Doom & Gloom


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The Doom & Gloom’s Guide to Parenting 101



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I have came across EA a few years ago, and I can remember wanting to learn more about it at the time, and being recommended a book by Jeffrey Green. Is that who you have studied?

I probably incorporate some of the principles of EA without realising - like placing importance on the Node’s and believing they are indicative of past lives and where the soul is heading this life. (As opposed to thinking the South Node is just the past in this life). So yep, I probably already do some EA without realising.

You should make a thread about EA! I would love to learn more about it.

Honestly, I use this forum as a bit like a colouring book for my spiritual pursuits. I can be open here in a way I cannot in my real life, for whatever reason.

You know what thread you would love, is a thread called ‘the node and reality,’ by an old member called Rahu.

He offers a great explanation of it from the first page, describing quantum reality and how the Node’s help to ‘fix’ reality.

It probably has its basis in EA but then Rahu just takes it to a whole other level in his explanations.

If you made a thread about EA, it would help encourage those of us who are too lazy to study *cough* 🙊🙊
Well i am so new here and feeling a bit sluglike today, but would be happy to contribute to an EA thread soon. I recommend The Chirotic Journal and Rasa Lila Healing on Youtube if you are feeling lazy and like all things Lunar = ]


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Life is a tad stressful right now but you’ve got to really try grab on to the good: I have the same shape eyebrows as Vivien Leigh because one of my eyebrows also stands taller than the other. In Leigh, it is her right eyebrow, with me, it is the left one.

What star sign is Scarlett O’hara? Note, not the actress Vivien Leigh, who I am sure was a Scorpio in real-life.

I think Scarlett is a typical Aries, with perhaps a simmering Moon in Scorpio. But her character appears too naive to be an intuitive Scorpio. Scarlett O’hara is pure cold determination and I think it is only the simmering Scorpionic nature of Leigh that makes me want to give Scarlett some Scorpio. Her character is cold and ruthless, so I think she may be a Moon in Capricorn, Aries Sun.

Rhett Butler is a Scorpio. To me, Scorpio seems like a wiser Aries, less impetuous. And Rhett was indeed wiser than Scarlett. (**note: I no longer think Rhett was wiser than Scarlett, read on.)

Scarlett gets a bad wrap though. It became apparent to me that she was a victim of war - on returning home to her beloved Tara, she finds her Mum dead, her Dad deranged, only three loyal slaves left, and no food to eat or cotton to sell. Only a cow that was in pain from lack of being milked.

So she may have stole her sister’s would-be husband, married men for their money and made them miserable, then they somehow died - but she kept those around her alive - no one was ever hungry in her watch. She kept her beloved Tara from being sold to scummy carpetbaggers, and became one of the richest women in Atlanta.

It is a shame that in order to achieve such survival against all odds, she became hardened and cold, but even worse - she became so fixated on the past that she prevented herself from finding true love and happiness with her devoted 4th husband, Rhett Butler, because she still clung to the past and sought only to love the weak-willed Ashley Wilkes, who was a representation of the Old South and her lost life.

In the end, Rhett finally could take no more of the dredge and misery that she brought him and he walked out on her, declaring, ‘frankly my dear, I do not give a d.amn,’ when she asked what would she do without him.

In the end, she lost everything. (Note: I no longer think she lost everything, read on). And that is so sad because she is not a villain at all, just a victim of war and a survivor at all costs.

So what did she do? Following some old advice from her Dad that he had given her before he had died…She went home to her beloved Tara -

‘Do you mean to tell me, Katie Scarlett O’Hara, that Tara, that land, doesn’t mean anything to you? Why, land is the only thing in the world worth workin’ for, worth fightin’ for, worth dyin’ for, because it’s the only thing that lasts.”
Gerald O’hara, Scarlett’s Father.

A lot of people, myself included, were left wondering is Scarlett could ever get Rhett back, now that she finally snapped herself out of her delusions of the past and realise she did indeed love him. After all, if anyone could get what they wanted, it is Scarlett O’hara.

