Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!



I can't explain the previous one because I don't know much more about it. But I would like to know about myself, so I have put a tarot card. Please tell what it is indicating actually.


Well-known member

That is not how this thread works. You must leave a card for the next person, while the previosu card is yours. Please read the OT for the rules.

Knight of Wands


Well-known member
Thank you for the ten of cups.
My question concerned a friend who is having chemotherapy at the moment and is struggling and feeling very unwell.I hope for her to come through this ok.

it seems this card is optimistic for the long term and that everything will work out well.Peace and fulfillment in family life.Friendships flourish.Well I do hope so.

I leave the Queen of coins


Well-known member
I asked where I am right now in my life.

RisingSag: Please tell me if your loan will/ will not be approved.


Seven of Wands