Criminal Behavior


Active member
In Vedic Astrology there are principles and yogas that indicate Criminal behaviour in charts of natives.
The following principles reveal a number of potential indications for the characteristic aggression and impulsivity underlying anti‐social criminal behavior:
1. The 4th house indicates one’s psychological and philosophical make‐up. Rahu in the 4th house, if aspected by Mars in the Lagna and Saturn in the 7th house indicates a vengeful nature.
2. The Upagraha Gulika in the 3rd house points to impulsive thoughts and behavior.
3. Lagna lord weak and afflicted.
4. A combination of the Sun and Mars in any Rasi reveals a murderer.
5. Sarpa Yoga is formed by all malefics in three Kendras and no benefics in the Kendras. The native with Sarpa Yoga becomes a murderer.
6. When the Sun and Mars occupy the Lagna, one becomes a murderer.
7. With Gulika is in the 9th house, one will be a murderer of his parents and preceptors.
8. If born in Atiganda Yoga, the native will be murderer.
9. If born in the Dwadashamsha of Scorpio, the native will be a murderer and a master of rogues and robbers.
10. If Jupiter is debilitated and aspected by a debilitated planet, the native will commit crimes.
11. Debilitated Jupiter or the Sun in a Kendra conjoined a malefic.
12. When a malefic planet is in a Kendra without benefic aspect, and Jupiter is in the 8th house, the native will be a slaughterer of animals.
13. Jupiter in the Lagna and Mars is in the 7th house, or vice versa, signifies an aggressive and impulsive individual.
14. Saturn occupying the Lagna and Mars is in the 5th, 7th or 9th house.
15. If the 3 rd lord is debilitated in the 6th house and aspected by a malefic planet, the native will become aggressive and impulsive after drinking or taking drugs.
16. The native becomes impulsive and aggressive upon being punished by a government official if the 2nd lord conjoins the Sun and Saturn.
17. The 2nd lord conjoined Mars and Saturn.
18. If the Sun and Moon occupy a trikona or the Lagna, Jupiter is in a Kendra, and the Kala Hora at birth is Saturn or Mars.
19. The Sun and Moon in the Lagna conjoined with Mercury.
There are many combinations for murderers and criminals. Jaimini Maharsi gives some dictums:
1. Guru Candala Yoga: The association of Jupiter with Rahu causes death of human beings while that of Jupiter and Saturn show that the native and his enemy shall both die (or stand to lose).
2. Sakti Yoga: Rahu and Moon influencing the ninth house (dharma which is Marana Karaka Sthana for Rahu) causes Sakti Yoga which can be very destructive. The moot point is that the ninth house is the world view and shows how we look at the world. Rahu influencing the ninth house shows a very negative world view. Such a view becomes very diabolical if the Moon conjoins Rahu in which case the native shall have a strong grouse against society (Moon) in general or a community in particular. Other planets joining the Sakti Yoga of Rahu and Moon show the ultimate action that the native takes. For example, if Jupiter conjoins then guru-candala yoga functions and mass death occurs.
3. Pisacha Badhaka: Mars and Ketu combination is called Pisacha Badhaka as it brings the evil of Scorpio effects. Dasha of the dispositor of this yoga can be very lethal for the native. Mars and Ketu in the 2nd or 6th house show that the native may murder spouse whereas these together in 8th or 12th house shows that the spouse murders the native.
As such planets in Scorpio Navamsa show cruelty and often people perpetuate those crimes they have themselves suffered from. For example, Venus in Scorpio Navamsa can show cruelty from spouse or a lady and how the person reacts to this is seen from other planets influencing Venus in Scorpio Navamsa. Jupiter is the exception in Scorpio. This extends to planets in Capricorn Navamsa but is comparatively of lesser intensity.
Planets in Aquarius Navamsa can be very diabolical excepting Jupiter which shows the blessings of Lord Shiva (associated with Kumbha mela festival) in removing the poison. Aries Navamsa can be equally bad but not poisonous nor diabolical.
Various unmada yogas (literally translated as madness) are really not schizophrenia cases but cause the mind to behave in a reckless fashion and take to crime and can show serious mental aberrations and a criminal bent of mind. Of these the ones with Tamas planets (Mars, Saturn and Rahu) involvement show criminals. The best source for these yogas is Jataka Tattva authored by Mahadeva Pathak. Some of the unmada yogas causing mental aberration that can cause criminal behavior are listed below:
• Jupiter in Lagna and Mars in the 7th house provided Jupiter is not in exaltation or own sign; in such a case the native shall be under financial pressures and may have to suffer due to self imposed exiles or the native may be very eccentric. When Jupiter is in own sign or exaltation, he shall emerge victorious and shall have dhana yoga.
• Saturn in Lagna with Mars in seventh house cause severe hatred; Mars in a dusthana instead of the 7th can cause chronic disease of the mind due to imbalance of fire and wind.
• Saturn in Lagna, Sun in 12th house and either Moon or Mars in a trine can cause serious mental affliction as the lagna is damaged by Saturn in marana karaka sthana and the significator of lagna (Sun) is also damaged by being in Marana Sthana; the Moon in trines shall cause deep melancholia while Mars so placed will cause terrible anger and hatred.
• Lord of the 3rd house debilitated, eclipsed or in the 6th house (or associated with the 6th lord) and aspected by malefic planets can cause mental aberrations due to consumption of poisonous substances. The nature of the sign occupied by the 3rd lord shall show how this poison/ narcotic are consumed. The mind can be severely afflicted due to these narcotics leading the native into crime.
• Moon and Saturn in the 12th house can cause eccentricity and if the Moon is very weak, this can lead to madness. Consumption of narcotics or alcohol in uncontrolled amounts can also be the cause of some madness.
• Saturn and the lord of the 2nd house afflicted by malefic planets shows eccentricity caused by vata (air element) and can indicate consumption of poisonous substances through smoke etc. If in the above combination, the planet afflicting the second lord is Sun then the mental aberration shall increase due to punishment or troubles from government or king. If instead the planet is Mars then agitation of the fire element (pitta dosha) shall cause mental aberration.
• If Saturn and Mars are in association in the 8H of the horoscope, the native will be a big criminal in his life time. The native may commit robberies, dacoities and even murders.
In addition to the above, certain more general indications should be noted:
• It is commonly understood that the Lagna of the birth chart signifies the native. However, because the Lagna encompasses 30 degrees of the Rasi chart, certain Jyotish classics like Saravali have specified a more precise significator to be the Drekkana (Drekkana) of the Lagna. Other classics have specified the Navamsa of the Lagna to be a more well‐defined significator of the self. Therefore, the D‐3 and D‐9 Varga charts are important.
• In addition to the Lagna, the 3rd, 11th and 10th houses are also indicators of self.
• The Sun, significator of self, and the Moon, all‐important ruler of the mind and its impulses, are treated as secondary Lagna in Vedic astrology (Surya Lagna and Chandra Lagna). For example, an afflicted Moon may indicate mental aberration and a lack of self‐control ‐ as when the Moon is influenced by Mars, reckless and aggressive behavior may be indicated.
• Mercury is another planet, which controls our nervous system. Though Mercury is not read as a secondary Lagna in Indian astrology, its affliction weakens the nervous system and reflects the potential for aggressive, vengeful and impulsive traits.
• One should also note the malefic argala, i.e., the presence of a malefic planet in the 2nd, 4th or 11th house from the Lagna or Moon.
• For microanalysis, one should also examine the D‐12 (Dwadashamsha) and the Cyclic Trimsamsa (Parivritti D‐30).
In practice anti‐social criminal traits are indicated when malefic planets, without the influence of benefic planets, influence the following:
1. The Lagna and/or Lagna lord (Lagnesha).
2. Any of the Kendras—the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house.
3. The Moon or its dispositor.
4. The Navamsesh (the Lagna in the D‐9 chart).

