Chiron, the wounded healer, the teacher


Well-known member
Chiron is symbolically known as the wounded healer. This is known to create wounds in the sphere life, which does not heal. But in continuing effort to heal, one gains mastery and develops those skills, which can be successfully used to teach/heal others.

As an example, if it is in 4th and afflicted, one gets deepest wounds in home.

Share your experience of Chiron being wounder and Chiron being teacher. I started this thread because I think, many are ignoring presence of Chiron in their chart.


Well-known member
Thanks Dhundun,

You are my favorite astrologer here. You are very wise, humble and helpful. Thank you so much!

I am a Leo with a Cancer ascendant, and my moon is in Pisces in the 9th house conjunct Chiron. Moon and Chiron oppose my Uranus, Mercury, Pluto stellium and
trines my Scorpio Neptune at the end of house 4.

Chiron affects me I think via female relatives or close females in my life now that most of my relatives are passed or distant. My mom was a sensitive, intelligent and extremely oppressed woman who never realized her dream of a college education. I also dreamt of a college education, but ended up travelling throughout Europe and a lot of the U.S. When my only child was born, I focused on his early education. He was fortunate to receive a full academic based scholarship and school is where he thrives.

I used to love to travel and never had a home where I felt attached. I learned about Astrocartography and started moving to different zones. I finally made it to my Venus ascendant line area where the map indicated a favorable place. 7 yrs. later, I have no desire to move away or travel for that matter. I found love, peace and bliss for the most part and my life has definitely improved being away from my birthplace and my parents not being alive anymore has allowed me more freedom and flexibility to not feel guilty or judged about doing my own thing.

For me, my Chiron placement validates my hellish early life which I was lucky to have survived. I will always be too sensitive and misunderstood by others, and loved dearly by the few who do choose to love me. I am grateful for my life and where it has brought me this far from where I came from.


Well-known member
I gave a vague answer about Chiron and my early life. I had a prescription drug addicted mother who was very depressed and chronically ill. Her mother was very controlling and emotionally abusive. My mom always resented not being allowed to attend college, instead she had to work and support her own mother who was very oppressive and controlling. My mom was very dutiful and I grew up wanting to get as far away from home as possible. I ended up hurting my mothers feelings badly but she never realized how much she avoided her life by choosing to remain unconscious and hospitalized or institutionalized. My own father abandoned us and I spent a lot of my growing up alone and wandering. I always dreamt of a stable, quiet home and now that I am older, I spend a lot of quiet time at home. I have the peaceful life I always wanted. I never roam anymore.

I am striving for home ownership and dream of a little cottage with some space around for a garden and chickens. I love working from home and need lots of privacy and seclusion. I love taking walks and cooking. A simple life of peace and quiet with my pets makes me whole inside.


Well-known member
I don't understand much about it. I have Saturn and Uranus dominant, and it's supposed to fuse those orbits/energies. I have it angular, tightly conjunct the descendant, in Taurus, and yet I can't find any info on this.


Well-known member
I have a chiron in libra 7th house and definitely have a bit of relationship issues so to speak, but I have been told that I am great at giving advice and helping people with their relationship problems (and not only) partly because I can be unbiased enough and I dont know I guess I just feel naturally how things work :). But yeah I cant at the same time find a relationship for myself ,irony :D


Well-known member
Who interpruted what aspects to chrion mean? I find them a bit bullcrappy. My chrion 10th gem i had nO issue wIth communicatIng and always knew i didnt want to work lol but never had issues with work.
My son has chrion 4th pisces conjunct moon and I predict a very close loving relation with him plus his natal moon isnt afflicted.


Well-known member
I have it conjunct the MC with north node.
I also have aphrodite conjunct the MC . Glamorous healer reporting in :kissing: