

Well-known member
I read somewhere that the Sun has to be prominent in the natal chart because the Sun is the life giver ... and the doctor's vocation is somewhat similar.
But I am not sure about this ! And the only doctor in our family has the Sun in Libra (fall) :D Obviously there must be some other factors !!!


Staff member
I remember I read somewhere that traditionally a Mars-Saturn aspect might involved - so the doctor "cuts through the evil" so to speak...
I have it of course :)

Seriously, it hugely depends on the kind of doctor one is. An Ayurvedic doctor is supposed to have totally different elements than a emergency doctor ....


Well-known member
I'm a psychotherapist. I have North node in the 6th house in trine to the Sun and Pluto conj. Asc. I care for others mental health.

Joseph Ledzion

Well-known member
pluto 74 said:
Does anybody have an idea what aspects and houses would made a good doctor?
Maybe the 12th house, water signs?

The best houses for a good physican are, obviously the 6th house (the house of illness), in connection with the 10, and 12th. Saturn has shown to be prominant in the charts of Doctors. William Lilly points out that Mars and Venus conjunct in the 6th can indicate a favorable physician, although in horary and not natal, I believe.

Most importantly thus, a strong Saturn, and healthy moon, because the two always go together, in order to create a sound constitution.

Here's the formula: the rulers of 6th house need to be in favorable aspects to rulers of 10th and 12th houses, by rulership, by dignity, by triplicity and sect. The aspects between the planets in those houses, and the rulers need to interact positively, through easy aspects. When all that stuff comes together, you've got a great doctor.

Trines of Jupiter to the Sun are favorable for learning. This is the "Mensa" aspect, often indicating genius. This is in part because when the Sun is trine Jupiter, Jupiter is stationing, and thus closest to the earth and at its most powerful position. The 2nd station is more powerful, because Jupiter is going direct.

One also will note Mercury in favorable aspect to Uranus.

All of these aspects ought to be in the 6th, 10th and 12th houses; and the rulers of the houses able to translate back and forth through these planets.

The trine is most favorable.

The 10th house is important in order to have a strong outlook on life and the desire to achieve and reach a high level of success.

The 6th house shows the ability to be in the moment and focus on the task at hand, day in and day out, as well as study and work tireless hours, dedicated to service. Obviously it also rules over diseases itself.

The 12th house is really the area of the chart where one's consciousness is left alone with God, and learns how to become a healer, or to pray and recieve divinity, and intuition, which often plays an important role.

Hope this helps!

Joseph Ledzion
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Depends on what type of doctor, but the astrological signature is usually Virgo/6th house, Scorpio/8th Pisces and 12th house with all the rulers combined in some way Mercury/Neptune/Pluto. It can be stated in different ways in the natal chart. Chiron might be another factor to consider as I have a chart here with Chiron prominant of a person who spent most of his life in the health field. He helped to treat people in poor rural areas.

In his natal chart he has Sun, Mars, Neptune conjunct in 12th in Scorpio. Mercury is in Scorpio 1st, rules his 8th/11th houses. Planets in Virgo/10th. Moon conjunct Uranus on the M.C in Leo opposed Chiron on the I.C it is a powerful opposition in his natal chart. Farmer wanted to change the health conditions in poorer countries and felt very passionately involved in his cause, he couldn't understand why poor people had to suffer and thought it unfair.

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Well-known member
I think Scorpio in general is supposed to be a good indication for a surgeon or emergency doctor, as a Scorpio can make those snap decisions and knows when to cut the branch to save the tree.

So a strong Scorpio, with I think good Mercury aspects to show dexterity and flexibility of mind, as a doctor will need to multitask etc. A favourable Mars, maybe well aspected in the 6th, and maybe aspected to the moon might also help make a good doctor as it would help channel the energies into a nourishing and caring, health preserving servile way. And I think Mars should be calm in any doctor's chart!

But this is for one type of doctor and there are many.