The following case studies illustrate a number of combinations for aggression and impulsivity. From these examples, it is apparent that anti‐social criminal behavior is more likely to occur when an assortment of these astrological dynamics converge in the natal horoscope.
Case Study 1: Sarah María Aldrete Villareal

Sarah María Aldrete Villareal (born September 6, 1964 in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico) is a Mexican serial killer known as “La Madrina”.
Adolfo Constanzo, a Cuban American fortune-teller and religious cult leader, introduced her to witchcraft and dark magic. He gave her the nickname “La Madrina”, Spanish for “godmother”, and initiated her into his cult, which was a conglomeration of Santería, Aztec warrior ritual, and Palo Mayombe, complete with blood sacrifices. Costanzo sexually assaulted and killed drug dealers and used their body parts for religious sacrifice ceremonies in an old warehouse near Matamoros. Many of his victims’ body parts were cooked in a large pot called a nganga. Costanzo made Sara Aldrete second-in-command of his cult, and directed her to supervise his followers while he was out shipping marijuana over the border into the US.
In 1989 the killings grew more frequent and gained attention when affluent American tourist Mark J. Kilroy, a University of Texas student on Spring Break, was abducted. Costanzo, Aldrete and the rest of the cult went on the run when detectives discovered their ‘shrine’. They found human hair, brains, teeth and skulls at the site of the murders. Eventually, the police found their hideout in Mexico city on May 6, 1989. After a shootout, Costanzo and one of his accomplices were shot and killed by another member of the cult, apparently at Constanzo’s behest. Aldrete was convicted of criminal association in 1990 and jailed for six years. In a second trial, she was convicted of several of the killings at the cult’s headquarters, and sentenced to 30 years in prison. If Aldrete is ever released from prison, American authorities plan to prosecute her for the murder of Mark Kilroy.
Following are the indicators of her criminal behaviour in the natal chart:
1. Saturn as 2nd lord aspected by Sun and Mars.
2. Sun, Moon and Mercury conjoined together in 9th house and aspected by Saturn.
3. 5th lord in 8th house with Venus and aspected by Rahu which is 3rd lord too indicating occult and sexual desire behind the serial kills. Mars is Vargottama too being debilitated increasing negative effects many folds.

Case Study 2: Patrice Alègre

Patrice Alègre is a French serial-killer, born June 20, 1968 in Toulouse.
Following are the indicators of his criminal behaviour in the natal chart:
1. Birth in Atiganda yoga.
2. Sun and Mars together in Lagna
3. Sarpa dosha as three malefics in three different Kendra.
4. 5th Lord Venus highly afflicted conjoined with Mars and Sun and aspected by Saturn.

Case Study 3: Francisco Assis

Francisco de Assis Pereira, born November 29, 1967 in São Paulo, is a Brazilian rapist and serial killer. His Nickname is “O Maníaco do Parque” (The Park Maniac). Arrested for the torture, rape and death of 11 women and for assaulting nine in a park in São Paulo, Brazil during the 1990s.
Following are the indicators of criminal behaviour in his chart:
1. Sarpa yoga as more than three malefics in Kendra.
2. Mercury the significator of nervous system is in MKS and highly afflicted.
3. 12th lord in 5th house being aspected by Rahu and Mars.

Case Study 4: Marie Besnard

Marie Besnard was an accused serial poisoner in the early 20th century. Following are the indicators of criminal behaviour in her chart:
1. Sarpa yoga with malefics in Kendra.
2. Lagna lord quite afflicted being conjoined with Sun, Ketu & aspected by Mars & Rahu.
3. Mercury the 5th lord and significator of nervous system is badly afflicted and weak.

Case Study 5: Bob Bardella

Robert Andrew “Bob” Berdella was an American serial killer in Kansas City, Missouri who raped, tortured and killed at least six men between 1984 and 1987.
Following are the indicators of his criminal actions in his chart:
1. Sun and Mars combination in 12th house.
2. Mercury the 5th lord and significator of nervous system is conjoined with Sun and Mars.

Case Study 6: Gaetano Badalamenti

Gaetano Badalamenti was a powerful member of the Sicilian Mafia. Don Tano Badalamenti was the capomafia of his hometown Cinisi, Sicily, and headed the Sicilian Mafia Commission in the 1970s. In 1987 he was sentenced in the United States to 45 years in federal prison for being one of the leaders of the so-called Pizza Connection, a US$ 1.65 billion drug-trafficking ring that used pizzerias as fronts to distribute heroin from 1975 to 1984.
Following are the indicators of his criminal actions in his chart:
1. Sun and Mars in 12th house.
2. Saturn in Lagna and Mars in dusthana
3. Scorpio Lagna in Dwadashamsa.
4. 2nd lord in conjunction with Sun, Mars and Rahu whereas Saturn afflicted by Rahu and is in MKS.
5. Mercury the significator of nervous system is conjoined with Saturn and aspected by Rahu.

Charts are attached in jpg format as attachments.

Rajat Kapoor
Vedic Astrologer & Ayurvedic Expert



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Well-known member
wow nice. someone should eventually do a translation of vedic in to western modes in a book. there are a lot of information there and i see it as continous in different ways.


Well-known member
There are lots of Vedic books and texts translated to English. There are 16 classic texts here.

The 'daddy' is Parashara's Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra.

You can find many of these in PDF and other formats around the web.

For a more accessible intro to Jyotisha, I'd start with Light on Life or Astrology of the Seers

Barbara Pijan's site is very good resource for learning

If nothing else, a study of Jyotisha will enrich an understanding of western astrology.


Active member
There are lots of Vedic books and texts translated to English. There are 16 classic texts here.

The 'daddy' is Parashara's Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra.

You can find many of these in PDF and other formats around the web.

For a more accessible intro to Jyotisha, I'd start with Light on Life or Astrology of the Seers

Barbara Pijan's site is very good resource for learning

If nothing else, a study of Jyotisha will enrich an understanding of western astrology.
Dear Moog,
You can look for Komilla Sutton's lectures and books. Very awesome and perfect one.


Well-known member

Vedic astrology states that:

'.....If Jupiter is debilitated
and aspected by a debilitated planet
the native will commit crimes......'

and also

'....Jupiter Lagna and Mars in 7th, or vice versa
signifies an aggressive and impulsive individual.
Saturn Lagna and Mars in 5th, 7th or 9th house.
If 3rd lord is debilitated in 6th house

and aspected by a malefic planet
the native will become aggressive
and impulsive after drinking or taking drugs...'

The following example is of Criminal behavior of a Judge
who was shockingly arrested just days ago
and now this week, investigators executed search warrants
at Brett Blomme's homes in Cottage Grove and Milwaukee
as well as in his courtroom and judicial chambers
in the Milwaukee County Courthouse.
Brett Blomme faces seven charges of possession of child pornography
and decades of prison time if convicted.

According to a criminal complaint
Blomme used the messaging app Kik
to send 27 images and videos of suspected child pornography
including several that were uploaded from a government building.
Investigators were tipped off to Blomme's criminal activity by Kik
which Blomme used under the username "...DomMasterBB..."
in an apparent reference to a sexual genre known as
"...bondage, dominance, sadism, and masochism..." aka BDSM.

Law enforcement sources said the images Blomme uploaded
are extremely disturbing.
".....I felt like throwing up just reading the descriptions..."
said one source. It's just disgusting
"...This guy gets tons of support from these liberal groups
and then
less than a year later he's busted for child p*rn.

He beat a good judge, too.
Paul Dedinsky is a good man and a superb judge. :smile:
But just because he happened to be appointed by Scott Walker
every liberal group and politician lines up behind this guy?
It's ridiculous...."

Judge Brett Blomme Charged with Child por*ogra*hy
is Major Player in Democrat Circles
Blomme was seated on the bench in August
and was serving in Children's Court at the time of his arrest.
Brett Blomme Milwaukee County Circuit Court judge
assumed his office 1 August 2020
and his term closes 31st of July 2026.

Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Brett Blomme
who was charged Wednesday
with seven counts of possession of child pornography
is popular, influential figure among elected Democrats in Milwaukee.
A very close ally of the city's longtime mayor, Tom Barrett
Blomme was supported and endorsed
by nearly every major Democrat and left-wing group
involved in Milwaukee politics
when he ran for a seat on the court last year.
"...I support Brett because, like me, he is committed to
making Milwaukee a better place for all of us...."
said U.S. Congressman Gwen Moore
when she endorsed Blomme's judicial run last winter.
"....Brett is the change we need
to help fix our broken criminal justice system...."
Blomme called this a "...key endorsement..."
that helped propel him to a win over incumbent Paul Dedinsky.
He has been arrested and is dealing with indictments
for child erotic entertainment and held at Dane Count Jail.
Brett Blomme is 38, openly gay, his husband is Christopher Verhaeghe
with whom he has custody of two adopted children, Caleb and Sophia
The Milwaukee Judge was arrested 16 March 2021

In Vedic Astrology there are principles and yogas that indicate Criminal behaviour in charts of natives.
The following principles reveal a number of potential indications for the characteristic aggression and impulsivity underlying anti‐social criminal behavior:
1. The 4th house indicates one’s psychological and philosophical make‐up. Rahu in the 4th house, if aspected by Mars in the Lagna and Saturn in the 7th house indicates a vengeful nature.
2. The Upagraha Gulika in the 3rd house points to impulsive thoughts and behavior.
3. Lagna lord weak and afflicted.
4. A combination of the Sun and Mars in any Rasi reveals a murderer.
5. Sarpa Yoga is formed by all malefics in three Kendras and no benefics in the Kendras. The native with Sarpa Yoga becomes a murderer.
6. When the Sun and Mars occupy the Lagna, one becomes a murderer.
7. With Gulika is in the 9th house, one will be a murderer of his parents and preceptors.
8. If born in Atiganda Yoga, the native will be murderer.
9. If born in the Dwadashamsha of Scorpio, the native will be a murderer and a master of rogues and robbers.
10. If Jupiter is debilitated and aspected by a debilitated planet, the native will commit crimes.
11. Debilitated Jupiter or the Sun in a Kendra conjoined a malefic.
12. When a malefic planet is in a Kendra without benefic aspect, and Jupiter is in the 8th house, the native will be a slaughterer of animals.
13. Jupiter in the Lagna and Mars is in the 7th house, or vice versa, signifies an aggressive and impulsive individual.
14. Saturn occupying the Lagna and Mars is in the 5th, 7th or 9th house.
15. If the 3 rd lord is debilitated in the 6th house and aspected by a malefic planet, the native will become aggressive and impulsive after drinking or taking drugs.
16. The native becomes impulsive and aggressive upon being punished by a government official if the 2nd lord conjoins the Sun and Saturn.
17. The 2nd lord conjoined Mars and Saturn.
18. If the Sun and Moon occupy a trikona or the Lagna, Jupiter is in a Kendra, and the Kala Hora at birth is Saturn or Mars.
19. The Sun and Moon in the Lagna conjoined with Mercury.
There are many combinations for murderers and criminals. Jaimini Maharsi gives some dictums:
1. Guru Candala Yoga: The association of Jupiter with Rahu causes death of human beings while that of Jupiter and Saturn show that the native and his enemy shall both die (or stand to lose).
2. Sakti Yoga: Rahu and Moon influencing the ninth house (dharma which is Marana Karaka Sthana for Rahu) causes Sakti Yoga which can be very destructive. The moot point is that the ninth house is the world view and shows how we look at the world. Rahu influencing the ninth house shows a very negative world view. Such a view becomes very diabolical if the Moon conjoins Rahu in which case the native shall have a strong grouse against society (Moon) in general or a community in particular. Other planets joining the Sakti Yoga of Rahu and Moon show the ultimate action that the native takes. For example, if Jupiter conjoins then guru-candala yoga functions and mass death occurs.
3. Pisacha Badhaka: Mars and Ketu combination is called Pisacha Badhaka as it brings the evil of Scorpio effects. Dasha of the dispositor of this yoga can be very lethal for the native. Mars and Ketu in the 2nd or 6th house show that the native may murder spouse whereas these together in 8th or 12th house shows that the spouse murders the native.
As such planets in Scorpio Navamsa show cruelty and often people perpetuate those crimes they have themselves suffered from. For example, Venus in Scorpio Navamsa can show cruelty from spouse or a lady and how the person reacts to this is seen from other planets influencing Venus in Scorpio Navamsa. Jupiter is the exception in Scorpio. This extends to planets in Capricorn Navamsa but is comparatively of lesser intensity.
Planets in Aquarius Navamsa can be very diabolical excepting Jupiter which shows the blessings of Lord Shiva (associated with Kumbha mela festival) in removing the poison. Aries Navamsa can be equally bad but not poisonous nor diabolical.
Various unmada yogas (literally translated as madness) are really not schizophrenia cases but cause the mind to behave in a reckless fashion and take to crime and can show serious mental aberrations and a criminal bent of mind. Of these the ones with Tamas planets (Mars, Saturn and Rahu) involvement show criminals. The best source for these yogas is Jataka Tattva authored by Mahadeva Pathak. Some of the unmada yogas causing mental aberration that can cause criminal behavior are listed below:
• Jupiter in Lagna and Mars in the 7th house provided Jupiter is not in exaltation or own sign; in such a case the native shall be under financial pressures and may have to suffer due to self imposed exiles or the native may be very eccentric. When Jupiter is in own sign or exaltation, he shall emerge victorious and shall have dhana yoga.
• Saturn in Lagna with Mars in seventh house cause severe hatred; Mars in a dusthana instead of the 7th can cause chronic disease of the mind due to imbalance of fire and wind.
• Saturn in Lagna, Sun in 12th house and either Moon or Mars in a trine can cause serious mental affliction as the lagna is damaged by Saturn in marana karaka sthana and the significator of lagna (Sun) is also damaged by being in Marana Sthana; the Moon in trines shall cause deep melancholia while Mars so placed will cause terrible anger and hatred.
• Lord of the 3rd house debilitated, eclipsed or in the 6th house (or associated with the 6th lord) and aspected by malefic planets can cause mental aberrations due to consumption of poisonous substances. The nature of the sign occupied by the 3rd lord shall show how this poison/ narcotic are consumed. The mind can be severely afflicted due to these narcotics leading the native into crime.
• Moon and Saturn in the 12th house can cause eccentricity and if the Moon is very weak, this can lead to madness. Consumption of narcotics or alcohol in uncontrolled amounts can also be the cause of some madness.
• Saturn and the lord of the 2nd house afflicted by malefic planets shows eccentricity caused by vata (air element) and can indicate consumption of poisonous substances through smoke etc. If in the above combination, the planet afflicting the second lord is Sun then the mental aberration shall increase due to punishment or troubles from government or king. If instead the planet is Mars then agitation of the fire element (pitta dosha) shall cause mental aberration.
• If Saturn and Mars are in association in the 8H of the horoscope, the native will be a big criminal in his life time. The native may commit robberies, dacoities and even murders.
In addition to the above, certain more general indications should be noted:
• It is commonly understood that the Lagna of the birth chart signifies the native. However, because the Lagna encompasses 30 degrees of the Rasi chart, certain Jyotish classics like Saravali have specified a more precise significator to be the Drekkana (Drekkana) of the Lagna. Other classics have specified the Navamsa of the Lagna to be a more well‐defined significator of the self. Therefore, the D‐3 and D‐9 Varga charts are important.
• In addition to the Lagna, the 3rd, 11th and 10th houses are also indicators of self.
• The Sun, significator of self, and the Moon, all‐important ruler of the mind and its impulses, are treated as secondary Lagna in Vedic astrology (Surya Lagna and Chandra Lagna). For example, an afflicted Moon may indicate mental aberration and a lack of self‐control ‐ as when the Moon is influenced by Mars, reckless and aggressive behavior may be indicated.
• Mercury is another planet, which controls our nervous system. Though Mercury is not read as a secondary Lagna in Indian astrology, its affliction weakens the nervous system and reflects the potential for aggressive, vengeful and impulsive traits.
• One should also note the malefic argala, i.e., the presence of a malefic planet in the 2nd, 4th or 11th house from the Lagna or Moon.
• For microanalysis, one should also examine the D‐12 (Dwadashamsha) and the Cyclic Trimsamsa (Parivritti D‐30).
In practice anti‐social criminal traits are indicated when malefic planets, without the influence of benefic planets, influence the following:
1. The Lagna and/or Lagna lord (Lagnesha).
2. Any of the Kendras—the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house.
3. The Moon or its dispositor.
4. The Navamsesh (the Lagna in the D‐9 chart).