I don’t think she does/did get him back though. The tragedy, and the moral of the story is, that just as much as Scarlett achieved astronomic heights of financial success, from having gone from being so starving at her lowest point that she clawed at the soil at Tara potatoes to eat, she loses out, just as astronomically, in matters of the heart, because that is the price she paid for survival. This loss of innocence is symbolised by the death of her daughter, Bonnie, in a horse-riding accident. She can never get it back and it affects Rhett too - once Scarlett’s innocence is lost forever, he can never get her back either. He references it in the final scene of the movie when he talks about Bonnie’s death, ‘she took everything.’

There is a sequel to Gone With The Wind, not written by Margaret Mitchell, because she died, but by an author chosen by popular vote to write the sequel. But no, I refuse to read it. Like Scarlett clawing at the Red Earth of Tara, many readers, including myself, clawed at the desire to see her reunite with Rhett. But my God, what an effect to have on a reader, to make them want more for the main character. That is the beauty and tragedy of Gone With The Wind for me, the needing and wanting more.

Plus, Margaret Mitchell was telling a real tale of survival and what it takes to be win. Directly opposed to Scarlett’s fighting spirit, are the characters who represent the past - the flimsy, weak, romantic characters, like Ashley Wilkes, who do not have the strength like Scarlett had to survive. If she had survived and achieved astronomical success, but also managed to claw back her PTSD in time to not lose out on matters of the heart - she would not be able to diametrically oppose the romantic characters,’ and she would also be less human. Scarlett is very human for all her faults.

As for Margaret Mitchell, she died quite young in her 40’s in a way that makes me suspect there was a bit of the Scarlett about her. There was also a bit of dramatic irony in her death too - she was walking across the road, pushing her husband in his wheelchair, when a car suddenly swerved towards them. With seconds to think, she leaves her husband in the path of the oncoming car, and makes a dash for it to get out the way. The driver, trying to avoid crashing into them, also decides to swerve out of the way, and straight into the path of Margaret Mitchell. She dies, and her husband is saved.

Maybe that is another reason why Rhett should never get back with Scarlett - art could end up imitating life far too closely for Rhett’s liking.

Anyway, I think I’ll try copy the look she does with her eyebrows, since we both have one that is higher than the other.


Edit: it just came to me, the real reason why there is no sequel to GWTW, and why Scarlett definitely does not manage to get Rhett back -

Ashley Wilkes represented the Old South. Rhett Butler was a representation of the renegade to that - he did not let the old ways prevent him from seeing the bigger picture.

Rhett saw a lot of himself in Scarlett, because form a young age, it was clear she was stronger-minded than the whimsical Old South.

Scarlett has a weakness - she thinks she needs a man (don’t we all!) - at first, she clings to the Old South in Ashley Wilkes then, at the end of the movie, she clings to the representation of the ‘New South’ (post Civil War) in Rhett Butler.

But she is neither the Old South or the new - she is half Irish. She is even more renegade than Rhett Butler. She has ancestry from a long line of Celtic warriors, who fought for their land, and that is where she got her strength from, and who she always was.

Rhett has to exit in the moment when Scarlett becomes fully realised - Rhett wanted to nurture the child in her, and he leaves when she is no longer is one.

Scarlett is half-Irish and that is why she returned to Tara, a representation of a woman having fully realised herself. She never did need a man.

Margaret Mitchell was a feminist.
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Also, I am no longer as big a fan of Marilyn Monroe as what I was. Let me explain. I still relate to her, in a much deeper way than I have seen the majority of her fans do, but not in the way I did before. So I am taking a step back from that now.

I had a shadow realisation. I became a fan of MM for two-fold - one, I related to her eternal sense of displacement and ‘orphan’ archetype. That is the reason I will always appreciate her.

The other fan I mentioned, the ex-journalist, he relayed to MM deeply too - because she reminds him of his Mum, I suspect.

The reason why I am not as attached to MM as I was is because the second reason was I had a poor self-image when I was younger. I won’t bore you with the reasons why, but basically when I was a child and adolescent, the poor self-image I had of myself was too hurtful to face up to, so when I related to MM, I cushioned my severe lack of self-esteem by subconsciously thinking I was not just tragic like MM was, but also as beautiful. I think a part of me has still clung to that delusion in adult life.

The realisation of that hit me a couple of weeks ago - I saw the truth quite clearly and it was a but embarrassing, as all shadow delusions are. Better to rip the plaster (bandaid) off though than seek to continue in the delusion. I would rather see myself clearly.

