I will.
She puts him on her 8th, despite the "secretive" and uneasy feeling towards him, 8th also means sex and death, maybe she is worrying that he is thinking more on sex rather than love?
The 8th house
does not represent sex.
This is an erroneous modern take on the 8th house, but has no place in horary. The 8th will only have to do with death, in a question about illness or death; otherwise it is a house that simply signifies anguish and fear. It is utterly dark and should not be associated with the pleasures of sex!
The 5th house is everything sex: from thoughts of sex to the sex act, right through to reproducing and having a baby; so a significator here would indicate thoughts about sex, rather than 'love'. The focus here is on 'pleasure' and its products, rather than the responsibilities and drudgery of a commitment.
He puts her in his 11th house means that he feels comfortable being "friend" with her rather than committing to an actual relationship. He might prefer to maintain the current situation.
Perhaps, but a chart usually shows life from the querent's perspective, rather than the quesited's. So the querent being placed in the 5th house means a focus on pleasure, rather than friendship. If the querent or the quesited were placed in the 11th house, that would show friendship developing, regardless of 'who' the question was about. The quesited is in the 8th; so either he is 'hiding' or it may simply mean that the querent 'can't see' him or his motives.
In any case, there is no indication in this chart that this is going to blossom easily into a 'love' relationship, whatever that means to the querent. The querent seems to be asking about more than a simple ''Does he love me?" question. With the applying square between the querent and quesited's significators, I would be tempted to give a flat 'no'; if the Moon reached Jupiter (him) and translated to Saturn (long-distance) without interference from Mars, I would be inclined to say, 'But maybe you can make it work'...
Mars is on the cusp of the 5th; with all the Mars activity (all the applications to and from) I wonder whether the querent and quesited won't have either a) a massive fight about the situation or b) several nights of passion (or maybe both
) ...a simple 'Does he love me' question usually involves strong receptions for a 'yes' answer, which we don't have. ALST123 said:
You are in term of Jupiter/the man (and so are thinking in romantic terms about him).
but this isn't necessarily the case. 'Term' is a weak reception, and is not a strong indicator of 'love' of the kind that abides. It means that the Jupiter person has a mild interest in the querent, but not much more.
The lack of receptions and applying square between querent and quesited actually make me wonder what the real issue is.