The following case studies illustrate a number of combinations for aggression and impulsivity. From these examples, it is apparent that anti‐social criminal behavior is more likely to occur when an assortment of these astrological dynamics converge in the natal horoscope.
Case Study 1: Sarah María Aldrete Villareal

Sarah María Aldrete Villareal (born September 6, 1964 in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico) is a Mexican serial killer known as “La Madrina”.
Adolfo Constanzo, a Cuban American fortune-teller and religious cult leader, introduced her to witchcraft and dark magic. He gave her the nickname “La Madrina”, Spanish for “godmother”, and initiated her into his cult, which was a conglomeration of Santería, Aztec warrior ritual, and Palo Mayombe, complete with blood sacrifices. Costanzo sexually assaulted and killed drug dealers and used their body parts for religious sacrifice ceremonies in an old warehouse near Matamoros. Many of his victims’ body parts were cooked in a large pot called a nganga. Costanzo made Sara Aldrete second-in-command of his cult, and directed her to supervise his followers while he was out shipping marijuana over the border into the US.
In 1989 the killings grew more frequent and gained attention when affluent American tourist Mark J. Kilroy, a University of Texas student on Spring Break, was abducted. Costanzo, Aldrete and the rest of the cult went on the run when detectives discovered their ‘shrine’. They found human hair, brains, teeth and skulls at the site of the murders. Eventually, the police found their hideout in Mexico city on May 6, 1989. After a shootout, Costanzo and one of his accomplices were shot and killed by another member of the cult, apparently at Constanzo’s behest. Aldrete was convicted of criminal association in 1990 and jailed for six years. In a second trial, she was convicted of several of the killings at the cult’s headquarters, and sentenced to 30 years in prison. If Aldrete is ever released from prison, American authorities plan to prosecute her for the murder of Mark Kilroy.
Following are the indicators of her criminal behaviour in the natal chart:
1. Saturn as 2nd lord aspected by Sun and Mars.
2. Sun, Moon and Mercury conjoined together in 9th house and aspected by Saturn.
3. 5th lord in 8th house with Venus and aspected by Rahu which is 3rd lord too indicating occult and sexual desire behind the serial kills. Mars is Vargottama too being debilitated increasing negative effects many folds.
Case Study 2: Patrice Alègre

Patrice Alègre is a French serial-killer, born June 20, 1968 in Toulouse.
Following are the indicators of his criminal behaviour in the natal chart:
1. Birth in Atiganda yoga.
2. Sun and Mars together in Lagna
3. Sarpa dosha as three malefics in three different Kendra.
4. 5th Lord Venus highly afflicted conjoined with Mars and Sun and aspected by Saturn.
Case Study 3: Francisco Assis

Francisco de Assis Pereira, born November 29, 1967 in São Paulo, is a Brazilian rapist and serial killer. His Nickname is “O Maníaco do Parque” (The Park Maniac). Arrested for the torture, rape and death of 11 women and for assaulting nine in a park in São Paulo, Brazil during the 1990s.
Following are the indicators of criminal behaviour in his chart:
1. Sarpa yoga as more than three malefics in Kendra.
2. Mercury the significator of nervous system is in MKS and highly afflicted.
3. 12th lord in 5th house being aspected by Rahu and Mars.

Case Study 4: Marie Besnard

Marie Besnard was an accused serial poisoner in the early 20th century. Following are the indicators of criminal behaviour in her chart:
1. Sarpa yoga with malefics in Kendra.
2. Lagna lord quite afflicted being conjoined with Sun, Ketu & aspected by Mars & Rahu.
3. Mercury the 5th lord and significator of nervous system is badly afflicted and weak.
Case Study 5: Bob Bardella

Robert Andrew “Bob” Berdella was an American serial killer in Kansas City, Missouri who raped, tortured and killed at least six men between 1984 and 1987.
Following are the indicators of his criminal actions in his chart:
1. Sun and Mars combination in 12th house.
2. Mercury the 5th lord and significator of nervous system is conjoined with Sun and Mars.
Case Study 6: Gaetano Badalamenti

Gaetano Badalamenti was a powerful member of the Sicilian Mafia. Don Tano Badalamenti was the capomafia of his hometown Cinisi, Sicily, and headed the Sicilian Mafia Commission in the 1970s. In 1987 he was sentenced in the United States to 45 years in federal prison for being one of the leaders of the so-called Pizza Connection, a US$ 1.65 billion drug-trafficking ring that used pizzerias as fronts to distribute heroin from 1975 to 1984.
Following are the indicators of his criminal actions in his chart:
1. Sun and Mars in 12th house.
2. Saturn in Lagna and Mars in dusthana
3. Scorpio Lagna in Dwadashamsa.
4. 2nd lord in conjunction with Sun, Mars and Rahu whereas Saturn afflicted by Rahu and is in MKS.
5. Mercury the significator of nervous system is conjoined with Saturn and aspected by Rahu.

Charts are attached in jpg format as attachments.

Rajat Kapoor
Vedic Astrologer & Ayurvedic Expert



Well-known member

Children's Court Judge Brett Blomme born 1982 currently aged 38
but so far there is no confirmation of day and month of birth

Children's Court Judge Brett Blomme was arrested

by special agents with DOJ's division of criminal investigation
following an investigation into
several uploads of child pornography onto the internet.
Blomme, 38, allegedly made multiple uploads
of child pornography through a kik messaging account
in October and November 2020
criminal charges are expected to be filed against Blomme

The alleged crimes are Class D felonies.
Under Wisconsin law, a Class D felony is punishable by
up to 25 years in prison and a $100,000 fine, or both.
Blomme made an initial appearance via remote videoconference
on the charges at 1:30 p.m. CT Wednesday in Dane County.
Madison-area criminal defense attorney Christopher T. Van Wagner
is representing the defendant.
Assistant Attorney General David William Maas is prosecuting the case.

Blomme watched a video feed of the proceeding
through the narrow glass window
of what appeared to be a brown jail cell door.

WISCONSIN Children's Court Judge Brett Blomme
Initial Appearance :smile:



Well-known member

I have extrapolated
and hightlighted

very briefly
certain signatures
of the image of the Crab :smile:
that may be associated
with criminality

The zodiac completes a sidereal cycle in 23.93446 hours. The twelvefold circle has no beginning, but it is so-held to begin with Cancer.
The image of the Crab is..............


unsteady of mind
saying one thing, but thinking another

so that
anyone interested
to read and study the following descriptions

of the remaining zodiacal images

shall note
amongst the various signatures
for each individual image
there are those

that are also
often associated with criminality

The image of the Lion is masculine, diurnal, solid, terrestrial, quadrupedal, feral, royal, vocal, semi-infertile, passionate, fierce, running and of the north wind. It indicates action, reputation, superiors, harsh matters and quarrels. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Leo are large, distinguished, independent, reliable, just, despising flattery, haughty, irascible, daring, with fine face, smooth, small ears because the Lion rarely listens to the talk of others, higher upper part of the body, thin-set teeth, rugged, flushy, bright, imperious, stable, haters of evil, beneficent and inflated with lofty thoughts. The front is robust, but the back is weaker.

Domicile of Sun, it controls the sides, the circulatory system, the nervous system and the eyesight, especially the right eye. It causes blindness on account of the Coma Star Cluster. It is like-empowered with Aries and like-ascending with Virgo, tall in the Northern Hemisphere and short in the Southern Hemisphere. It is summery, hot and dry for the north, and wintry, cold and moist for the south. Leo commands Libra for the north and obeys it for the south. Leo controls Italy, Gaul, Apulia, Phoenicia, Chaldaea and Orchenia. The head and Regulus are rising up to the 6th degree, the front up to the 11th, the belly up to the 18th, the back up to the 24th, and the tail up to the 30th.

The first 6° belong to Jupiter - elevation, friendships with superiors
The next 5° belong to Venus - good fortune, friendships with superiors
The next 7° belong to Saturn - magnitude, of many years, infertile
The next 6° belong to Mercury - intelligent, some are winners of games
The final 6° belong to Mars - misfortune, dangers, passionate

Head - Saturn and moderately Mars
Throat - Saturn and moderately Mercury
Regulus - Jupiter and Mars
Hip and Denebola - Saturn and Venus
Thighs - Venus and moderately Mercury

The image of the Maiden is feminine, nocturnal, double-bodied, human, winged, common, eloquent, infertile, incomplete, handsome, standing and of the south wind. It indicates exchanges, affairs, eloquence, trade and mysticism. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Virgo are large, well-proportioned and graceful, articulate, meticulous, popular, mystical, temperate, with fine face, fine straight body, round beautiful bright eyes, drawn nostrils, fine lips because the Maiden is charming in conversation, exchanging, thick chin, bright hair, useful, industrious, pure, modest, well-educated, lovers of learning, always ready to do everything when provoked, writers, physicians, business expediters, administrators of goods, stewards, secretaries, accountants, workers in fields, actors, astrologers, spendthrifts in youth, but who become prosperous over the course of time.

Domicile and exaltation of Mercury, depression of Venus, it controls the abdomen, the vestibular system, the gustatory system and the auditory system. It is equinoctial, like-empowered with Pisces, like-ascending with Leo and like-engirding with Gemini, tall in the Northern Hemisphere and short in the Southern Hemisphere. It is autumnal, cold and dry for the north, and vernal, hot and moist for the south. Virgo controls Babylonia, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Hellas, Achaia and Crete. The head and the shoulders are rising up to the 7th degree, the hands, the abdomen and the wings up to the 17th, the lower parts up to the 21st, the robe up to the 28th, the feet and Spica up to the 30th.

The first 7° belong to Mercury - teachers, philosophers, mathematicians
The next 10° belong to Venus - cheerful, freedom from oppression and care
The next 4° belong to Jupiter - notable and with friendships
The next 7° belong to Mars - brilliant, some belong to the military or tribunals
The final 2° belong to Saturn - ups and downs, notable, risks

Head and Zavijava - Mercury and moderately Mars
Southern Wing and Girdles - Mercury and moderately Venus
Vindemiatrix - Saturn and Mercury
Feet - Mercury and moderately Mars
Spica - Venus and moderately Mars

The image of the Scales is masculine, diurnal, changeable, human, truthful, economical, judicial, common, eloquent, semi-fertile, handsome, sitting and of the east wind. It indicates disputes, affairs, crafts, trade and changes. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Libra are well-proportioned and graceful, notable, noble, supervisors, artisans, encountering many vicissitudes because of the tipping of the Scales, covetous, average, youthful, with fine face, fine figure, beautiful eyes, poetical, thick lips, beautiful hair, white, merchants, judges, lawyers, supervisors of crops, vineyards, olive groves, aromatics, homesteads, measures, posts, crafts and grain supplies.

Domicile of Venus, exaltation of Saturn, depression of Sun, it controls the hips and the buttocks, the olfactory system, the reproductive organs and the secondary sex characteristics. It is like-empowered with Aquarius, like-ascending with Cancer and like-engirding with Taurus, tall in the Northern Hemisphere and short in the Southern Hemisphere. It is autumnal, cold and dry for the north, and vernal, hot and moist for the south. Libra obeys Leo for the north and commands it for the south. Libra controls Bactriana, Casperia, Serica, Thebais, Oasis and Troglodytia. The hand and the handle are rising up to the 6th degree, the balance beam up to the 14th, the chains and Alpha Librae up to the 21st, the weighing pans up to the 28th, and the base up to the 30th.

The first 6° belong to Saturn - destructive, grief from loved ones, reductions of wealth
The next 8° belong to Mercury - versatile, fertile
The next 7° belong to Jupiter - allotments, inheritances, gifts of land
The next 7° belong to Venus - good fortune, kind, musical, clean
The final 2° belong to Mars - strength, leadership, abundance

Extremities - Jupiter and Mercury
Middle - Saturn and moderately Mars

The image of the Scorpion is feminine, nocturnal, solid, terrestrial, creeping, servile, silent, fertile, poisonous, unchangeable, fierce, thievish, with many limbs, lying and of the west wind. It indicates inquiries, deception, lawsuits, fights and mysticism. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Scorpio are disproportioned and awkward, tricky, turbulent, base, covetous, lying, bitter because the Scorpion is stingy, competitive, powerful, with short head, delicate voice, round light green eyes, sharp nose, lower lip bent, coarse hair, dark, military commanders, generals, destroyers of property, thieves, murderers, traitors, burglars and haters of their own families. The front is weaker, but the back is robust.

Domicile of Mars, depression of Moon, it controls the reproductive organs, the muscular system, the urinary system, the lower gastrointestinal tract. It causes skin diseases on account of the rough skin and blindness on account of the sting. It is like-empowered with Capricorn, like-ascending with Gemini and like-engirding with Aries, and medium in both Hemispheres. It is autumnal, cold and dry for the north, and vernal, hot and moist for the south. Scorpio obeys Cancer for the north and commands it for the south. Scorpio controls Metagonitis, Mauritania, Gaetulia, Syria, Comangene and Cappadocia. The claws are rising up to the 7th degree, the head up to the 11th, the body and Antares up to the 19th, the back up to the 24th, and the sting up to the 30th.

The first 7° belong to Mars - embezzlements, dangers, travel
The next 4° belong to Venus - fortune, those who advance unexpectedly through others
The next 8° belong to Mercury - abiding, some become bankers and administrators
The next 5° belong to Jupiter - increase, advancement, inheritances
The final 6° belong to Saturn - necessity, constraint, infertile

Forehead - Mars and moderately Saturn
Body - Mars and moderately Jupiter
Joints - Saturn and moderately Venus
Sting - Mars and Mercury
M7 - Mars and the Moon

The image of the Archer is masculine, diurnal, double-bodied, terrestrial, human, quadrupedal, royal, eloquent, infertile, enigmatic, incomplete, with many limbs, running and of the north wind. It indicates governorship, action, fights, gifts and disputes. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Sagittarius are large, robust, well-proportioned and graceful, notable, ambitious, generous, versatile, changeable, prominent, mysterious because the Archer is unintelligible, gifted, crafty, with bald forehead, round small eyes, intentional, long-bearded, athletic, bragging, reddish, kingly, judges, just, loving their brothers and their friends, superior over their enemies, losing much of their possessions, gaining them back over the course of time. The front is weaker, but the back is robust.

Domicile of Jupiter, it controls the thighs, the reproductive system, the digestive system and the integumentary system. It causes blindness on account of the arrow. It is tropical, like-ascending with Taurus and like-engirding with Pisces, and medium in both Hemispheres. It is wintry, cold and moist for the north, and summery, hot and dry for the south. Sagittarius obeys Gemini for the north and commands it for the south. Sagittarius controls Tyrrhenia, Celtica, Spain, Arabia Felix, Elymais and Iberia. The arrow, the bow and the grip are rising up to the 12th degree, the head up to the 17th, the back up to the 21st, the cloak up to the 26th, and the tail up to the 30th.