So, I am taking a step back from MM, not fully and not forever, just while I do justice to both her and myself in my new found realisation.

I will always be grateful to her for being a beacon of light for other lost souls. I relate to her more genuinely now, seeing her as her own person, and me as my own person, yet both of us coming from a similar psychological cloth.

She is she and I am I.



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I want to thank every man who has ever let me down - nee, most of the men I have ever placed a romantic delusion upon. Mostly, I would like to thank my Father for breaking my heart. You started my journey of self-realisation.

To kind of quote Shakespeare, if life is a play, and every man has played a character on the stage that is my life, just like the men in Scarlett’s life serves the purpose only to allow her to drop the delusions that she needed then. And then by the same feat, every man has played a pivotal role in my life, that they all needed to let me down and leave me when I lost needed them, so that I could look back and realise I am here and where I am because of me and me alone. And what a great destiny to have and be thankful for - my purpose in life is to become a fully realised person on my own.

Life is actually this symbolic, for everybody. It is shocking when you see that reality is but a play and lessons from people are but a literary device, and the North Node your dramatic climax.

Note: I do still understand that people are real and fully autonomous. Yet, we are all bit parts in each other’s play if ya get me and believe me, reality is a play, I have long known that, just not seen it this clearly.


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A guy I used to speak to fairly often a few years ago when I used to visit fb astrology groups, messaged me a couple of weeks ago.

He was a bit of a dick back then and he is still if not more of a dick now.

When we used to talk, maybe 5/6 years ago now, I was going through some tough Saturn transits, and was a visible mess. He was a bit of a dick to me, not too bad.

He’s an even bigger dick now, bless him. He hasn’t done any shadow work, he’s clearly made a choice to bury his head in his hand. And he’s now a bitter, toxic alcoholic.

I was still friendly and open with him, but still voiced when he tried to gaslight me and stuff and pointed out to him he was a pretty angry person. He didn’t like me setting those boundaries, and he blocked me.

Saturn in Pisces will not fare well for alcoholics. I hope he manages to turn it around but let this be a warning to you all - do your bloody shadow work. There are no promises of pots of gold or lottery if you put the hard graft in.

The only prize is you won’t end up a delusional dickhead like those who run away from their problems and, plus, when the plaster comes off, and oh it will, it will hurt you more the longer you choose to live in denial.

Don’t get me wrong, being denial is a normal part of life and growth, but there will be pivotal moments in your life where you are given the opportunity to grow. If you want to avoid self-growth, you usually have to victimise somebody else to do it, which will only cause you further karma.

So don’t be a delusional dickhead.

This thread is sometimes cringe worthy in it frank confessions but I don’t give a ****, cos if it inspires anyone to get their own ‘ah-ha!’ moments, then it’s worth it. Plus, I love being open. I am not this open on real life and writing it all down is therapeutic and really works for my own personal growth.

So yeah, take heed.


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One last thing before I retire for the evening.

I recently shared that I got kicked out of Marilyn Monroe’s official fan club a few years ago. Fair enough, I was not conservative enough.

Yesterday or the day before, got kicked out from ‘Davonte Sheard’s’ Facebook group. He is running a business and I criticised it.

I liked his teachings and I have even posted a couple of his memes on this forum before. It is about learning to be a feminine woman and learning how to attract a masculine man. I do see the value in these old-fashioned set-ups.

However, he posted a meme that said the reason people are always poor is because they have negative entities attached to them. He did not provide a solution to this fear-mongering so I literally replied to the post,

‘I don’t like the fear-mongering without providing a solution unless money is exchanged.’

A lot of people liked the post.

Also, this woman replied asking for help on how to do it. I pointed out to her that he is running a business and will not actually tell her unless he makes money from it.

She was quite fiesty/offended and said something like ‘I am asking because I want to know,’ something like that, although much ruder.

I then decided to click on her fb profile to see what I was dealing with here. I could see straight away, in her eyes, she was indeed trapped in a very dark place. But, she was also running and advertising her own spiritual business. It then became obvious a huge part of the reason she was asking is so she could have some wisdom to sell to her own clients.

