Did the nurse hit her?


Well-known member
My sister is in a nursing home. She told me that a nurse hit her. "On top of the head with a dvd case a bunch of times" They said she's lying, that she falsely accuses people of things all the time. She's very drugged but I have never caught my sister in a lie. So the question is... did the nurse hit her?


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Your sister is the 3rd house, mercury.
She is in your 12th house, so somehow working behind your back.
Mercury's last aspect was a square to Neptune, which is deception.
The nurse is her 6th, which is the radical 8th house ruled by Saturn.
There is no aspect between mercury and Saturn.
The moon is you, as well as the question, in your 12th house in mercury's sign.
She approaches you by conjunction to win you over.


Well-known member
Hmmm... Seems like you are you saying she's lying?

It would be really odd if that were true. I am always on my sister's side, no matter what, and she knows that. I can't see any benefit for her to lie to me. Possible she really believes it happened?

Thanks for the response :)
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Well-known member
An alternative interpretation might be Neptune representing a drugged state.
But even then, mercury and Saturn, the nurse, have no contact.


Well-known member
Well that's good then. I'm relieved in a way. But I do think she thinks it happened. Her story hasn't changed. She is on a tremendous amount of medication, or she might think telling me that would make me get her out sooner. I don't know.


Well-known member
Perhaps. You are near north moon's node, so strong and able to give. It is also karmic, so your helping her is important.


Well-known member
Ha or she's just lying lol That's OK too. She's in a bad spot, I might lie in the same situation.

You would not believe the story. It's destiny/karma without a doubt. I am glad to do it. I'll always help her ;)
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Well-known member
Ha or she's just lying lol That's OK too. She's in a bad spot, I might lie in the same situation.

You would not believe the story. It's destiny/karma without a doubt. I am glad to do it. I'll always help her ;)

I honestly just want to say this was heartwarming to read. You’re a good sister and bless you for that. Check for bruises if you suspect anything, and even put in a camera or recorder so you can be positive.

Best of luck to you both


Well-known member
I'm not in the same state. I called the cops immediately and reported it to the state. There were no bruises but she said the nurse hit her on top of the head so there wouldn't be any. Cameras in the hall but not in her room and she said it happened in her room. She doesn't know where the cameras are. The nurse is pretty mean. She's been really rude to me on more than one occasion and I could have sworn it was her voice I heard call my sister an "idiot" months ago when they thought the phone had already been hung up....

I'm getting her out of there and down here with me - hopefully next week - so it'll be OK. :smile:


Well-known member
I'm not in the same state. I called the cops immediately and reported it to the state. There were no bruises but she said the nurse hit her on top of the head so there wouldn't be any. Cameras in the hall but not in her room and she said it happened in her room. She doesn't know where the cameras are. The nurse is pretty mean. She's been really rude to me on more than one occasion and I could have sworn it was her voice I heard call my sister an "idiot" months ago when they thought the phone had already been hung up....

I'm getting her out of there and down here with me - hopefully next week - so it'll be OK. :smile:

That’s really concerning and heartbreaking. I’m very happy you reported it abs I hope you told them all that. Bless you for taking her out of there, she’s lucky she has you for a sister. If the nurse is in any way out of line with your sister or any other patient, I hope she gets all she has coming to her. Best of luck to anyone who has to deal with her or anyone that evil.

I’m glad it’s all going to work our for you and your sister soon!
Moon is Void of Course in the 12th house; nothing changes in the situation and usually all things that have gone before with the Moon's prior energies should be considered vague recognition towards the outcome. Moon will conj. the N.N. point but she does not make a valid statement by aspecting a planet. Some authors claim it is enough to consider her activity (aspects=TOL) before going Void, valid, other's say otherwise. She is in harmony in Pisces house, is dignified in her sign Cancer, I think there is some cause for circumstantial statements as she 'asserts' the meaning of what the Moon represents overall in the chart.

Question in order of mention, Did 1) (Catherinett-speaking 1st house); 2) the nurse, (6th house Mercury, Moon Jupiter consider Neptune-Rex Bills information), 3) strike, (Uranus, Mars, Saturn-Moon action with these) 4) her? (Mercury, Virgo on the third house, my sister), Mercury dignified in his sign..in the 12th house (Pisces domain) in square relationship within the 12th house being in Gemini, against his element, himself there..

Student of Astrology
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Well-known member
Just a general comment, I don't understand why someone who has no patience with people or care for them, would enter the health services or want to take a job where they have to care for others.
It seems to happen all over, in many countries.

"Lilly tells us we can use the 1st house as the subject matter if we have a personal connection with the individual we are asking about (person-your sister)"

This is something new, Student of Astrology.
You are basically saying that if I ask a question about, for example, my child, then in the chart the child is the ascendent? Or if I ask about my mother, she becomes the ascendent.
I don't understand this.


Well-known member
Looks like it
Moon separated from L6th nurse mercury
The querent is Catherinett, not her sister.
Sister therefore will get the 3rd house, which makes the sister's nurse the turned 8th house = Saturn.
There is no connection via aspect or reception between Merc. and Saturn.
No...it is not something new. Lily's Christian Astrology

Student of Astrology

Post Script: must of been sleepy when writing my dissertation, (3 am in the morning) missed the Void of Course Moon.


Well-known member
Just a general comment, I don't understand why someone who has no patience with people or care for them, would enter the health services or want to take a job where they have to care for others.
It seems to happen all over, in many countries.

They are under staffed, under trained and under paid. Most of the staff is really good but there are a couple that aren't. The one I'm referring to in this post should be in another line of work, she just doesn't have the compassion or patience that's needed.


Well-known member
Without looking at a chart, if you have the possibility of having her in a home closer to you, maybe in a safer situation, you would probably both sleep a little better.


Well-known member
Without looking at a chart, if you have the possibility of having her in a home closer to you, maybe in a safer situation, you would probably both sleep a little better.

I have been trying to make that happen for a very long time. Hopefully she will be on a plane with me next week, fingers crossed.