correct time????

Can someone make a prediction on correct time?? I have two times and am not sure which one is correct.

DOB: June 18, 1962
Place: Rajpura, India
Time: 5:20am OR 3:58am

Some info: One female child in 1991; another female child in 1998; marriage in 1983: moved abroad to USA in 1971; graduated in 1984 from college.
Is there someone who can help me with the correct time. It's very very important for me to know at this time since a lot of events going on in my life which are affecting me and I need to get some help.


Well-known member

I find that 5.20am seems more appropriate than 3.58am, after applying birth time rectification (BTR) based on KP system and modern research




Well-known member
No it is Taurus Lagna at 21.53 degrees (for the birth of 5.20am) as per Sidreal Zodiac in Vedic astrology. In Tropical chart as per Western system it is Gemini.