The first 12° belong to Jupiter - powers, leaders, lords of life and death, undaunted, kingly
The next 5° belong to Venus - flow, distress, passionate
The next 4° belong to Mercury - notable, fond of frivolous conversation, well-grown
The next 5° belong to Saturn - high spirits
The final 4° belong to Mars - travel, dangers, lawsuits

Arrow Point - Mars and the Moon
Bow and Grip - Jupiter and Mars
Forehead - Mars and the Sun
Cloak and Back - Jupiter and moderately Mercury
Feet - Jupiter and Saturn
Tail - Venus and moderately Saturn

The image of the Goat-Horned One is feminine, nocturnal, changeable, watery, amphibian, servile, vocal, infertile, enigmatic, passionate, thievish, incomplete, missing limbs, two-natured, outrageous, sitting and of the south wind. It indicates inquiries, accusations, separations, water and property. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Capricorn are small, burdened, deviant, lying, pretentious, inventive, unattractive, mysterious because the Goat-Horned One is unintelligible, curious, with sloping face, fine figure, beautiful black eyes, black hair, thick lips, sharp chin, lean, misfortunate, toilsome, with unlucky mistakes, lame, shameful, two-faced, pretending goodness and sincerity, always criticizing, fickle, brutal, criminal, warped, bad, fond of jokes, insomniacs, hunchbacks, sculptors, farmers, with nautical bent and waterside trades, lovers of pleasures, business expediters, initiates in mysteries, plotters of great deeds and guardians of secret matters.

Domicile of Saturn, exaltation of Mars, depression of Jupiter, it controls the knees, the skeletal system, the lymphatic system and the immune system. It causes skin diseases on account of the rough skin and blindness on account of the spine. It is like-empowered with Scorpio, like-ascending with Aries and like-engirding with Aquarius, short in the Northern Hemisphere and tall in the Southern Hemisphere. It is wintry, cold and moist for the north, and summery, hot and moist for the south. Capricorn obeys Taurus for the north, and commands it for the south. Capricorn controls India, Ariana, Gedrosia, Thrace, Macedonia and Illyria. The front is rising up to the 7th degree, the head up to the 14th, the belly up to the 22nd, the back up to the 26th, and the tail up to the 30th.

The first 7° belong to Mercury - abdominal birth, dangers, intelligent
The next 7° belong to Jupiter - notable, preservative power
The next 8° belong to Venus - luxury, passionate
The next 4° belong to Saturn - summons, harsh, authoritative
The final 4° belong to Mars - concealments, bonds, flights

Horns - Venus and moderately Mars
Mouth - Saturn and moderately Venus
Feet and Belly - Mars and Mercury
Tail - Saturn and Jupiter

The image of the Water-Pourer is masculine, diurnal, solid, watery, human, servile, eloquent, semi-infertile, handsome, standing and of the east wind. It indicates inquiries, affairs, crafts, water and property. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Aquarius are burdened, envious, lying, occasionally generous because of the uncontrollable flow of the Water-Pourer, craftsmen, public, mystical, youthful, delicate, with beautiful figure and eyes, smooth hair, dizzy, beautiful manners, white, working with hard materials, troubled by athletic training, artisans, wealthy, malicious, haters of their own families, incorrigible, making living by waterside places, betrayers of reputation and truth, accusers, haters of mankind, godless and uncontrollable.

Domicile of Saturn, it controls the lower legs, the skeletal system, the lymphatic system and the immune system. It causes blindness on account of the water. It is like-empowered with Libra, like-ascending with Pisces and like-engirding with Capricorn, short in the Northern Hemisphere and tall in the Southern Hemisphere. It is wintry, cold and moist for the north, and summery, hot and dry for the south. Aquarius obeys Aries for the north and commands it for the south. Aquarius controls Sauromatica, Oxiana, Sogdiana, Arabia, Azania and Middle Ethiopia. The left hand and the head are rising up to the 7th degree, the body and the right hand up to the 13th, the pitcher up to the 20th, the water up to the 25th, and the falling water up to the 30th.

The first 7° belong to Mercury - mastery, lovers of wisdom
The next 6° belong to Venus - friendships with great women
The next 7° belong to Jupiter - notable, some are winners of games
The next 5° belong to Mars - lawsuits, injuries, some die violent deaths
The final 5° belong to Saturn - education, grief in youth

Shoulders, Left Arm and Cloak - Saturn and Mercury
Thighs - Mercury and moderately Saturn
Water - Saturn and moderately Jupiter

The image of the Fishes is feminine, nocturnal, double-bodied, watery, oceanic, notable, silent, fertile, passionate, missing limbs, two-coloured, mobile, lying and of the west wind. It indicates governorship, travel, wealth, water and summons. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Pisces are small, disproportioned and awkward, complicated because of the directions of the Fishes, changeable, restless, mystical, slight, wandering, popular, slightly sallow, delicate, with ruddy head, fish eyes, beautiful hair, soft hands, bright voice, white in complexion, traders, endowed with genius, unsteady, trustworthy, full of ideas, philosophers, commanders of fleets, marines, sailors and business expediters.

Domicile of Jupiter, exaltation of Venus, depression of Mercury, it controls the feet, the reproductive system, the digestive system and the integumentary system. It causes skin diseases on account of the rough skin. It is equinoctial, like-empowered with Virgo, like-ascending with Aquarius and like-engirding with Sagittarius, short in the Northern Hemisphere and tall in the Southern Hemisphere. It is vernal, hot and moist for the north, and autumnal, cold and dry for the south. Pisces controls Phazania, Nasamonitis, Garamantica, Lydia, Cilicia and Pamphylia. The southern fish body is rising up to the 12th degree, the southern fish tail up to the 16th, the southern cord up to the 19th degree, the northern fish up to the 28th, and the bond up to the 30th.

The first 12° belong to Venus - fertile, jealousy, with many enemies
The next 4° belong to Jupiter - advancement, elevation, commanding
The next 3° belong to Mercury - intelligence, well-grown, highly frivolous
The next 9° belong to Mars - violent, excessive, with many accusations
The final 2° belong to Saturn - virtuous, wise, dominant

Head of the Southern Fish - Mercury and moderately Saturn
Body of the Southern Fish - Jupiter and Mercury
Southern Tail and Cord - Saturn and moderately Mercury
Body of the Northern Fish - Jupiter and moderately Venus
Northern Cord - Saturn and Jupiter
Bond - Mars and moderately Mercury

The image of the Ram is masculine, diurnal, changeable, terrestrial, quadrupedal, royal, vocal, semi-infertile, passionate, intimidating, two-coloured, running and of the north wind. It indicates governorship, fights, wealth, family and lawsuits. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Aries are independent because of the horns of the Ram, bold, distinguished, intimidating, wealthy, boastful, restless, youthful, with long face, broad forehead, black eyes, drawn nostrils, thin lips, strong voice, sloping shoulders, reddish, fiery, governing, brilliant, procuratorial, authoritarian, quickly changing, two-toned, with decorations of clothing, just and hard on offenders. The front is robust, but the back is weaker.

Domicile of Mars, exaltation of Sun, depression of Saturn, it controls the head, the muscular system, the urinary system and the lower gastrointestinal tract. It is like-empowered with Leo, like-ascending with Capricorn and like-engirding with Scorpio, short in the Northern Hemisphere and tall in the Southern Hemisphere. It is vernal, hot and moist for the north, and autumnal, cold and dry for the south. Aries commands Aquarius for the north and obeys it for the south. Aries controls Brittania, Galatia, Germania, Palestine, Idumaea and Judaea. The front is rising up to the 6th degree, the head up to the 12th, the body up to the 20th, the hind foot up to the 25th, and the tail up to the 30th.

