

Well-known member

Cool, thanks!

Moog - Is your Venus in Taurus or Libra? My final dispositor Venus is in Libra in the 11th House (I'm still working on how to really interpret this).
Libra in the 11th, under equal houses.

Oh, heads up about some websites out there...they're using the "final dispositor" terminology even where there are multiple dispositors, so it can be misleading.

Will look out for it. Cheers Riles!


Well-known member
I have final dispositor Pluto in 8th house in scorpio, it deposits everything in the chart through saturn >_<

What does that mean? It doesnt sound good.

For taking doubts I checked in astro.com dispositor scheme and is really pluto the final dispositor. Sigh.
And he is opposed my north node in taurus 2nd house.


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Well-known member
I have final dispositor Pluto in 8th house in scorpio, it deposits everything in the chart through saturn >_<
What does that mean? It doesnt sound good.
For taking doubts I checked in astro.com dispositor scheme and is really pluto the final dispositor. Sigh.
And he is opposed my north node in taurus 2nd house.

Cheer up Emerald! Pluto was discovered only 81 years ago on 18 February 1930 Furthermore, Pluto and Neptune are completely invisible to the naked eye so Ancient astrologers when they looked up at the skies, did not see them because they did not have any telescopes.

Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn are known as the 'Seven Clasical Planets' because they are the planets easily visible in the skies to Ancient and Traditional astrologers.
Powerful telescopes are needed to view the outer planets because they are so far away. Uranus was only discovered 13 March 1781 approximately 230 years ago that's because no one noticed Uranus for thousands and thousands of years. Neptune was discovered 164 years ago on 23 September 1846

Uranus is on the very very edge of visibility. Also, its slow movement (seven years in a sign) means that, if it was seen at all by the ancients (and no ancient text mentions it) I doubt it would have been perceived as anything other than a fixed star.
So Uranus, Neptune and Pluto belong to Modern Astrology in my opinion. Modern Astrology is based on Ancient Astrology because it is dependent on the use of thousand year old techniques of Ancient Astrology without which Modern Astrology could not exist. There are many different opinions on this subject. There has been much discussion regarding the outer planets http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=39021
outer planets mentioned in this thread also http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=39669

Traditional astrologers use Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn to interpret natal charts because Ancient astrology began thousands of years before Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were discovered only 230 years ago.

The original planetary dispositors are:
Sun is the dispositor of Leo
Moon is the dispositor of Cancer
Mercury is the dispositor of Gemini & Virgo
Venus is the dispositor of Taurus & Libra
Mars is the dispositor of Aries & Scorpio
Jupiter is the dispositor of Sagittarius & Pisces
Saturn is the dispositor of Capricorn & Aquarius

So when using Traditional Astrology your chart dispositor could be Mars. That is because in Traditional astrology Mars is the dispositor of Scorpio – not Pluto - but a thumbnail of your natal chart is required in order to assess the dispositor using Traditional Astrology.

This table is referred to by Traditional astrologers so there is no mention of Uranus Neptune or Pluto here's a link to a page with the table on it. http://www.skyscript.co.uk/dig2.html There is more than one point of view in Astrology :smile:
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Well-known member
Emerald that is similar to mine pluto scorpio in the 8th and saturn in scorp. I have 3 capricorn planets including my sun and 2 saj planets but jup is in cap.


Well-known member
Hey everyone! I have three different dispositor trees in my chart. What do they mean for me? Here they are:

Mercury in Virgo ----> Chiron in Gemini

Jupiter in Sagittarius (----> Uranus in Sag. and -----> Neptune in Sag.)

TREE THREE (mutual reception) - Sun in Libra <----> Venus in Leo

For Venus in Leo side: ----> Pluto in Libra

For Sun in Libra side: ----> Mars in Leo (branches to Moon in Aries and Saturn in Scorpio)



Well-known member
Hey everyone! I have three different dispositor trees in my chart. What do they mean for me? Here they are:

Mercury in Virgo ----> Chiron in Gemini

Jupiter in Sagittarius (----> Uranus in Sag. and -----> Neptune in Sag.)

