Does the 4th or 10th House Represent the Mother?


Well-known member
When I started leaning astrology we were taught that 10th house = father, 4th house = mother. As time passed we realise that it wasn't necessarily so cut-and-dried.
IMO the 10th house represents the "shaping" parent, the one who disciplines, guides etc.
The 4th house is the nurturing parent.

In my chart 10th house is Gemini - mother was a Gemini and 'wore the pants' in our house.
4th house Saggy was my father, the academic with an interest in other cultures (spoke 5 languages).


Well-known member
parents in a chart, to deanna


Another theory is that the 4th house represents the nurturing parent (mother or father) and the 10th house represents the authoritative parent (mother or father).

Nurturing with authority,

right. that is my view.


Well-known member
right. that is my view.
10th house ruled by Saturn. Is authority figure and the career person, the breadwinner and traditionally the male. If Moon is there then mother may be that. 4th house ruled by the Moon as nurturance and the home and family., domestic scene, traditionally the mother. If Saturn or the Sun is there maybe the father seen as nurturer and can indicate the house husband or stay at home Dad.


Well-known member

according to traditional astrology 10th house represents the father :)


JA, where's your source for this? According to traditional astrology, 10th house represents the mother and 4th house represents the father (because the father is the foundation of a family in patriarchial societies in the medieval and ancient times)


Well-known member

This thread is on our general board
if not
all :)
responses are modernistic opinion
If Traditional astrology Beginners read all available traditional texts :)

that's the way to learn to distinguish between traditional astrology and modernistic

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Well-known member
This post is not about predicting death but about which house represents the father, and which the mother, in a natal chart. I am not predicting death, not advocating trying to do so, not unaware of the psychological or ethical implications of attempting to do so.
According to the Church of Light research, in connection with the death of a parent, the 10th house represents the mother and the 4th the father. 100% of the time, in the case of the death of the father, there were progressed aspects to the ruler of the 4th house and the 8th house. 19% of the time, the aspect to the 4th was harmonious. 64% of the time, there was also an aspect to the ruler of the 10th.
In 54% of cases the heaviest progressed affliction in the native's chart was to the 4th for the death of the father and the 10th for the mother. In only 11% of the cases, this was reversed, with the heaviest progressed affliction to the 10th for the father and the 4th for the mother.
So the progressed aspects indicated it was five times more likely the 4th represented the father, and the 10th, the mother, in the native's chart.
These stats are quoted from When And What Events Will Happen by Elbert Banjamine.


Active member
A lot of people are laying down the law about what is the traditional meaning, so let's look at the evidence.

Paul of Alexandria: … the northern angle … is indicative of everything concerning parents …
Firmicus Maternus: The 4th house … shows us the parents …
Rhetorius of Egyptː The 4th house … signifies the topic of parents …
al-Biruni: IV Parents…
Abu Ma'shar (Introduction): the 4th house … parents …

On the other hand
Abu Bakr (Nativities): The father's status is known from … the 4th house… but the mother's from the 10th house …
al-Qabisi (Introduction): the 4th house of fathers … the 10th … of mothers …

What's going on here, I suspect, is a confusion of language. Greek, like English, had a word for parent but Arabic, like Spanish, did not – for parents you wrote alaba‘ which also meant fathers. So some-one must have thought that if the 4th house was the house of alaba‘ then the 10th must be al‘umahat "mothers".

Advancing to the 17th century, we have William Lilly writing "The 4th house, concerning parents". Morin also assigns parents to the 4th.

In the 20th century, Charles Carter (Principles of Astrology) assigns the 4th to the parents, while remarking that some assign it to the father and the mother to the 10th. Just to confuse us, Antarès (Manuel Practique d'Astrologie) assigns the 4th to the parent of the same sex and the 10th to the parent of the opposite sex. Marion March and Joan McEvers (The Only Way to Learn Astrology) assign the 4th to "the parent who has the greatest influence on you as a child" and the 10th to other one — one of those rules which cannot be applied if you don't have the information in advance and which is rather pointless if you do!

The one thing I can't find is assignment of the father to the 10th.