affect the houses saturn rule and the house saturn is into?
5. I am hearing the 2-3 years before Saturn return are also difficult. I must say that last 2 years have been like a hell in my life. So, like people say that they get into problems, do people get out of problems too at the time of their saturn returns?
(For those, who would like to know about my Saturn; I have Saturn at 7* saggitarius right on the cusp of my 8th house. Saturn rules my 9th, 10th and 11th house- Capricorn duplicated on 9th and 10th and Aqua on 11th, Saturn is in mutual reception with my Jupiter- Saturn in Saggi, Jupiter in Aqua. My saturn sextiles with my Sun 3* Aqua in my 10th and my Venus 5* Aqua that too in my 10th house. Besides, just a semisextile with Pluto at 7* Scorpio in my 7th).
I am not asking about interpreting my chart (however, if someone does this in the forum, i would appreciate a lot), please narrate your experiences under this post. There is nothing which is settled in my life. I am highly educated but so far have been miserably failed in finding a good job and according to my qualification. I'm going to be 29 in a month but no relationship or marriage. Just too caught up in family problems too. I must say this is the loneliest period of my life; superlative, loneliest.
Naturally a person in my situation craves for settling down and peace.
Please narrate how you felt when you went through your saturn return.
Okay so, I will be going to have my first Saturn Return in months.
I want to hear how did you feel when you had your saturn return?
From astrologers, i have some questions, i request you that you please take a little time to answer these.
1. Do different people feel differently when they have their saturn returns?
2. Does the house and the sign placements affect how people would feel during their saturn returns?
3. If yes; say if someone has a good saturn would there be good things coming in?
4. Does it affect the houses saturn rule and the house saturn is into?
5. I am hearing the 2-3 years before Saturn return are also difficult. I must say that last 2 years have been like a hell in my life. So, like people say that they get into problems, do people get out of problems too at the time of their saturn returns?
(For those, who would like to know about my Saturn; I have Saturn at 7* saggitarius right on the cusp of my 8th house. Saturn rules my 9th, 10th and 11th house- Capricorn duplicated on 9th and 10th and Aqua on 11th, Saturn is in mutual reception with my Jupiter- Saturn in Saggi, Jupiter in Aqua. My saturn sextiles with my Sun 3* Aqua in my 10th and my Venus 5* Aqua that too in my 10th house. Besides, just a semisextile with Pluto at 7* Scorpio in my 7th).
I am not asking about interpreting my chart (however, if someone does this in the forum, i would appreciate a lot), please narrate your experiences under this post. There is nothing which is settled in my life. I am highly educated but so far have been miserably failed in finding a good job and according to my qualification. I'm going to be 29 in a month but no relationship or marriage. Just too caught up in family problems too. I must say this is the loneliest period of my life; superlative, loneliest.
Naturally a person in my situation craves for settling down and peace.
Please narrate how you felt when you went through your saturn return.