TREE THREE (mutual reception) - Sun in Libra <----> Venus in Leo

For Venus in Leo side: ----> Pluto in Libra

For Sun in Libra side: ----> Mars in Leo (branches to Moon in Aries and Saturn in Scorpio)

Chiron isn't included in determining the dispositor. Some astrologers don't even use the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto).

Do a chart for yourself from here: http://www.astro.com/cgi/genchart.cgi?&lang=e&gm=pu and where it says to select the type of chart you want, select Sign/House Dispositor Graph. The result in the top left quadrant will show you your dispositor(s).
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Well-known member
Ok, so it basically says the same thing: Mercury and Jupiter have their own trees (with Mercury by itself), and Sun & Venus are in mutual reception. The only difference is that Saturn (in Scorpio) is under Pluto rather than Mars.

See the image below.

So what's the interpretation for this?


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Account Closed
How big can a final circuit be? I've got...unless I'm mistaken...

mars r by merc, merc r by nept, nept r by satu, satu r by jup, jup r by mars...

5 line circuit??


Well-known member
Ok, so it basically says the same thing: Mercury and Jupiter have their own trees (with Mercury by itself), and Sun & Venus are in mutual reception. The only difference is that Saturn (in Scorpio) is under Pluto rather than Mars.

So what's the interpretation for this?
Ok, so you have 4 Chart Dispositors (note that this means that there is no final dispositor): Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter. These planets run your chart like a kind of committee, each taking responsibility for certain parts. I'd think this could either lend more balance through offering multiple perspectives that might pick up what the others are missing, or it could have a fracturing influence when the planets in charge are conflicting with one another.


Well-known member
How big can a final circuit be? I've got...unless I'm mistaken...

mars r by merc, merc r by nept, nept r by satu, satu r by jup, jup r by mars...

5 line circuit??
I'm not sure...I get confused when there are multiple dispositors (I have a final dispositor and my longest string of disposition was 4 long), so if you want to know your dispositor(s) it's easier if you do a chart for yourself from here: http://www.astro.com/cgi/genchart.cgi?&lang=e&gm=pu and where it says to select the type of chart you want, select Sign/House Dispositor Graph. The result in the top left quadrant will show you your dispositor(s).


Well-known member
Ok, so you have 4 Chart Dispositors (note that this means that there is no final dispositor): Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter. These planets run your chart like a kind of committee, each taking responsibility for certain parts. I'd think this could either lend more balance through offering multiple perspectives that might pick up what the others are missing, or it could have a fracturing influence when the planets in charge are conflicting with one another.

So basically this means that I'm capable of taking on different roles in life? Like a clear separation of sorts?


Account Closed
I'm reading that thread now, thanks. You put in good links, and directly related.

Can I change my rising sign too? I'd not to feel EVERYTHING for a day...

--throws Cancer rising in the bin--


Well-known member
I'm reading that thread now, thanks. You put in good links, and directly related.
Can I change my rising sign too? I'd not to feel EVERYTHING for a day...
--throws Cancer rising in the bin--

Before you retrieve Cancer rising from the bin consider this:
1. If the rising sign is very early degrees of a sign or very late degrees of a sign.
2. If the accuracy of your birthtime is questionable.
3. If you have not taken into account the Equation of Time http://www.wsanford.com/~wsanford/exo/sundials/equation_of_time.html (so far as you are concerned the equation of time makes only a difference of two minutes) which would not alone be sufficient to 'throw Cancer rising into the bin' ...For others an adjustment of birthtime by as much as fifteen minutes is necessary :smile:

Then it is possible the actual rising sign could be either the preceding sign or the succedent sign.
There are other reasons why birthtimes could be inaccurate - such as being born on a day when clocks were adjusted for Summer/Winter time... being born just before or just after midnight... no-one remembering exactly when you were born and therefore taking a wild guess
What degree is your rising sign?:smile:
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Account Closed
My ASC according to the hospital is 27 degrees. My aunt says it's at least an hour later (who drove my mother to the hospital), my sister says at least 2 hours later (say what was going on) and my mother says possibly 5 hours 45 minutes later...