This is the reason I had to stop hanging around fb astrology groups - it was very money and business oriented, whereas I have never once spent money on astrology. Being surround by fake psychic lots was so toxic.

Anyway, I decided to reply this to her -

‘I hit a nerve. I wish you healing in your recovery but I do not condone your fake spiritually.’

WOOFT - I got such a vitriol of hatred back it was intense. It was along the lines of ‘you evil woman how dare you say that to me.’

I get she is vulnerable but she is also making the choice to turn a profit rather than genuinely work on herself.

I probably shouldn’t point out people’s shadow to them because it is inevitable they will think I am an a-hole, but spirituality is so dear to my heart, I can’t stand any fakery to it. 🤷‍♀️:/ oops.

Anyway, here is Davonte Sheard’s post that I thought was unethical. He is also choosing to imprison himself by manipulating spirituality to turn a profit.

Btw, it didn’t bother me he was running a business, but he crossed a line there. Who knows how many vulnerable people read it and were ready to give him $2k, $10k that he charges for his courses!

Moral of the story: fuk all fake people.


One last thing, it did dawn on me, even before he posted this immoral meme, that there was a flaw in his business plan. A lot of his teaching is about how the man should provide and the woman must inspire him in a feminine way. He makes a lot of money by basically saying to the women, ‘by purchasing my course, and learning to submit to me in your natural feminine state, this will then attract a masculine man to you.’

Well, it didn’t take long for it to dawn on me that, as the provider, it is the man who should be providing the money, and the woman who submits. But he wants these women to provide the money, then also submit??

If he had ever asked me to join or anything, I would have told him to give me money if he wanted me to submit to him, right?

What a plonker.
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Research which further indicates Rhett and Scarlett did not reunite —

“Mr. Gable, speaking as though you are really the immortal Rhett Butler in that great Civil War novel, did you ever return to Scarlett?” we asked.

“No,” he said slowly and a little sadly. Then more empathically, “No, I don’t think I ever did!”

“You know, I asked Margaret Mitchell (the author) that same question and she said, ‘No, he never went back.'”

— extract taken from an interview Clark Gable gave to a journalist at Tampa airport in February 1958



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I just wanted to share a little update about my adventures into the world of Gone With The Wind Chatham tapestries —

A lady posted her Tara tapestry in a GWTW group I have recently joined. I had never seen anything so beautiful. This is how I learnt about the GWTW Chatham collector tapestries, because she told me about them.

I did not just leave one compliment about her tapestry, like most people did, I left three! And I enquired about it. The lady was kind enough to find a really good Tara tapestry on eBay for me. I was going to purchase it, but because I was just new to eBay and the whole GWTW Chatham tapestry thing, I was just doing a little research before making a decision.

Literally, within a matter of a few hours, the tapestry had been sold! I commented back to the lady and she said oh maybe someone read out conversation and saw the link.

I was in a state of shock, I messaged the seller on eBay and asked if it was too late or it anything possibly could be done. She messaged back a few hours later apologising, the person had already paid for it. She reassured me another tapestry should come up.

She is probably right but oh, someone was very sneaky and I do not like it. I wrote a post and requested to submit it to the group, just saying that I hope the person finds their tapestry extra beautiful because she sneak-attacked it away from someone. Surely it would leave a bitter taste somewhat! Or probably not, she probably does not care. I deleted the post because I have only just joined the group.

Btw, there is another tapestry for sale that is exactly the same, except it is being sold for over 3x’s the price. So the one the lady found for me was perfect, but it was stolen from me.

Doom & Gloom.


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‘Going was dying, and staying was dying. When we get to junctures like that, we had better choose the dying that enlarges rather than the one that keeps us stuck.’

