Cosmic/Consciousness Expansions


Well-known member
Our strange, mystical, paranormal, otherworldly, psychic and spiritual experiences are far more alike and common than we'd ever guess!


Well said :) and thanks for 'coming clean' publicly.

Many years ago I had the most amazing and beautiful 'vision' of what you talked about. Here's what I 'saw' about us and our incarnations. Keep in mind that even this will NOT be completely accurate however. I can't verbalize how complex and multidimensional it really is.

Visualize a huge clear multifaceted diamond sitting in the black of space. Now visualize EACH of the tiny little perfectly cut facets that totally cover the whole diamond. EACH one of these tiny facets on the huge diamond, is ONE 'incarnation'. These incarnations happen both in 3D physical reality and they happen in other non-physical dimensions and realities. These 'incarnations' happen in and beyond physicality. They also happen while we think we're "dead", but are 'incarnations' or totally aware states of being while not in a physical body or physical reality. Many incarnations, many facets, many aspects of Ourselves all over the place. Here's where it gets a bit hard to wrap your brain around..........all of these incarnations are happening at the same 'TIME'.

Each and every facet is aware and active in ITS 'incarnation' and the much larger diamond represents your Higher Self of which the facets are all individualized and unique aspects of IT. That's only the little image of YOU/SELF and all the numerous facets or incarnational aspects (the small you's or ego selves) that are learning individually.

"TIME" dosen't exist outside of 3D physical reality and this is probably the main reason that the Ancient Ones developed Astrology and created super long Calendars to map what the Planets, Stars and Galaxy did. To help Them keep tract of the phases of learning within physicality. Non-physical Beings needed to create ways to stay in touch with the multitude of 'facets' that incarnated into 3D physical reality during these long and complex cycles of learning.

So, visualize the huge diamond floating in black space with all of IT's many little facets who are each doing their different learnings in many different 'time's', realities, dimensions, both physical and non-physical. All of the facets are connected to each other and also to the main huge diamond, their Higher Self. We are at a point of learning where our consciousness is expanding and speeding up so that we can be much more consciously aware and interactive with both our other 'facets' and with the diamond (Higher Self) too at the same 'time'. And all of the other diamonds out there and how all of them are connected to each other also and how they are connected to other things and on and on it goes............


Well-known member
Thank you, Lapis,
So, visualize the huge diamond floating in black space with all of


many little facets who are each
doing their different learnings
in many different 'time's', realities, dimensions, both physical and non-physical.

I am thinking of the ancient, matriarchal oracle,
the I Ching:

in the I Ching channeled by Carol K. Anthony (and Hannah Moog)

which is GREAT,

IT or "inner truth" is

that subtle energy,

in our heart

that's part of our physical/cosmic body sense,

that we can "TUNE IN" to any time

when we find the station on the refined

radio letters XEGO (no ego)



Well-known member

:D Thanks for the links, I just discovered this man and his site recently. Click back on page 1 of this thread and you'll see how and when!!! :wink: Synchronicities all over the place here.

I'm glad you left a direct link to Tobias' site however. Great information there. I too have left links to sites (in General Chat) I feel have high calibre information about what all we're living through now. We each need all the help we can find. Glad your here.


Well-known member

I'm picking up another conversation on another thread here because I sense that there's much to say for many of us.......

You mentioned about remembering past lives where you had been 'persecuted' for your spiritual beliefs and about your Master's also being murdered for the same reasons. I too have a few past life memories of the same type of thing. Honestly I think that so many of us incarnate today (and with Pisces ASC, this is really expanded to cover huge time periods or cosmic cycles in highly personal ways) are having to deal with these ancient wounds from other lives and time periods. Much larger than we'd guess!

I think we all have pretty serious emotional body wounds that have manifested down into our physical bodies that are now being healed/cleared/dealt with/brought up to the conscious level/wrapped up from many thousands of years ago. Big, long cyles! I also think that this is normal for now and for what's coming soon (conjunctions to GC and 2012 etc). BTW, were you a Tibetan Monk once or twice?

For most of this life I've remembered living in Egypt during the cusp of Ages between ending Virgo and beginning Leo. We were Wanderers/Starseeds for the most part there then and anchored into Earth different energies and plans that held in place, waiting for now - the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. There where thousands and thousands of us that incarnated in Egypt, Atlantis, and all over the planet at that time to off set or balance out what was coming through many of the negative Atlantians. This has never stopped and we've been excruciatingly aware of being 'persecuted' throughout the different Ages and incarnations due to this ancinet struggle or energy issue.