I have thought about sending another letter to the hospital to see if they give me the same time...just to test them...I doubt it's THAT far off though...within about 45 minutes (incl. current time) shows a 9th/10th empahsis which seems right. I've definitely devoted myself to those things. Mind you, some very ambitious friends of mine don't have any 9th/10th emphasis at all, even with big jobs...

I've looked for info. about midwives before about what they say about taking birth times, procedures etc. I don't know if there is anyone in that profession on here, or know anything?


Well-known member
My ASC according to the hospital is 27 degrees. My aunt says it's at least an hour later (who drove my mother to the hospital), my sister says at least 2 hours later (say what was going on) and my mother says possibly 5 hours 45 minutes later...

I have thought about sending another letter to the hospital to see if they give me the same time...just to test them...I doubt it's THAT far off though...within about 45 minutes (incl. current time) shows a 9th/10th empahsis which seems right. I've definitely devoted myself to those things. Mind you, some very ambitious friends of mine don't have any 9th/10th emphasis at all, even with big jobs...

I've looked for info. about midwives before about what they say about taking birth times, procedures etc. I don't know if there is anyone in that profession on here, or know anything?
Accuracy of birthtime varies due to additional factors to the ones mentioned on my previous post - such as the time of birth is obviously written after the birth has occurred and I doubt if a member of staff is standing by watching the clock in order to write the exact time on the hospital records! Likewise if the birth occurs at home is it likely anyone is efficiently writing or noting the exact time of birth? The whole subject of birth time accuracy is interesting - is it when the child totally emerges from the birthcanal? Is it when the cord has been cut? Is it at the time of the first breath? There are as usual many differing points of view

That's why transits are so useful for so-called "fine tuning"/rectification - did you ever consider experimenting with analysing your chart as if you are a Leo ascendant? It would seem that either the Moon or the Sun is your ascendant ruler :smile:
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Account Closed
Yes I have delved a little into birth times and when does it all begin. Some people go as far back as conception...

The outers are relatively on cue, in transits, I think. The inners, less so. Mars just degrees away from my ASC and I have had trouble using it's transits, so I'll be very watchful this time.


Well-known member
Yes I have delved a little into birth times and when does it all begin. Some people go as far back as conception...

The outers are relatively on cue, in transits, I think. The inners, less so. Mars just degrees away from my ASC and I have had trouble using it's transits, so I'll be very watchful this time.

The Pre-natal Epoch chart is dependent upon a correct birthtime and vice versa.
Asc at birth is the degree of the moon at conception whereas the degree of the Moon at birth is the degree of the Asc at conception... although as usual there are exceptions... the exceptions follow another rule specially for the exceptions

Valens did not use the outers - did you finish reading Valens and if so what is your opinion?

Did you yet consider whether the inners are not on cue because your ascendant is other than 27 Cancer?
Rectification involves (among other techniques) questioning what degree would your ascendant be in order for the inners to target on cue :smile:
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Well-known member
Mine is a work in progress because I am just now reading this!

sun - aqu
moon - aries
mercury - cap
venus - cap
mars - cap
jupiter - cancer
saturn - cap
uranus - cap
neptune - cap
pluto - sco
true node - aqu

sun - uranus
moon - mars
mercury - saturn
venus - saturn
mars - saturn
jupiter - moon
saturn - saturn
uranus - saturn
neptune - saturn
pluto - pluto

mercury - saturn
venus - saturn
mars - saturn
saturn - saturn
uranus - saturn
neptune - saturn
pluto - pluto
sun - uranus
moon - mars
jupiter - moon

Saturn - 6
Pluto - 1
Uranus - 1
Mars - 1
Moon - 1

Clear strength in Saturn lol
I have Pluto in Pluto whatever that means
So does this Saturn go with my Aries moon?
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