1991 baby here, so I have that Capricorn Stellium too, as well as North Node (darma/destiny) in Capricorn. I am an Aquarius sun--so that would be the foundation of my ego. Aquarian Venus. Capricorn Mercury. And then my Aqua ruler Uranus is in Capricorn in my 8th house, conjunct Saturn in my 8th.
So basically, my Capricorn and Aquarius energies are buddied up, though Capricorn is way more imposing than my free-spirited Aqua.
Hmm, how has it played out? Well, tbh, I used to project hatred of Capricorn energies onto others. I've done rapid fire learning of Astrology within the last 6 months, so even a year ago if you'd asked what my least favorite sign is, I'd have said Capricorn. SMH. I find them calculating and dry. At worst, manipulative and always trying to find worldly gain at the expense of others. My brother is a Capricorn and he's gone through heavy periods of this type of unattractive behavior.
I'm well-versed in Tarot, and the card of Capricorn in the Tarot deck is The Devil. *chuckle*. That's honestly how I saw them. The card of Aquarius is The Star. Way different energy.
Now that I see I am mostly a Capricorn person, it has helped me to understand why I was projecting, and honestly, I've grown to love Capricorn. Also my north node in Capricorn is a sure-fire indicator that honing in on Cap energies is A MUST. Success seems guaranteed with Capricorn, and that puts me at ease. Capricorn is also slow moving--that goat traveling slowly up the mountain. In terms of success, I feel impatient that it hasn't happened on my terms and soon enough, but Capricorn, should I learn its lessons (and Saturn's) assures I will see my desired end, even if it takes a while. Aquarius in Venus in 9th assures me that that path will be unpredictable and unconventional, and Capricorn assures me to work hard along that wayward path anyway. Quite lovely.
I tend to agree with you, though. There is a chasm between Aquarius and Capricorn energies. I find myself diligently toiling away at work or even at school, while simultaneously thinking "Wow, this so dumb. The construct of a 9-5 job is so silly. The construct of higher learning has been politicized and has gotten people in debt. The idea that a grade determines your intelligence or worth is wack." Meanwhile, I still strove for that high grade anyway, and I come to this 9-5 anyway. LOL. That's the dichotomy at work.
My Aquarian energy is like "have fun now, see the world. It's okay to pay for experience."
That's how it plays out on a worldly level. I am more Capricorn (22.3%) than I am Aquarius (12.5%), and more Scorpio (14.75%) than Aquarius too. So I carry a force behind all my worldly work and passion, and am obsessed with status. But my Aquarius provides me that grace, that levity or objectivity that says "It's okay. You can do this in your own way. Your path doesn't have to look like everyone else's. Breathe. Be weird. Do good."
I feel frustrated by confines, norms, doing things dutifully, etc. But at the same time I work to do my best within that frustration. Sometimes I don't even notice it's happening, it's probably ingrained by now. Most days I find the balance, but on others I certainly feel trapped.
Marrying the energies is probably the best way to feel at peace. Don't forget, Saturn was the traditional ruler of Aquarius anyway. There's harmony somewhere in this