I too have lived this life feeling totally alone with my Wanderer consciousness here wondering if there were others here now too. Silly me! What I find so wonderful now is how we've anchored enough higher energies aka Light here to finally be able to reconnect with each other! Its like a global awakening and a coming out of the closet for most of us now. Timing, coding, transits, cycles, etc. Its finally become safe again for us to function out in the open and reconnect. Amazing and so long awaited.......

I have a theory about some of us and our intense and severe physical body problems, illness, reactions, and so on. It sounded like you got much this one figured out early at age 27 was it? Good for you! At first I wondered if it was the Pluto in Leo (Atlantis & Egytp) folks mainly carrying so much ancient issues, karmas, energies and I do believe that many of us are doing exactly this. But, I've heard from many other younger generations who are having tremendous physical body problems or illness etc. and I think its more than just 'Ascension Symptoms'. Or, maybe its due to the unending energy increases touching, triggering off these ancient wounds or unfinished issues. You back pain being an example of what I'm trying to express. As you said, "has nothing to do with this life, and everything to do with ancient stuff." I can relate so and I wonder who else can?


Well-known member
Hi Lapis!

This is so-o amazing I can't believe it - your assessment of the deeper things that are going on for so many of us is so right on! I am hugely interested in the spiritual side of astrology - I have learned a good bit about astrology through study in the form of reading, consultation with an astrologer who used to be in the area, and on the web. Yes indeed at least once I was a Tibetan monk, very likely doing thanka paintings! Whenever I hear Tibetan monks chanting, something happens and I am instantly transported "home" to an amazing altered space! The shamanic practitioner with whom I work has said that there is a direct energetic conduit between Atlantis and Tibet, and had me travel through a tunnel and emerge up through the stone floor, where a circle of Tibetan monks were awaiting me. Some folks have commented on some of my work being rather like modern-day thanka paintings! Thanks for visiting and commenting on our website! The Buddhas there are a collaborative project - my husband photographed them at an outdoor show just outside of Santa Fe(we live in the area), and the thanka painting backgrounds separately at another location. I stripped out the original backgrounds from the Buddhas, and designed the electronic frames, and my husband composited them all in Photoshop, with my design input. The Buddha mandalas were based on these Buddha images. While we were working on this project, which was soon after the present war in Iraq started, we were blasted with an amazing cosmic energy through these Buddhas, which is sorely needed in these times of chaos and transition. Egypt and the Middle East figured prominently in my lives too, as well as certain times in Europe, like during the Inquisition, the French Revolution, and the last life before this one was a 14-year-old Jewish girl who was taken by cattle car to the death camps and gassed. As a child I had chronic bronchitis between the ages of 5 and 11, and was badly frightened every time I had to fight for my breath. Needless to say, I have never smoked in my entire life! The path to my own health was also motivated by the fact that my mother died of breast cancer during her second Saturn return period(which was right after my 1st Saturn return), and my dad died of emphysema the year before my Chiron return.
But back to karmic matters - the practitioner above also indicated that our soul group is here now to break the chains of karma, and that is why all our pains, illnesses, etc. are coming to our attention. Another very dear acupuncturist'Ashtanga yogi friend of mine, in Hawaii, who treated me after my injury, commented that all this stuff is "rising to be healed" and that we will be better than ever before. She is highly intuitive herself, and I just know that she will eventually be known as an incredible healer herself. Although she is 21 years younger than myself, she has been a teacher to me and also like a sister. I have known her for 13 years.
In my own process, I have had to travel through the "corridor of Time", an amazing and very humbling process, because one really has to leave one's ego at the door, so to speak!
Amongst the younger folks, it is no secret that many have real physical challenges, like autism, food sensitivities of an extreme nature, disabilities, etc. Many are highly intuitive, and can see right through adult lies, too.
About energetic shifts, I definitely sensed a rending of the energetic fabric of the US from Katrina, and that we have really turned a corner here into the series of changes that await. I have been prompted to spend more time in the later-day sunlight, outdoors, and it almost seems that I am awaiting something/some message from the sky.
I could go on and on, but it has made my day to find this great group! As things occur to me, I will post - thanks for listening!


Well-known member
Lapis - your clarity is breathtaking. Very strange synchroncities going on with you and me.

Send me your e-mail and I'll invite you to tribe where you can connect with the others (asssuming you're not already a member).


Well-known member
Hi all,

Because Dec. 2005 is rushing up at us, I've been mentally reviewing something that I experienced LAST Dec. 3, 2004. Even in my book this was a rather strange experience for me and that's saying something!!! :wink: Before I get into what happened then, I want to add that I'm very comfortable and familiar with having telepathic communications and visions both a la natural and also from higher dimensional Beings. It's happened most all my life so I wasn't shocked or surprised by what I experienced. I was surprised by HOW it happened and WHAT I was told however. It was different than what I'm more used to.

