Hello Everqueen,
they - a couple approximately in their 40's with 4 children, I have stayed by them for a couple of days approximately 8 years ago. I have written to them a letter later on with my adress here.
He - this man began harassing me by misusing the telepaths 4 years ago. Someone gave him my adress abroad and that is the reason why he had shown up here. The question is - WHO gave him my adress...
He is a very croocked character. He had shown up here together with another very crooked character - my boss from approximately 10 years ago, she fired me 10 years ago for no real justifiable reason ONLY because he (my co-worker at that time) did not want to have a sexual intercourse with her anymore. There was nothing romantic between me and him, we only worked together, but she took precautions...(this did not help her at all, he did not change his mind, he thinks only about himself and money).
If you do need any more info, please let me know.
Thank you,