Chiron in the 4th.


Well-known member
In some charting I have Chiron in the 4th. I consider things like my ethnic background to count. I believe it said you were from Canada. Maybe you have issues with being that; maybe you have heard people critisize the Irish (if you were Irish). etc.

OHHHH! I recently thought about being Italian and realized that I have a problem with forgiveness. I love people, they hurt me, I can never forgive them. Plus, I am SUPER defensive. My mom (Italian) is that way. Then it hit me that maybe this is like a hereditary "wound". It is a characteristic I have that my family (mom's side) all have. From there I can wonder why and try to heal it. Does that make sense for a 4th Chiron.
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Arian Maverick

Well-known member
I'm don't like ascribing certain traits to certain ethnic groups, but I believe ethnicity is indeed an influence of the fourth house, and that Chiron's location in the fourth house may indicate a type of collective national karma.

My natal Chiron is located in the fourth house in Cancer, conjunct the IC within two degrees. I don't want to divulge too many details, but I inherited the shame of my grandfather's participation on the "bad side" in World War II. Of course, this shame is not limited to those who have Chiron in the fourth house, but I've noticed that it seems to be emphasized with this Chiron placement. There's usually a "skeleton in the closet," as another forum member stated.

I suppose there may be an emotional wound that inclines a particular family, if not a particular ethnic group, to be defensive and exhibit some of the traits you described. This may be described by the aspects Chiron receives. Is Pluto involved, by any chance, or is Chiron aspected by a planet in the sign of Scorpio? Inability to forgive sounds like a fixed sign trait.

Arian Maverick
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Thank you so much for these links, astrologer50 - a wealth of information. Very insightful.

I continue to wrestle with the issue of "where to live" (Chiron in 4) and am gradually making progress, I think. Among other influences, I wonder what the recent triple conjunction with Jup/Nep/Chi may have to do with that, as well - an enormous amount of healing energy injected into our planet, revealing wounds that need our conscious attention. Barbara Hand Clow talks about the link between Chiron and ecology. And if we are to heal the planet, we need to start by healing ourselves.

The thing I keep coming back to is the mythology - that in order for Chiron to be released from his suffering, he was willing to make a sacrifice that also released another from his suffering. I'm chewing on that one.