At the time I had this experience I was posting only at Whitley Strieber's "Unknown Country" site/forums. I just went back there to see if my post about 'it' was archieved, but it was gone. So, I can't physically prove (which bugges me because I posted about it there on Dec. 4, 2004) the time that I had this experience today, here. I printed out a copy of my post about it and have it in front of me now however but I still can't prove this to you here. I wish I could. Anyway because it's been nearly a year since this happened, I thought it interesting and predictive enough to share here. Here's what happened and what I was told.

I was folding laundry in my bedroom in the evening of Dec. 3, 2004. Everything was as it usually is. There was no energy change to let me know that anything was coming. I was folding laundry and in the next second I (my awareness) was in another non-physical dimension, standing infront of a group of 'Blue Beings'! I'm going to quote my post about this from 'Unknown Country'.

"Posted by Lapis, December 04, 2004 - 10:23pm:"

"I was awake when suddenly a small group of Beings (5 or 7) I've NOT encountered before were in my space and awareness and telepathing with me.

I can't describe these Beings utter joy over what They were sharing with was wonderfully overwhelming for me and Them! They were so, so happy to be able to report this information.

First let me describe what They looked like and how They felt to me. They were all BLUE! Skin, hair, everything.....but this was more as if it was an ENERGY and not the actual color of Their skin. They were not physical.....They didn't have skin! Like musical notes have different vibrations, these Beings felt to me like They came from and were of the Blue Frequency. This is hard to explain....They were kind, kind, loving, sharing, positive and more advanced than us. Not WAY advanced but yes advanced past negative polarity.

Anyway, They told me that the year 2005 was going to be SO incredibly positive for humanity and Earth. Extremely positive spiritually. Not so politically or physically in some locations. We, humanity and Earth, would finally vibrate FAST ENOUGH in 2005 so as to co-habitat with Them and Their realm. Not continuously, but sporadically. Constantly is coming in another year or more. I wasn't clever enough to ask Them what that realm was, I was blown away by Their open joy and excitement at this FINALLY happening! They acted as if They've known us for millenia but couldn't connect with us and of course we've NEVER known of Them specifically. BUT all this is going to change according to Them in 2005.

What They telepathed was that we and Earth would speed up to the point that we are able to finally perceive Them even though They have ALWAYS been right where They are. Mear inches away! They acted like we 3D humans are long-lost cousins that are on the verge of being able to reconnect with some more of our other dimensional Family members. Like I said before, I'm not consciously familiar with these particular Beings!?!

They also said that even though 2005 will be a spiritually historic year for much of humanity, physically the "B" creature (George W. Bush) and his numerous seen and unseen side-kicks will begin in real ernest to self-destruct in ways we can't understand. They felt this was simply part of the cleansing process our reality is going through and for those of us who start to perceive Them and Their realm to "not give it too much consideration." Like those negative forces simply can't co-habitate with the faster energy so they will sort of "devour themselves energetically." Sorry that's the best I can translate what They telepathed to me, both the words, emotions and symbols."

End of my 'Unknown Country' post from Dec. 4, 2004.

What I did NOT post about in greater detail then was that They had also said that "the USA would start experiencing more severe physical Earth disasters in 2004" along with the beginning of the end of those who run this planet. The whole message from these Blue Beings was really far more positive than negative. They didn't focus on the 'negativity' of the real beginning of some natural disasters in the USA in 2004, but that these were a necessary aspect of the profound changes Earth and humanity are going through. Also they had been reduced greatly.

Looking back over this past strange and eventful year of 2005, much of what these other dimensional blue Beings said to me makes a lot more sense of course! I mentioned on another thread here that when I receive anymore of these sort of visions/messages etc., I'll share them here at Astrology Weekly first.

I think that 2006 and 2007 with the transits across the GC, will be activating abilities in most of us that we can't even comprehend today but that will be wonderful.


Hi Lapis,

this is truly breathtaking news that I could sort of
see out of the corner of my eye,
but I've only seen a ship or two
so far. 8)

keep announcing the news....

hugs and thanks!

...back on & glad to be here


Well-known member
Lapis!< :p >Glad to "see" you, too, and WilsonTC and Amazon, Baker, Elianah, Soreheart,--everyone!

Did you say you just posted something about house polarities and oppositions...?
So did I :!:

Karmic synchronicities are cool :wink:



Well-known member
Today's the anniversary of your Blue ray beings' visit....
and our
Mercury directs today, too.

With all the wonderful planetary information coming in all over this forum, I'm just taking this opportunity to post this
Mercury direct
shout out for karmic cleansing and rebirth,
with help from the
Cosmic Helpers..... and a
thanks to all the astrologers here.