The first 6° belong to Jupiter - elevation from low conditions to greater
The next 6° belong to Venus - love, friendships and intercourse with distinguished women
The next 8° belong to Mercury - intelligent, well-grown, love of labour, advancement
The next 5° belong to Mars - grief, passionate, injuries, unprofitable entanglements
The final 5° belong to Saturn - two-faced, some are trustees, teachers, judges or administrators

Head - Saturn and Mars
Mouth - Mercury and moderately Saturn
Hind Foot - Mars
Tail - Venus

The image of the Bull is feminine, nocturnal, solid, terrestrial, quadrupedal, notable, vocal, semi-fertile, passionate, incomplete, missing limbs, rising backwards, sitting and of the south wind. It indicates celebrations, affairs, agriculture, family and property. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Taurus are disproportioned and awkward, energetic because of the hard-working strength of the Bull, industrious, supervisors, luxurious, wealthy, generous, distinguished, charming, with full face, broad forehead, large eyes, large nostrils, big lips, pointed chin, square neck and broad outward brows, prudent, skillful, pleasure-loving, music-loving, disturbing and enraging, priestly, brilliant and worthy of crowns and of the purple. The front is robust, but the back is weaker.

Domicile of Venus, exaltation of Moon, it controls the neck, the olfactory system, the reproductive organs and the secondary sex characteristics. It causes blindness on account of the Pleiades. It is like-empowered with Cancer, like-ascending with Sagittarius and like-engirding with Libra, medium in both Hemispheres. It is vernal, hot and moist for the north, and autumnal, cold and dry for the south. Taurus commands Capricorn for the north and obeys it for the south. Taurus controls Parthia, Media, Persia, Cyclades, Cyprus and Lesser Asia. The beginning of the truncated body and the Pleiades are rising up to the 8th degree, the Hyades up to the 14th, the face and Aldebaran up to the 22nd, the beginning of the horns up to the 27th, and the tips of the horns up to the 30th.

The first 8° belong to Venus - love, skilled in the arts, graceful
The next 6° belong to Mercury - peaceful, leadership, trustees
The next 8° belong to Jupiter - beauty, reputation, unexpected advancement
The next 5° belong to Saturn - relaxations, reduction of wealth
The final 3° belong to Mars - violent, condemnations, lawsuits, injuries

Beginning - Venus and moderately Saturn
Pleiades - Jupiter and the Moon
Hyades - Saturn and moderately Mercury
Aldebaran - Mars
Tips of the Horns - Mars

The image of the Twins is masculine, diurnal, double-bodied, human, common, eloquent, semi-fertile, rising backwards, handsome, standing and of the east wind. It indicates disputes, affairs, eloquence, trade and mysticism. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Gemini are sensible, changeable, curious, articulate, prudent, public, mystical, temperate, with fine face, good complexion, large beautiful eyes, open nostrils, fine lips because the Twins are charming in conversation, exchanging, broad shoulders, white, educated, scholars, poetical, music lovers, declaimers, stewards, receivers of trusts, translators, merchants, judges of good and evil, sensible, astrologers and guardians of secret matters. The front is weaker, but the back is robust.

Domicile of Mercury, it controls the shoulders, arms and hands, the vestibular system, the gustatory system and the auditory system. It is tropical, like-ascending with Scorpio and like-engirding with Virgo, medium in both Hemispheres. It is summery, hot and dry for the north, and wintry, cold and moist for the south. Gemini commands Sagittarius for the north and obeys it for the south. Gemini controls Hyrcania, Armenia, Mantinea, Cyrenaica, Marmarica and Egypt. The feet are rising up to the 6th degree, the lower legs up to the 12th, the lower parts up to the 17th, the higher parts up to the 25th, and the heads, Castor and Pollux up to the 30th.

The first 6° belong to Mercury - stillness, obstructions, rest
The next 6° belong to Jupiter - good fortune, kind
The next 5° belong to Venus - bloom, beautiful, fortunate from unexpected things
The next 7° belong to Mars - powerful, regulative authority, advancing
The final 6° belong to Saturn - subordination, bonds, reduction of wealth

Feet - Mercury and moderately Venus
Thighs - Saturn
Castor - Mercury
Pollux - Mars

Andromeda - Venus
Aquila - Jupiter and Mars
Auriga - Mars and Mercury
Boötes - Saturn and Mercury, Arcturus - Jupiter and Mars
Cassiopeia - Saturn and Venus
Cepheus - Saturn and Jupiter
Coma Berenices - Venus and the Moon
Corona Borealis - Venus and Mercury
Cygnus - Venus and Mercury
Delphinus - Saturn and Mars
Draco - Saturn, Jupiter and Mars
Hercules - Mercury
Lyra - Venus and Mercury
Ophiuchus - Saturn and moderately Venus
Pegasus - Mars and Mercury
Perseus - Saturn and Jupiter, Cluster - Mars and Mercury
Sagitta - Mars and moderately Venus
Serpens - Saturn and Mars
Triangulum - Mercury
Ursa Major - Mars
Ursa Minor - Saturn and moderately Venus

Ara - Venus and moderately Mercury
Argo - Saturn and Jupiter
Canis Major - Venus, Sirius - Jupiter and moderately Mars
Canis Minor - Venus, Procyon - Mercury and moderately Mars
Centaurus - Venus and Mercury, Equine Body - Jupiter and Venus
Cetus - Saturn
Corona Australis - Saturn and Mercury
Corvus - Saturn and Mars
Crater - Venus and moderately Mercury
Eridanus - Saturn, Achernar - Jupiter
Hydra - Saturn and Venus
Lepus - Saturn and Mercury
Lupus - Saturn and moderately Mars
Orion - Saturn and Jupiter, Shoulders - Mars and Mercury
Piscis Australis - Venus and Mercury

Such, then, are the observations of the effects of the stars as made by our predecessors. Let us now proceed with the seven-zone.

Ludwich, A. (Ed.). (1877). Maximi et Ammonis carminum De actionum auspiciis reliquiae: accedunt Anecdota astrologica. BG Teubneri. Retrieved from
Manilius, & Goold, G. P. (1985). Astronomica. BG Teubner.
Robbins, F. E. (1940). Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos. William Heinmann, London. Retrieved from
Schmidt, R. The Astrological Record of the Early Greek Sages. Project Hindsight.
Valens, V. Anthologia. Translated by Mark Riley. Retrieved from Valens entire.pdf


Well-known member

Various unmada yogas
cause the mind to behave in a reckless fashion
and take to crime
and can show serious mental aberrations
and a criminal bent of mind.
Of these the ones with Tamas planets
Mars, Saturn and Rahu involvement
show criminals.

Hunter Biden born 4 February 1970

Aquarius Sun - ruled by SATURN
Capricorn Moon - ruled by SATURN - Exaltation of MARS

Hunter Bidens egregious actions in Ukraine and China
that Joe Biden’s son
accepted while his father was vice president :smile:
it is a serious concern that
now his father is president
while Hunter Biden is under criminal investigation
by the Justice Department

Since the inauguration
Biden’s younger son is publishing Beautiful Things

a memoir about his addiction

for which he was reportedly paid
as much as $2 million

he has plans to have his paintings shown
at a prominent New York gallery
and he just moved into a $5.4 million house in Venice,

Hunter Biden 3rd house lord is Mercury in CAPRICORN
debilitated by being ruled by SATURN
Mercury is also lord of 6th house
and also aspected by MALEFIC SATURN

Lord of the 3rd house debilitated
or associated with the 6th lord
and aspected by malefic planets
can cause mental aberrations
due to consumption of poisonous substances.
The mind can be severely afflicted
due to these narcotics leading the native into crime

The federal probe into Hunter Biden’s “ affairs...”
is current without any interference from the White House.
Prosecutors in the US Attorney’s Office in Delaware
are “...treating it seriously...”
and they have “....not heard from the White House...”
The attorney general nominee told the panel
that he understood
the Hunter Biden probe was “...proceeding discreetly....”
his overseas business dealings
are under investigation by the feds.
​​David Weiss, the US attorney for Delaware
is overseeing the investigation
of Hunter Biden

under federal investigation for possible tax fraud



Well-known member

Saturn in Lagna with Mars in seventh house cause severe hatred
Mars in a dusthana instead of the 7th

can cause chronic disease of the mind

due to imbalance of fire and wind. :smile:

Saturn in Lagna, Sun in 12th house

and either Moon or Mars in a trine can cause serious mental affliction
as the lagna is damaged by Saturn in marana karaka sthana

and the significator of lagna (Sun) is also damaged
by being in Marana Sthana
Mars so placed will cause terrible anger and hatred
Racist Yells Racial Slurs While Stabbing 12year old Kid in The Neck



Well-known member

Hunter Biden born 4 February 1970

Aquarius Sun - ruled by SATURN
Capricorn Moon is afflicted - ruled by SATURN

an afflicted Moon
may indicate mental aberration
a lack of self‐control
‐ as when the Moon is influenced by Mars
reckless and aggressive behavior may be indicated.

