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Neptune Rising

Well-known member
I Asked if I Would have success looking for office work. This looks positive. I keep getting wands, plus the king in my own readings.

3 of pentacles

Neptune Rising

Well-known member
Ooo that is a good sign. I am looking for work, full time, in a place where I currently do casual days here and there. This is positive, it seems to indicate a yes.


high priestess

(Persephone in the mythic tarot)


Well-known member
I asked about tonight.

I never really understood the Page of Swords card. For some it is positive for others a rather neagtive card.

Wheel of Fortune


Well-known member
my role in the arguement. oops!

I leave 9 of diamonds (pentacles)

9 of Diamonds

The emptying of your life or environment of anything that is surplus to requirement, or no longer has relevance. Reflecting on what has gone, not realising there is still much to be gained in other ways. Lack of preparation for a journey or destination whereby there may be an expectation for everything to be provided to you instead of by you. The emotion of disappointment now in passing, with a readiness to learn from the experience before moving on.

Neptune Rising

Well-known member
Taking 9 of pentacles, looks good, I am looking for job in the companies different branches. Asked about the one I am temping in.

Work: If you're looking for a position, the 9 of Pentacles could well point to a better job coming your way than you would have thought possible. Even if you're currently employed, expect a change for the better, both in terms of your circumstances and your pay. You'll have a lot to be grateful for.


5 of wands

General: When this card appears, your need to believe in yourself is stronger than ever now. Hold your head up high, and have faith that you will end up in the place that is right for you. You may be thinking of making a career change. Know that you can be successful, if so.

both quotes from here