Well-known member
I know I have not met
For I have been one
Who has studied the birth
Within the nebulae
A sight (and site) to see

I know I have not met
A specific being of light
For we are all light beings
Made of star dust
And Big Bang energy

Yet many have forgotten
And only see Earth
The only life
In a vast wasteland

I shout to those
Who recognize facts like these
But in the past
Have not found many
Wanting to play

Here I need not shout
And other playmates abound
I thank you all for that

Someday perhaps we will venture
To the nebulae
Witness higher birth
That can be focused through
Each and every different facet
We have are

Each a facet
Cosmic energy web
Integrating the multiverse
The multidimensions
And life here on 3D earth

And astrology shows us
How to weave that web
To best shine our particular facet

What a wonderful tapestry
We can weave
By sharing our energies together


Well-known member
"What a wonderful tapesty we can weave by sharing our energies together."

Looks and sounds great! Sadly it's harder to live. Just my 2 cents however.


Well-known member
I've posted prior here about a past life memory I've had for decades, in ancient Egypt around 12,600 bc. at the cusp of Virgo/Leo Age change. I've also mentioned about there being 3 different higher dimensional Beings/Teachers/Builders that were there then. A Sirian, an Orion, and a Pleiadian. I don't think I've come right out (as yet) and said that these 3 Beings seeded many of us, who could then incarnate into appropriate energetic physical bodies with the matching stellar genetic material for each of us. There were thousands and thousands of us that came through into physical incarnation back then because of this.

There were many different reasons for this at that time, but, so much of them are manifesting in our reality today at the opposit point, and this is highly exciting to many. Just today I found this new article by Celia Fenn and had to add a link in this thread to it for the obvious reasons! I've waited many long years to hear someone else talk about this ancient, long-term, and multidimensional situation. It's late right now however so I'll only add the link and try to get back to this subject tomorrow.

Another note....I mentioned a few posts back on this thread about communicating briefly with some human looking beings in a slightly higher dimension than this one and how everything was a beautiful blue color. The air, the space, everything. Interesting connections coming clearer very fast now. :)

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
Perhaps this is simply my Balsamic Moon clouding my perceptions, but I always feel a bit less empowered whenever I read about the "New Children"...what about the rest of us who have no idea what's going on? Why are we even here if these children are going to take care of everything? :?

Aquarian Maverick


Well-known member
Aqua Mav

Perhaps this is simply my Balsamic Moon clouding my perceptions, but I always feel a bit less empowered whenever I read about the "New Children"...what about the rest of us who have no idea what's going on?

I can understand this only too well. :cry:

Why are we even here if these children are going to take care of everything?

Because we are the caretakers. Unless these children are going to be dropping from the skies fully 'capable' - someone has to nuture them, and bring them up, take care of them until they can reach their full potential ie do the things they are supposed to do and not letting the medics and existing parents over medicate etc.

How will we recognise them, I wonder?

Take great care :D And don't worry - listen to aunty! :wink:


Arian Maverick

Well-known member
Here's a quote from the latest channeled message from Kryon:

How are you doing? You’re winning the battle of the light. But you don’t know it. Oh, don’t despair. You’ve got to trust me on this one. There are things being developed that you have given permission for, but that have not shown themselves yet.

And the big one? Have you really put it together yet? The big one? What is the distance in years between 1987 and 2012? It’s 25 years. It’s the children, dear ones. That’s what’s percolating under the veil of a challenging time. That’s what’s being developed. A generation of children are slowly coming of age that will change the face of the earth. They began coming in even before 1987, since the potential was always there that you would make this shift. Permission was given for them all to be of the Indigo vibration [which means children of a new consciousness]. Eventually, up to the year 2012 you will no longer see them as odd, since they will be the majority.

Now, I'm incredibly confused...I was born within this time frame but I don't feel like an Indigo child at all, and least not in the profound sense that Lapis and maybe a few others here have experienced. I've never had a conscious out-of-body experience, I can't remember past lives, and although I am sensitive, I cannot seem to pick up on the emotions of others through physical objects. It's simply a gift I don't possess.

Because we are the caretakers. Unless these children are going to be dropping from the skies fully 'capable' - someone has to nuture them, and bring them up, take care of them until they can reach their full potential ie do the things they are supposed to do and not letting the medics and existing parents over medicate etc.

I don't believe I'm in any key position to be a "caretaker" for these children in the years leading up to 2012, as I am the youngest child in my family myself. I feel as if I am caught between two worlds, not truly belonging anywhere :?

Perhaps an Indigo could give me their perspective and insight?

Aquarian Maverick