Hunter Bidens Capricorn moon
is afflicted by a square from malefic Mars
Capricorn is Exaltation of Mars

In 2016 Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin
in his investigation of corruption involving Burisma Holdings
a natural gas company
identified Hunter Biden as the recipient of
over $3,000,000 from Burisma.
Hunter Bidens cocaine addiction required fuelling

Not wanting this corruption exposed
Joe Biden swung into action
using US loan guarantees as hostage :smile:
and demanding Skokin be fired.
Amazingly, quid pro quo Joe Biden publicly brags
about his actions in this matter

of withholding billions in government money
until they fired prosecutor
to prevent investigation continuing
of criminal activity of his son Hunter Biden



Well-known member

Saturn and the lord of the 2nd house
afflicted by malefic planets
shows eccentricity caused by vata air element

can indicate consumption of poisonous substances through smoke

Hunter Biden second house ruler VENUS is afflicted by
location in Aquarius, domicile of malefic SATURN

he indeed has a self publicised addiction problem
having written a book detailing it for which he was paid $2M :smile:

If in the above combination
the planet afflicting the second lord is Sun
then the mental aberration shall increase due to punishment

or troubles from government.

Hunter Bidens Aquarius Sun IS afflicting Aquarius VENUS by conjunction
and he is currently troubled by being under investigation
by the government department of the FBI



Well-known member

If Saturn and Mars are in association 8H of the horoscope
the native will be a big criminal in his life time.
Hunter Biden Scorpio 8th house is afflicted

by opposition by Taurus Saturn

Mercury controls our nervous system :smile:

its affliction weakens the nervous system
and reflects the potential for aggressive, vengeful
and impulsive traits
Hunter Bidens Capricorn Mercury is afflicted
by square from malefic Mars



Well-known member
Various unmada yogas
cause the mind to behave in a reckless fashion
and take to crime
and can show serious mental aberrations
and a criminal bent of mind.
Of these the ones with Tamas planets
Mars, Saturn and Rahu involvement
show criminals.

Hunter Biden born 4 February 1970

Aquarius Sun - ruled by SATURN
Capricorn Moon - ruled by SATURN - Exaltation of MARS

Hunter Bidens egregious actions in Ukraine and China
that Joe Biden’s son
accepted while his father was vice president :smile:
it is a serious concern that
now his father is president
while Hunter Biden is under criminal investigation
by the Justice Department

Since the inauguration
Biden’s younger son is publishing Beautiful Things

a memoir about his addiction

for which he was reportedly paid
as much as $2 million

he has plans to have his paintings shown
at a prominent New York gallery
and he just moved into a $5.4 million house in Venice,
Durham Probe Moves Forward :smile:

Hunter Biden 3rd house lord is Mercury in CAPRICORN
debilitated by being ruled by SATURN
Mercury is also lord of 6th house
and also aspected by MALEFIC SATURN

Lord of the 3rd house debilitated
or associated with the 6th lord
and aspected by malefic planets
can cause mental aberrations
due to consumption of poisonous substances.
The mind can be severely afflicted
due to these narcotics leading the native into crime

The federal probe into Hunter Biden’s “ affairs...”
is current without any interference from the White House.
Prosecutors in the US Attorney’s Office in Delaware
are “...treating it seriously...”
and they have “....not heard from the White House...”
The attorney general nominee told the panel
that he understood
the Hunter Biden probe was “...proceeding discreetly....”
his overseas business dealings
are under investigation by the feds.
​​David Weiss, the US attorney for Delaware
is overseeing the investigation
of Hunter Biden

under federal investigation for possible tax fraud



Well-known member

Politico recently reported on a scandal involving Hunter Biden
investigation by the FBI

Secret Services in 2018

over a missing handgun.

Hunter may have even committed a felony.:smile:

Hunter Biden dob 4 February 1970
Aquarius Sun
- ruled by SATURN

Capricorn Moon
- ruled by SATURN
- Exaltation of MARS

Hunter Biden 3rd house lord Mercury in CAPRICORN
is debilitated and harmed by its dispositor - SATURN

Mercury is also lord of 6th house

while also aspected by MALEFIC SATURN

Hunter Biden dob 4 February 1970
Aquarius Sun
- ruled by SATURN

Capricorn Moon
- ruled by SATURN
- Exaltation of MARS

when Lord of 3rd house is debilitated
or associated with 6th lord
aspected by malefic planets
can cause mental aberrations
due to consumption of poisonous substances.
The mind can be severely afflicted
due to these narcotics leading the native into crime



Well-known member

Hunter Biden and his laptop are in (censored) news.
he is protected by powerful media groups :smile:

because of his even more corrupt father

Outside the allegations of corruption
there is apparently film of him sexually abusing children.

Hunter Biden dob 4 February 1970
Aquarius Sun
- ruled by SATURN
Capricorn Moon
- ruled by SATURN
- Exaltation of MARS

When young Hunter was injured in a car crash
which killed his mother and sister.

Strangely, his father was sworn in as a Senator
in the hospital room
where his two young sons were recovering.

Then Hunter's brother Beau died from a brain tumour aged 46.
Hunter then dated Beau's widow
He had a very acrimonious divorce from his first wife.

scandal involving Hunter Biden investigation by the FBI
Secret Services in 2018

over a missing handgun.
Hunter may have even committed a felony.:smile:

Hunter Biden 3rd house lord Mercury in CAPRICORN
is debilitated and harmed by its dispositor - SATURN

Mercury is also lord of 6th house
while also aspected by MALEFIC SATURN

when Lord of 3rd house is debilitated
or associated with 6th lord
aspected by malefic planets
can cause mental aberrations
due to consumption of poisonous substances.
The mind can be severely afflicted
due to these narcotics leading the native into crime


Well-known member

'....SATURN signifies FRAUD...' :smile:
Abu Ma'Shar

Criminals hide their behavior
and also
stall as long as possible
when discovered

GEORGIA - Demonstration
of How Ballot Tabulation Equipment Can Be Manipulated

Here is a demonstration of how the
tabulation software can be tampered with when recording ballots :smile:

questions raised re: 2020 election '...irregularities...'
States continue demanding legal answers
on behalf of We The People
via the courts
many cases continue wending their way slowly
and have not yet been judged



Well-known member

Hunter Biden dob 4 February 1970
Aquarius Sun
- ruled by SATURN
Capricorn Moon
- ruled by SATURN
- Exaltation of MARS

more jaw-dropping moments from Hunter Bidens :smile:

memoir 'Beautiful Things'

Hunter Biden 3rd house lord Mercury in CAPRICORN
is debilitated and harmed by its dispositor - SATURN
Hunter Biden States He Did Craq Every 15 Minutes
and Befriended Homeless Dealer in New Memoir

Hunter Biden and his laptop are in (censored) news.
he is protected by powerful media groups :smile:

because of his even more corrupt father

Outside the allegations of corruption
there is apparently film of him sexually abusing children.