Career prospects - Is this the right time to apply for jobs?



I am nearing the end of my degree at the end of the year and was thinking about getting a head start on job applications as I have seen a few good job opportunities coming up recently. I am, however, apprehensive about my suitability and ability to make a good impression or 'sell' myself.

My question is, is this the right time to put myself out there and try and enter this field or should I wait?

Jupiter is in Sag in the 10th house, so from my understanding, this could be fruitful, but Jupiter in retrograde could work against me.

I also read that Neptune in the 1st house could indicate the querent's confusion.. so that could conflict with any positives from Jupiter in the 10th house.

If anyone can shed some light on this, it would be greatly appreciated :)


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So if I were to take action after Mercury goes direct from this weekend, is the existing chart still valid or do I need to create a new one?

I'm still not sure about this chart's interpretation, though.


Premium Member
Mars, midheaven ruler, in the 6th of work trine Jupiter in the 10th is a very positive sign.
Moon conjunct Uranus, your co-significator of the ascendent, in the 3rd of writing.
Would all suggest you get going on it right away, don't wait.


OK, so I wanted to post an update this thread.

In the time I waited for Mercury to go direct the job was taken down, which was quite quick as it had only been listed for a few days.

I applied for a number of jobs in the meantime, but without any success.

Just a few days ago, I was notified that the same company that had posted the original job was looking for someone to fill that exact same position, but this time it wasn't advertised - it was just sent out to an industry connection.

I immediately applied for the job, and now I'm just waiting on a response to see whether I've been shortlisted or not.

I've attached a new horary chart for this job - please have a look and let me know whether it seems promising. I also would like to know whether there's anything indicating how long I'll be waiting for a response/whether I'll even receive a response.


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Premium Member
Well this is quite an interesting development, isn't it?
Thanks for the update.
First off, a request. The first chart you posted was done in a visual format that was easily read, the second one is very colourful but very hard to decipher. There is also something strange, note the position of Chiron on the chart indicating 12 degrees, while on the aspect table below it is listed at 3 degrees 43.
Secondly, please do remember to insert the south moon's node as well as the north.
Moving on, there is a remarkable correspondence between the two charts, which we might have expected since we are looking at the same job offer. Both have late degrees rising, which would indicate the matter is too late to be judged, but the original chart's MH is now the new chart's ascendent. This can't be just coincidence, they are obviously tied together.
Mars ruled the MH in the earlier chart, and it is now your significator.
You wrote "I am, however, apprehensive about my suitability and ability to make a good impression or 'sell' myself." There was self doubt expressed in this sentence.
So, since then you have made progress in that you are more confident, and in fact mars is exactly trine the cusp of the 2nd house of self values, so if nothing else happens, this has helped you on the path of self recognition and esteem, which goes a long way in applying for a job. A very positive goal achieved.
Having said this, what is mars (you) doing in the chart? Not a lot. Mars makes no aspects, and is not quite in the 6th house of work, although it is in the work sign of virgo.
In the first chart moon was conjunct Uranus (you) in the 3rd, and we now know how that went, the job was unexpectedly removed.
Now, we find Uranus ruling the MH and sitting near the ascendent, and now retrograde, reworking it's previous steps.
Sun in the first chart ruled the employer and was sitting in the 6th, moving towards a square with the moon/uranus conjunction, and it was the employer who held on to the job and abruptly pulled it out of offer. Sun was in 2 degrees.
In the new chart, sun is again in 2 degrees, just into the 6th house of the job, and ruling the 4th of endings. However, this time it exactly opposes Chiron at 3 degrees, indicating this position isn't all you may think it is, it comes with a hidden price to pay.
The 6th house is libra ruled by Venus, who is in the exact degree of the nodes. Venus also squares Saturn, co-ruler of the MH, confirming something about the job is restrictive and onerous. Saturn is also sitting on the south node (see why it's important to enter this in a chart!) indicating a weak position.
Normally an inconjunct aspect in horary would not be considered, but in this case, Venus of the job is inconjunct Neptune/Lilith in the 11th of hopes and wishes, further confirming that something here is not out in the open.
And last, moon. Remarkably enough, it is positioned exactly where mars was in the first chart! Mars represented the MH, now it represents you. In the first chart, mars was exactly trine retrograde Jupiter, now it is the moon in that position that trines direct Jupiter.
Jupiter rules the 9th of studies and law, and the 11th of hopes, wishes and friends.
You never mentioned what type of job field this is, if the significators tie in with that.
Jupiter is in the 8th of other's monies.
So, the ascendent ruler (you) and descendent ruler (employer) as well as 6th ruler (job) do not correspond.
Moon from the 4th does approach a trine with a benevolent strong Jupiter.
Retrograde uranus of the MH on the ascendent makes no aspects.
Part of Fortune opposes Jupiter and squares Neptune. Careful.
If they do offer the job, look very carefully at the fine details before accepting.
In the worst case scenario, this is a positive step towards building up your confidence for the future.


