Could the richest person in history be born on November 15th or November 16th, 2020?


The transits on either November 15th, 2020 or November 16th, 2020 (US time) for when Lagna is in Virgo has got to be the best chart for wealth in human history. Even people like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos and Larry Page don't have charts that good.

On these days, Jupiter is in a very close conjunction with Pluto not only in the D1 chart, but also in virtually every single other divisional chart as well. This is extremely powerful for wealth and many billionaires such as Bill Gates have this.

There are many, many Neechabhanga raja yogas.

Venus is debilitated in Virgo in the 1st house (Kendra House) and the planet that controls the sign where Venus is exalted in Pisces (Jupiter) is in the 4th house (a Kendra house). Additionally, in the Raman version, on November 16th, Venus goes into the 2nd house in its own sign Libra conjunct with Mercury. They say that having Mercury and Venus conjunct in Libra in the 2nd house is a VERY, VERY powerful placement for wealth. The mutual exchange of the lagna and 2nd house lord makes one acquire HUGE wealth EFFORTLESSLY. This movement also causes Venus to go into his own sign in the D9, further canceling Venus' debilitation and strengthening the neechabhanga raja yoga (but only on November 16th). 2nd house lord in the 2nd house almost always gives huge money during the planet's dasha. And on November 15th, depending on location, Moon goes into Libra in the Fagan version, meaning that Mercury, the planet which is exalted in and controls the sign Virgo, the sign Venus debilitates in, gets into Kendra from the Chandra Lagna (1st), further strengthening the neechabhanga raja yoga. Also, depending on the D9 lagna, Venus is also debilitated in the D9 chart but with several neechagbhanga raja yogas in effect, further strengthening the positive effects of the Venus period.

Moon is debilitated in the 3rd house in Scorpio, but the lord of Scorpio, Mars, is in a Kendra house (7th from lagna), Venus, the lord of the sign Taurus (the sign in which Moon is exalted in), is placed in Kendra (1st from lagna), and Ketu, the planet which is exalted in the sign Moon is debilitated in, is conjunct with Moon and is in Kendra from the Chandra Lagna (1st house). Many, many neechabhanga raja yogas for just one planet. Additionally, on November 15th, moon is in his own sign in the D9 chart. And on November 16th, depending on location and what the D9 lagna is, moon is also in scorpio in the d9 chart with many, many neechabhanga raja yogas to strengthen the positive effects.

In the Raman version, Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn, but is conjunct with Saturn, the lord of Capricorn, Mars, the planet that is exalted in Capricorn, is in Kendra from the lagna (7th house), and Moon, the planet that controls Cancer, the sign Jupiter is exalted in, is in Kendra from the Chandra Lagna (1st house). Additionally, on both the 15th and 16th, another beautiful neechabhanga raja yoga occurs in the D9 chart where Jupiter and Mars are together in Capricorn.

In the Fagan version, Sun is debilitated in Libra in the 2nd house, but Venus, the planet that controls Libra, is in Kendra, Mars, the planet that controls the sign Sun is exalted in, is in Kendra. In some areas on November 15th, Moon also ends up moving to Libra in the Fagan version, meaning that Saturn, the planet that is exalted in Libra, gets in Kendra from the Chandra Lagna (4th), further strengthening the neecha bhanga raja yoga.

In several of the divisional charts, Venus is conjunct with Jupiter and Pluto in Pisces, a VERY, VERY powerful combination for wealth, especially, in the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 9th, and 11th houses.

Normally, Jupiter, Sun, and Moon dashas would not be a great times for someone with Virgo Ascendant, but the neechabhanga raja yogas and Jupiter being in his own sign cancels that and ensures these are extremely phenomenal periods for the person. Saturn is also in his own sign, ensuring Saturn mahadasha is a great time. Usually for a Virgo ascendant, Venus is already one of the best periods of one's life, so having all of these neechabhanga raja yogas for Venus just makes the best period MUCH better. Unfathomably good. Jupiter in the 4th house in his own sign is one of the best placements.

The Chandra lagna chart is phenomenal. Jupiter in his own sign in the 2nd house, Rahu in Taurus in the 7th house (huge fame), Venus in virgo in the 11th house, etc.

On November 16th, a person with Virgo Ascendant would go through Venus period around their 20's and 30's, Sun period around their 40's, and Moon period around their 50's, the perfect time periods to go through neechabhanga raja yoga planets.

All of the divisional charts are absolutely beautiful. They are full of strong planets, neechabhanga raja yogas, and dhana yogas that, depending on the lagna, can bless the native with huge wealth.

And there is much more as well! There are even more yogas that have not been listed yet.

However, it is hard to decide whether or not November 15th or 16th is better. If Moon goes into Libra in the Fagan version on November 15th, Mercury and Saturn go into Kendra from the Chandra Lagna, strengthening the Venus and Sun neechabhaga raja yogas. Depending on location, Moon can also be in his own sign in the D9 chart.

On the other hand, on November 16th, Venus goes into Libra in the Raman version, creating a very powerful yoga for wealth (conjunction with Mercury) and further cancelling the debilitation and strengthening the neechabhangaraja yoga. Venus, Sun, and Moon dashas would be the best for the person (besides Jupiter), and on November 16th, one would go through these dashas in their 20's, 30's, 40's, and 50's, while on November 15th, one would not go through these dashas until their 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's. And on the 16th, depending on the location, Moon also has several neechabhanga raja yogas in the D9 chart as well. Venus also goes into his own sign in the D9 chart on November 16th.

On balance, it seems as if November 16th would be better.

Many billionaires such as Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Michael Bloomberg have these exact same yogas, but even they do not have as many yogas as this chart does.

However, this is all based on rudimentary analysis. It may be wrong. Can an expert in Vedic Astrology confirm whether or not this analysis is accurate? Could the richest human being in human history be born on November 15th or 16th, 2020 when the Lagna is in Virgo? Is there an even better Lagna to have on these dates? Is this really an extremely good chart for wealth?