Do i have negative aspects in my 7th house? Im always lonely


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You have Saturn (duty) square (energy needs to be combined with) a least-aspected (strong energy) Sun (self-expression), meaning for you duty and self-expression combine together strongly. Your Sun rules your Descendant (others) so your strong, dutiful self-expression are how you relate to others. This can overwhelm others and so they move away. More about Saturn square Sun here:

You also have Venus (love) opposite (energy is over-excited by) Neptune (spirituality, also confusion) focused on the house of spirituality, also confusion. So relationships are both a confusing and a spiritual experience. This opposition is focused by Easy Opposition on Pluto (transformation, also power) on the Midheaven (outer world), meaning your spiritual relationships naturally lead you to transformative power in the outer world. Pluto ALWAYS requires a "death and transformation" experience so your relationships are "dying" so that you may be "reborn". More about Venus opposite Neptune here:

More about Venus trine Pluto (part of the Easy Opposition) here:

Your Pluto is on your North Node (future goals) so your GOAL in life is to go OUT in the world and relationships will HELP you do that. Also helpful is the fact that your planets are well-balanced in your chart, with a similar number on the left (self) and right (others) of the chart, as well as below the line (inner word) and above the line (outer world), all showing you can easily move your focus around from yourself, to others, to your inner world, to your outer world. So any issues you have with relationships won't become an obsession for you.

Time, as they say, heals all wounds, and your chart has a LOT of potential. The challenge is to become an adult, accept the challenge, and find the relationships that work best for YOU. They WON'T look like everyone else's relationships, but they will work well for YOU. Review the information here since YOU are an expert on YOU and you will recognize yourself and your challenges in the aspect descriptions, and, now understanding in full the challenge, will be better able to find a solution.




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Do i have negative aspects in my 7th house? Im always lonely

Im always alone but i dont consider myself a loner, i dont enjoy being alone. Id love to get married and have a famiky one day. i love being with people, id love to have just one friend in this world i could call just to say hi, one friend in the world .... but i am just so unsuccessful.
here's me with not a single friend in the world. The Silence is the most painful part. My mother tells me to just pray about it but that clearly hasnt helped over the past 12 years

then suddenly they just disappear
I think im a pretty nice person, im not the loudest one
Hi Lisa -

for me - 7th house is the first encounter - you experience at point of your birth - arriving here at earth - in a very vulnerable state as a little baby and 7th house and placements in- show wether you felt yourself welcomed or not. Which as your first impression you've got - can kinda shape you for later encounters in your life.

With your Chiron in health sign Virgo - as your inner wound and weakness in your 7th house - you look like being scared to be watched through critical eyes from others.

Which can get exaggerating and obsessive- with Chiron sextiling your natal Scorpio Jupiter in 8th house. Also able to get "a scared to death feeling" - you may have misinterpreted taken over at point of your birth -as a first feeling from outside and from your parents - feeling yourself responsible and kinda guilty for..

Scorpio Jupiter in 8th house - death and near to death experience zero degree exact sesquiquadrates your Sun in your 4th house /mother - Sun as your 7th house ruler and as part of your birth axis.

Your Sun is in a Mercury ruled 4th house - Mercury is in your 5th house - life energy - conj. your Moon as ruler of your health house. Your Moon as health house ruler is zero degree exact sesquiquadrated by your Pluto. And Pluto trines your Venus in 6th house health - medical treatment by doctors - at point of your birth.

Showing that your mother had to kinda fight for your life and showing special and unexpected circumstances short before and short after your birth - as Venus in 6th house is opposed by your Uranus/Neptune conj. in 12th house - prenatal house before birth.

Uranus is your personal birth energy and your personal enforcement energy for every new beginning in your life. And Uranus in 12th house semisquares your Saturn as your 12th house ruler in your 1st house. Saturn sextiles your Mars as 2nd house ruler - physical body house of existence. Mars is in Taurus in 3rd house - communication, first cry, house of breathing - Taurus rules the voice and the neck.

"Painful silence" - silence is Neptune -
"suddenly disappear" is Uranus -
both opposing Venus in health house - as ruler of 3rd house and as ruler of 8th house - genetic heritage, death and near to death experience in own life, shock and trauma experience and life threatening events. Saturn as 12th house ruler sesquiquadrates your Venus in 6th house.

Pluto in Scorpio in 9th house-among others- house of religious faith and prayers - trines your Venus as 3rd house and 8th house ruler in health house..

For me this looks like having had issues short before your birth - with less oxygen (Mars) - umbilical cord around your neck (?) and disappearing heart beat and issues with breathing and first cry after birth - Mars in 3rd house - so that doctors had to intervene to save your life - 6th house ?

What do you know from your own birth circumstances ? Own birth experience can also take impact in later life and in encountering people.
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Staff member
You have a Water Grand Trine, which has some very lovely qualities. You are compassionate, sensitive and very sympathetic and probably nostalgic and sentimental. Those are lovely qualities.

However a Grand Trine in Water can be a bit much for others to deal with. You may not realise it, but you might have the tendency to make everything about you. Your sensitivity and emotional nature can sometimes blind you to some of your own personal flaws. It is nothing you do purposely, just something to work on.