Thank you so much for your thorough response. I've attached the amended chart which is a lot clearer than the previous version.

There's a lot to take in, but I'm quite curious about a couple of things brought up in your post as it sounds very sinister --

In the new chart, sun is again in 2 degrees, just into the 6th house of the job, and ruling the 4th of endings. However, this time it exactly opposes Chiron at 3 degrees, indicating this position isn't all you may think it is, it comes with a hidden price to pay.
The 6th house is libra ruled by Venus, who is in the exact degree of the nodes. Venus also squares Saturn, co-ruler of the MH, confirming something about the job is restrictive and onerous. Saturn is also sitting on the south node (see why it's important to enter this in a chart!) indicating a weak position.
Normally an inconjunct aspect in horary would not be considered, but in this case, Venus of the job is inconjunct Neptune/Lilith in the 11th of hopes and wishes, further confirming that something here is not out in the open.
The position is an entry level role, which people generally do for a short amount of time and then progress to better roles. Could the ambiguity be that it just won't open up those doors and expose me to all the aspects of the industry that it claims to, or is there something that indicates danger?
And as for the inconjunct Venus/Neptune/Lilith aspect that refers to something not being out in the open, could it *literally* be the fact that the job wasn't advertised the second time around? Or even the employer not being forthright in communication during/after the application?

And also --

You never mentioned what type of job field this is, if the significators tie in with that.
So, the ascendent ruler (you) and descendent ruler (employer) as well as 6th ruler (job) do not correspond.
If if makes any difference to the interpretation, the job is engineering/construction related. In that regard, I can see why the chart might throw out that the job and I don't correspond. Generally these companies and workplaces are very homogeneous with a very strong, very specific 'culture' and I acknowledge that I don't 'fit' into that at all. I'd say that is a big reason why I am so apprehensive about these jobs in the first place.

Is the Jupiter square Mars of any consequence?


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I am yet to hear from the employer regarding the job application and I am too impatient to wait any longer, so I have gone ahead and posted my resume to a sort of industry 'job board', which is supposedly a better way of getting interested employers to contact you.

I've created a new horary chart for this one, my question being 'will I get a genuine response from a reputable employer?'

My very basic interpretation of the chart is --

Aries on the Ascendant - Mars is in detriment in Libra in the 6th house at 0 degrees. Does this early degree make the chart invalid? Mars' houses (1st and 8th) are both empty. Even if the chart is still valid, these don't seem very positive.

On the other hand, 10th house ruler is Saturn, which is in domicile, doesn't make any aspect to Mars, but Mars is square the moon in Sag in the 9th house (loosely) conjunct Jupiter -- this could be good??

In this instance, is the moon ruling the midheaven or Saturn?

Also, is Chiron sitting close to the Ascendant a bad sign?


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Bumping this to update anyone who is interested. I did end up getting the job, and there have been a few niggles but nothing major (I hope). Would be interesting to have someone expand on the aspects mentioned above to see how they fit into the current work situation.