I used to wonder why it was the case on so many astrology websites, especially modern ones, to try and make Scorpios seem like the Marvel character called The Punisher. "Strongest sign" gets thrown around a lot as well as, and this makes me laugh, Scorpio somehow being a stronger Mars sign than the god of war himself Aries. Forget the old domicile nonsense, it is just that, nonsense.
Figured this out by, well, just knowing the sign of Scorpio itself.
Scorpios are the kind of people who are power hungry but not as transparent and honest in obtaining power. To them, it is all about being "hidden" and an example of this is putting on one face in public and another in their real life. In other words, they are very calculating people who are power hungry but might try to sound morally self-righteous in front of others. An example of this was politician Hillary Clinton who was soundly defeated by Donald Trump due to the very fact that she came off as power hungry.
This is also a sign of envy and jealously.
A Scorpio guy will look at a Taurus guy that is handsome and then try to say that he is better than him because he is a "better person" or "not as shallow". Yet at the same time, the Scorpio man envies the Taurus man for his handsome looks and wishes that he had what that man has, yet he cannot obtain that very thing.
So how does this play into the aggressive over-promotion of Scorpio among modern astrologers?
So a sign like say a Leo will go right to Times Square, pull out a megaphone and say that Leos are awesome. Scorpios are a bit more secretive so they rely on internet blogs and other mediums to make themselves appear stronger than they actually are, often saying nonsense such as how they are a better sun and mars placement than Aries and a load of other garbage. All the while, attempting to come off as impartial or pretending to be another zodiac sign, all to spread a false message but also over-promote themselves.
It all comes down to a desperate need for power but through indirect means since natives of this sign tend to lack the charisma and social prowess (no one actually likes them) in order to get it directly.
Figured this out by, well, just knowing the sign of Scorpio itself.
Scorpios are the kind of people who are power hungry but not as transparent and honest in obtaining power. To them, it is all about being "hidden" and an example of this is putting on one face in public and another in their real life. In other words, they are very calculating people who are power hungry but might try to sound morally self-righteous in front of others. An example of this was politician Hillary Clinton who was soundly defeated by Donald Trump due to the very fact that she came off as power hungry.
This is also a sign of envy and jealously.
A Scorpio guy will look at a Taurus guy that is handsome and then try to say that he is better than him because he is a "better person" or "not as shallow". Yet at the same time, the Scorpio man envies the Taurus man for his handsome looks and wishes that he had what that man has, yet he cannot obtain that very thing.
So how does this play into the aggressive over-promotion of Scorpio among modern astrologers?
So a sign like say a Leo will go right to Times Square, pull out a megaphone and say that Leos are awesome. Scorpios are a bit more secretive so they rely on internet blogs and other mediums to make themselves appear stronger than they actually are, often saying nonsense such as how they are a better sun and mars placement than Aries and a load of other garbage. All the while, attempting to come off as impartial or pretending to be another zodiac sign, all to spread a false message but also over-promote themselves.
It all comes down to a desperate need for power but through indirect means since natives of this sign tend to lack the charisma and social prowess (no one actually likes them) in order to get it directly.