Ceres rules Virgo, and the Earth rules Taurus.. Thoughts?


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Re: Ceres rules Virgo, and Earth rules Taurus.. Thoughts?

Not really. Virgo is an Earth sign, and Earth signs are skeptics and non-believers. Jupiter is all about the beliefs and positivity.

Also, Jupiter is big picture – makes everything wide and expansive. Virgo focus on the tiny little details that don't hold any weight.

Maybe it's logical to believe Jupiter represents Virgo and Sagittarius' contrasts and ironic symbolism. Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces, so can Jupiter be a Piscean planet? And they are all mutable signs, except Gemini (Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo). I view Jupiter as the king (sagittarius), queen (pisces) and heir (virgo, either a prince or princess) of astrology and planetary rulerships.

Mad Madam Mimm

Well-known member
Now the traditional system had it down pretty good.

All signs were ruled by two planets except for Leo and Cancer.

However, when modern astrology came about, the newer planets were associated with the signs.

Aries: Mars
Taurus: Venus
Cancer: Moon
Leo: Sun
Virgo: Mercury
Libra: Venus
Scorpio: Pluto
Sagittarius: Jupiter
Capricorn: Saturn
Aquarius: Uranus
Pisces: Neptune

The only signs left that don’t have a planet of their own are Taurus, Libra, Gemini, and Mercury.

I feel like Venus fits with Libra more. And I feel like Mercury fits with Gemini more.

So that leaves Taurus and Virgo.

Taurus should be assigned earth. Because anything born on Earth has an inherent Taurus nature to it. And Earth itself is like fixed Earth. It’s a giant rock that maintains its Earth. And it’s seen as the center of the solar system even though it’s not. Earth is the most beautiful planet and it has life on it. Taurus in my eyes represents life. Scorpio on the other hand is death and transformation. Life forms on Earth are slow to change and fear death and pursue life.

So Earth rules Taurus.

Which leaves Gemini and Virgo. Well, I think Mercury rules Gemini. Which leaves Virgo alone.

But the. I read about the asteroid Ceres, and the description matches Virgo really really well.

Ceres is about food (earthy), agriculture (Virgo ends the summer season which may begin harvest or preparing for colder temperatures), transitions in females life, nurturing and motherhood. Although Cancer is nurturing and motherly, Virgo is too in a very practical way.

So yeah, Ceres rules Virgo.
I find that could play out as a minor influence as an influencing arcatype of a lower octave. If anything, Ceres would pull more from a low vibing Cancer, not Virgo.

Perhaps Vulcan hides behind the moon and it’s been been said perhaps that’s Virgos ruler… Nobody really knows, it’s the moon. Speaking as someone with a lot of Virgo placements, a Virgo can be to detached to act like a suffocating caregiver. It def pulls from mercury, it’s analytical, and just as quicksilver as Gemini, only more grounded.

Just my thoughts, but that’s an interesting perspective.
Can you give me more details as to why you would associate the two, besides the Demeter connection.
I have pondered the rulers of Virgo and Taurus. Ceres is not a planet as far as is known so Vulcan, close to the Sun but very small may be. It is close to Mercury and Virgo is the maiden aunt or uncle and Gemini is the sibling. There is not much info on Vulcan but I have seen some info on those purportedly from Vulcan being in touch. Earth ruling Taurus? It is in many ways appropriate. Venus rules LIbra as yang air sign and I have it. Venus is not Earth Yin as well.. Mercury rules Gemini as yang air and not yin Earth that is Virgo. In my view.


Staff member
Big debates about this, Claire, for sure. Vulcan is not an astronomical planet, at least not to date. New discoveries may await.

In 2006, the International Astrological Union designated Ceres as a dwarf planet, the same status given to a downgraded Pluto.

It is hard for me personally to see the earth as ruling a sign, because it isn't a planet or luminary that is seen up in the sky, like the others in our solar system. The earth is the ground we walk on. I think the earth in a horoscope is symbolized by the AC/DC horizontal axis, the the planets rising in the East at the ascendant, and setting in the West.

david starling

Well-known member
The astrological Ages are Earth's Ages, with the Earth "fixed" in the center of the Zodiac, ruling the Fixed-earth sign through Precession, which happens due to Earth's *wobble" as it rotates on its axis - a Terrestrial movement.

For those who reject a "measured point" as a sign ruler, remember that the lines of celestial longitude we use to locate a planet's position in a horoscope are ALL measured points except when a planet is actually on its node.
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Well-known member
If we see the Planets as symbols of the Functions that are in us we can get a clearer picture of not only what those Functions are but of the connections each of the Planets have to the Signs and Houses.
View attachment 78062

Quadrant 1 (Ari,Tau,Gem) is about Intuition and the needs of the Self, all can be said to be part of the Asc. I see Aires having the Core of the Earth as it's symbol, Taurus the Crust and Gemini the Atmosphere. The pattern continues with Quadrant 2, the Moon circling the Earth, offering Protection and Nurturing to her (us). The Sun, bigger then all the planets, providing "life" to it's loyal subjects, playing roles in us to fit what mood we are in. And the last of the Self Planets comes Mercury, associated with Virgo, working in us to bring reason and quality to the whims of our Sun Sign and the rest of the Self.

The upper Planets start with Venus (Libra) and Mars (Scorpio), both of which must deal with our Relationships with others and groups. Optimistic Jupiter (Sag) finishes off this Quadrant bringing about a sense of all-is-well with our Being.

I believe we don't know how the rest of the Planets work in us, we are not ready for them and as far as the first 2 quadrants of the wheel, we don't have a clear enough understanding of them yet either, mainly because we don't use the Psychology that this pattern of planets affords.This Pattern helps us to more clearly see how the Psychological Functions are a part of the whole in us, and how it all works together.

For me, the Comprehensive quadrant is like this: Capricorn is all the hard work you need for achieveing Sagittarius that finally paid off, Aquarius is our achievement of what we really dream of, and the catalyst to reach total liberation/panliberation, and finally, Pisces, as the end of the panliberationary process (Nirvana/Heaven), and we finally return to Source!