‘We are not here to fit in, be well balanced, or provide exempla for others. We are here to be eccentric, different, perhaps strange, perhaps merely to add our small piece, our little clunky, chunky selves, to the great mosaic of being. As the gods intended, we are here to become more and more ourselves.’

both quotes from
— James Hollis, What Matters Most



Well-known member
Vivien Leigh who played Scarlett in Gone with the Wind had some serious mental illness issues going on in her short lifetime:

the public strongly identified Leigh with her second husband, Laurence Olivier, who was her spouse from 1940 to 1960. Leigh and Olivier starred together in many stage productions, with Olivier often directing, and in three films. She earned a reputation for being difficult to work with and for much of her life, she had bipolar disorder, as well as recurrent bouts of chronic tuberculosis, which was first diagnosed in the mid-1940s and ultimately led to her death at age 53

Leigh was filming Caesar and Cleopatra (1945) when she discovered she was pregnant, then had a miscarriage.[70] Leigh temporarily fell into a deep depression that hit its low point with her falling to the floor, sobbing in an hysterical fit.[71] This was the first of many major bipolar disorder breakdowns. Olivier later came to recognise the symptoms of an impending episode—several days of hyperactivity followed by a period of depression and an explosive breakdown, after which Leigh would have no memory of the event, but would be acutely embarrassed and remorseful

Considering her marriage to be over, Leigh began a relationship with actor Jack Merivale in 1960, who knew of Leigh's medical condition and assured Olivier that he would care for her. That same year, she and Olivier divorced and Olivier soon married actress Joan Plowright. In his autobiography, Olivier discussed the years of strain they had experienced because of Leigh's illness: "Throughout her possession by that uncannily evil monster, manic depression, with its deadly ever-tightening spirals, she retained her own individual canniness—an ability to disguise her true mental condition from almost all except me, for whom she could hardly be expected to take the trouble."

Leigh's fee of $100,000 for A Streetcar Named Desire made her the highest paid British actress in 1951; her costar, Marlon Brando, was paid $75,000 for his role as Stanley Kowalski


Well-known member
Vivien Leigh who played Scarlett in Gone with the Wind had some serious mental illness issues going on in her short lifetime:

the public strongly identified Leigh with her second husband, Laurence Olivier, who was her spouse from 1940 to 1960. Leigh and Olivier starred together in many stage productions, with Olivier often directing, and in three films. She earned a reputation for being difficult to work with and for much of her life, she had bipolar disorder, as well as recurrent bouts of chronic tuberculosis, which was first diagnosed in the mid-1940s and ultimately led to her death at age 53

Leigh was filming Caesar and Cleopatra (1945) when she discovered she was pregnant, then had a miscarriage.[70] Leigh temporarily fell into a deep depression that hit its low point with her falling to the floor, sobbing in an hysterical fit.[71] This was the first of many major bipolar disorder breakdowns. Olivier later came to recognise the symptoms of an impending episode—several days of hyperactivity followed by a period of depression and an explosive breakdown, after which Leigh would have no memory of the event, but would be acutely embarrassed and remorseful

Considering her marriage to be over, Leigh began a relationship with actor Jack Merivale in 1960, who knew of Leigh's medical condition and assured Olivier that he would care for her. That same year, she and Olivier divorced and Olivier soon married actress Joan Plowright. In his autobiography, Olivier discussed the years of strain they had experienced because of Leigh's illness: "Throughout her possession by that uncannily evil monster, manic depression, with its deadly ever-tightening spirals, she retained her own individual canniness—an ability to disguise her true mental condition from almost all except me, for whom she could hardly be expected to take the trouble."

Leigh's fee of $100,000 for A Streetcar Named Desire made her the highest paid British actress in 1951; her costar, Marlon Brando, was paid $75,000 for his role as Stanley Kowalski

Do you remember Leigh when she was in the cinemas?

I’ve never seen her version of Cleopatra, or even watched ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ in its entirety (I think I’ve seen it on TV a couple of times but haven’t watched it).

The only thing I have seen her in is GWTW and to me she IS Scarlett O’hara. I think it would be strange to see her in something else now, but I should watched the Streetcar one.


Well-known member
Do you remember Leigh when she was in the cinemas?

I’ve never seen her version of Cleopatra, or even watched ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ in its entirety (I think I’ve seen it on TV a couple of times but haven’t watched it).

The only thing I have seen her in is GWTW and to me she IS Scarlett O’hara. I think it would be strange to see her in something else now, but I should watched the Streetcar one.
No I don't. I don't think I'm "that" old, lol. But my late Libra mother in law born 10/7/1919 was a huge fan.

BTW, your tapestries are truly lovely! You have good taste.

This was the scandalous breakdown she had: (I heard it caused her divorce)

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