1. tRump in January 2020
In addition to the direct transits the midpoints of transiting Sun/Neptune, Saturn/Neptune, and Neptune/Pluto oppose tRump's natal Mars/Pluto midpoint on January 13.
tRump natal progressed to January 13, 2020, winds up with the USA total solar eclipse of Aug 21, 2017, on it’s IC and eclipse Saturn on the Desc
tRump natal with January 13 2020 transits
tRump prog with jan 13 2020 transits
tRump inaug with jan 13 2020 transits
2. Astrology of the Famous and Well Known / Re: tRump's Days Are Numbered « on: May 21, 2017, 06:32:13 AM »
The Sun (294°42'), Saturn (294°42'), and Pluto (294°45') on January 13, 2020.
George Washington's inauguration secondary progressed Sun/Pluto midpoint at 294°14' on Jan 13, 2020
tRump's natal Saturn 115°43' is opposite
tRump’s progressed inauguration MC at 293°28' (add 1 degree the next day)
Nixon’s natal White House IC at 295°51'
Richard M Nixon resigns as President, the MC of that chart is 114°27' (IC is at 294°27')
Watergate arrest’s Zenith at 294°22'
Watergate arrest’s Mars opposite at 114°48'
JFK secondary progressed Sun at assassination opposite at 114°01'
Noon chart for Mercer has a Sun/Saturn midpoint at 114°48' opposite 294°48'
Bannon on Jan 13, 2020. His secondary progressed Neptune will be at 204°47' – squared by 90°
Republican party secondary progressed Mars on Jan 13, 2020 at 294°18'
tRump jr. has secondary progressed Mars (in longitude) on his papa’s Saturn
My Putin MC in Moscow (chart made in 2012) 294°19'
Except for The Washington and JFK charts all of them are connected to right wing people or events.
Charts related to the presidency from 1789 - Washington's inauguration, 1946 - trump's birth, 1972 - several Watergate points, and the 2017 inauguration, coming to or originally involving a common point at 294 degrees on January 13th, 2020, with three transiting bodies held by that same degree on that day. It might mean something related to the presidency term that began on January 20, 2017.
Doing my progressed anlunar chart for Tiffany tRump regarding January 13, 2020 produces another chart with a 294° MC holding the transiting Sun, Saturn, and Pluto. This from a timed birth chart for a family member who seems to be at some distance from the political workings of many other family members.
Another point for January 13, 2020. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s Sun. He was born on January 13 – his 2020 solar return will have Saturn and Pluto on the Sun.
That potent trio will also trine his natal Mars/Pluto midpoint. He had better be on the square with these proceedings.
3. By: Bob on November 15th, 2016 at 10:57 pm
"Charts showing Donald’s and Donald Jr.’s charts engaged by the total solar eclipse in August 2017 and the Saturn and Pluto conjunction in January of 2020. Looks like a family affair."
4. By: Bob on January 14th, 2017 at 9:48 am
"On the day Christopher Steele was born Uranus only traveled 2 minutes of arc so using a noon chart has his natal Uranus position within 1 minute of arc. His secondary progressed Uranus on January 13, 2020 will be at 161°00′. It will be receiving a maturing trine from transiting Jupiter at 280°24′. While trump, the GOP and Patry go low he goes high."
5. On September 18, 2019, Saturn will station Dx opposite Sibly Sun, Nixon's resignation Sun, and my GOP chart's Sun. Mars will be activating Sibly Mars and Neptune, Pluto will trine Sibly Neptune.
This is just 116 days before January 13, 2020.
tRump prog to Sep 18, 2019 with transits
Inaug prog to Sep 18, 2019 with transits
Inauguration chart with Sep 18, 2019 transits
tRump anlunar prog to Sep 18 with prog natal
6. Mashup of my chart for Putin in Moscow, Sibly located to Moscow (for angles), with my GOP Jupiter, tRump's Saturn, and transits for Jan 23th, 2020.
Charts for Putin, Sibly, GOP, and tRump were done long before I knew of transits on January 13, 2020.
The natal configuration below says a lot about Bannon's expression of a twisted psyche. His choice.
His natal Mars/Saturn midpoint 204°04'. His natal Neptune at 203°50' is on it.
Both are squared by the powerful Sun, Saturn, and Pluto transits on January 13, 2020.
TRump Saturn 23°49′ Cancer - 115°43'
GOP Jupiter 23°43′ Capricorn - 295°40'
Patry Moon 23°36′ Capricorn - 294°41'
Bannon Nep 25°Li04 - 203°50'
Mar/Sat 25°Li11 - 204°04'
January 13, 2020, 10 am, EST
Pluto 22°48 Capricorn - 294°45'
Sun 22°52′ Capricorn - 294°42'
Saturn 22°53′ Capricorn - 294°42'
Mercury 24°45′ Capricorn - 297°04'
Those transits will hammer the charts of 2 other Republican leaders (and IMO Roberts is such).
Mitch McConnell natal Mars/Neptune midpoint 114°14' (opposite). John Roberts DC (my speculative) MC 293°25' (Conjunct).
8. Why Benedict Arnold Turned Traitor Against the American Revolution
"Abrupt and impatient with anything he deemed superfluous to the matter at hand, Arnold had a fatal tendency to criticize and even ridicule those with whom he disagreed."
"Without the discovery of his treason in the fall of 1780, the American people might never have been forced to realize that the real threat to their liberties came not from without, but from within."
Benedict Arnold
Sun longitude 24°Cap44" (296°40' in RA), opposite tRump Saturn
Mars 114°47', conjunct tRump Saturn
Neptune square tRump Neptune in both longitude and right ascension.
Pluto square tRump Pluto in both longitude and right ascension.
9. More American chart points transited by the Sun, Saturn, and Pluto on January 13, 2020.
To refresh:
Right ascension of transiting Sun: 294°42'
Right ascension of transiting Saturn: 294°42'
Right ascension of transiting Pluto: 294°45'
New points:
Ratification of the Constitution (June 21, 1788, 1 pm, LMT, Concord, NH) progressed to same: Moon at 114°26' [opp 294°26'). Conjunct the Constitution natal Mercury at 114°39'.
The IC of my rectification for JFK located in Washington, DC, which I did in 1976 (a centennial year for the U.S.) 294°14'.
Sessions Sun/Pluto and Mars/Saturn midpoints squared by Sun, Saturn, and Pluto transit on January 13, 2020.