Have you heard of the saying ‘Learn to Read The Room?’ Sometimes Grand Trine Water people don’t know how to read the room. They just flood the room with their own emotional flow, emoting and communicating, but not always picking up what others are really saying or needing. WGT’s can get so caught up in their own emotional reactions or neediness or insecurities that they miss the boat.

You have a tremendous amount of Water, with the Moon/Merc/Venus in Cancer, Jup/Scorpio, and Saturn in Pisces.
And yet your Sun is in Gemini and squares that Saturn. Sometimes that aspect creates a difficult social situation, where one suffers from self doubt, or feels not at liberty to express their true selves. They may also feel boxed in and forced to conform to a standard that represses their true personality. Problems with the father can sometimes be the source of this insecurity and lack of self confidence.

Having all of that WATER but then having the Gemini Sun can create a situation where you try to be the fun, engaging conversational Gemini but below the surface is all this unresolved emotional stuff and it might make you come off as fake or not authentic?

The 3rd house is where I look to see how someone communicates with ’new’ friends and neighbours and co-workers. How is that flow?

You have Mars in Taurus in the 3rd so I do see how you like to joke around and make animated conversations and engage with others. That is a good thing. I think it comes back to you being able to read how others are responding or reacting.

Mars in the 3rd can indicate that others may misunderstand or misinterpret your words or actions. Maybe your form of joking around and engaging can put others off?

Mars opposed Jupiter in Scorpio—can you come off as passive/aggressive when you think you are just joking around in good fun? Jupiter rules the 11th of friends/community networks. Being opposed by Mars, it can be a feeling of being annoyed or intimidated by you?

You are still young and have time to figure this all out. I would consider seeing a therapist or a counsellor and getting objective feedback from them about how you come across and how you communicate.


Well-known member
Let's look at what happened here on the thread & it might give you some insight as to why you have no friends.

Members spent their time & energy to respond to you. You ignored most of them, not even as much as a thank you.

You have a HIGHLY Cardinal chart, meaning you must always be right, always be the boss & always think you know best.

Nobody wants to be around a control freak who always must have everything THEIR way or the highway.

Add in the numerous water planets, you probably drag people down with your negativity, constant need to be #1.
Nobody wants to be around an egocentric 'downer'.

You could try to stop your passive-aggressive ways but that would admitting that you are wrong & have issues within
yourself that you need to deal with. Instead of projecting your fears & toxicity onto others, deal with your 'daddy' probem.
Then you will find that people will want to be around you coz you have many beautiful aspects in your chart like empathy,
compassion, kindness. People don't see that though.
Allow your light to shine through & people will be attracted to that light.
You will always want to be the leader, that's okay, just give others time & the right to express themselves without your input.
You don't always have to prove to others that you are #1.

All the best in your spiritual journey.🌼🌼🌼


Well-known member
Any aspect of Saturn to the Moon tend to make loner. The trine aspect (to the Moon and Mercury) can make a good writer, can give success with accounts too.

Inhibited energies might make you a good critique too and often looking into detail.

I think, using idioms and phrases with touch of humor in interactions might improve chance.


Staff member
This is interesting, I'm actually the opposite. I never understand my chart, it reads to be someone else. I'm mostly a very quiet person, I avoid being the loudest in the room, i actually have terrible anxiety and am never a jokster unless at home with my family who im comfortable with. I mostly connect with people one on one. I am very good at reading the room and am very empathic to how people are feeling, i can tell when someone is uncomfortable, doesnt want to be bothered or not interested, it's a feeling too. I usually wait and if someone reaches out to me or initiates conversation I will follow. I constantly get told that I have a great personality, gentle and kind is the word I always hear.. people show an interest but disappear or switch on me and I don't know how to build on that, it scares me away because I never want to bother anyone. My ex was very kind at first then he also immediately switched to being abusive. I'm sort of reaching a point where I now avoid everyone because I'm afraid to disappoint anyone and I feel I'm doing a favor by staying away because they'd probably much rather connect with someone better but I hate being lonely. It's a tough situation
The question is WHY do your friends switch on you and then ghost you?

Earlier you yourself said "
"i love being with people, id love to have just one friend in this world i could call just to say hi, one friend in the world .... but i am just so unsuccessful.
I think im a pretty nice person, im not the loudest one
in the room but i love to interact, joke and conversate with people, especially people who have thungs in common wirh me."

You said that 'you love to joke with people', I was quoting you---then you now say" I am never a jokester. " So I think you have some confusion about your true self and how you come off to others.

Also, I DID agree with you that you are empathetic and gentle. I said:

You have "some very lovely qualities. You are compassionate, sensitive and very sympathetic and probably nostalgic and sentimental. Those are lovely qualities."

But I also said you exhibit some anxiety:
" Sometimes that aspect creates a difficult social situation, where one suffers from self doubt, or feels not at liberty to express their true selves. They may also feel boxed in and forced to conform to a standard that represses their true personality. Problems with the father can sometimes be the source of this insecurity and lack of self confidence."

So I don't think my description was the 'opposite' of your situation. I think it goes back to to learning how to better understand yourself and how you relate to others and communicate.

I think that your anxiety makes it hard for you to be authentic and to truly express yourself fully. And because of that it is hard to build relationships because they are built upon shifting sands.

I do think that going to a therapist or counsellor could really help you get to the core of your Chiron principle and learn how to express yourself in an authentic way that helps you sustain new relationships.