Can you help analyse where I am heading with upcoming transits?


Well-known member
My chart is as follows:

Let me know if it does not display I'll try something else.

I can't see a place where I can paste downloads or add pics, does anyone know how to do that?
Last edited:


Well-known member
My chart is as follows:

Let me know if it does not display I'll try something else.

I can't see a place where I can paste downloads or add pics, does anyone know how to do that?
chart not displaying

these are instructions

1) Once you generate the chart image using your favourite website, copy the image address
2) Upload the image to Imgur using the following URL:
3) Once the chart is uploaded to Imgur, click on 'Copy' or 'Embed Post'
4) Paste the Imgur image location to forum post

1) Once you generate the chart image using your favourite website, copy the image address
2) Click on the Attachment icon (if you don't see it, select 'Advanced' posting first)
3) New window will open, paste the image address, click Upload button, close the window

if that is for some reason not possible
another option is, after creating the natal chart
then save the chart to your desktop
then when on the thread click to edit your post
then scroll down to the Attach Files box
then click on Manage Attachments
and follow the instructions on the screen to upload your chart that way :smile:

Have fun as you Read, Study and Vigilantly Practise :smile:



Well-known member
chart not displaying

these are instructions

1) Once you generate the chart image using your favourite website, copy the image address
2) Upload the image to Imgur using the following URL:
3) Once the chart is uploaded to Imgur, click on 'Copy' or 'Embed Post'
4) Paste the Imgur image location to forum post

1) Once you generate the chart image using your favourite website, copy the image address
2) Click on the Attachment icon (if you don't see it, select 'Advanced' posting first)
3) New window will open, paste the image address, click Upload button, close the window

if that is for some reason not possible
another option is, after creating the natal chart
then save the chart to your desktop
then when on the thread click to edit your post
then scroll down to the Attach Files box
then click on Manage Attachments
and follow the instructions on the screen to upload your chart that way :smile:

Have fun as you Read, Study and Vigilantly Practise :smile:


Ok thanks I'll give it a go


Well-known member
How transits in upcoming years are likely to affect me.

Astrologers Chris Brennan and Leisa Schaim lead a discussion
about annual profections
with a local astrology group

and take example charts from the audience
to demonstrate how the timing technique works in practice :smile:

audience members look through their own chronology
and find good examples
that demonstrate the technique in their own lives.
seven different audience members share their birth charts
and talk about specific years in their life
explaining how the techniques correlate with their lived experience.
This style of discussion can be important
because sometimes it is only by talking to a person directly
about their life and asking them questions
that you can get a full sense of exactly how
the techniques of astrology work out in practice.

Thanks Jupiterasc, that's a really a good link for learning profections through discussion and personal charts.

There is another good podcast by Chris Brennan where he teaches annual profections.
Annual profections is a very important traditional predictive technique, much simpler than solar returns.



Thank you for taking the time to provide an explanation. It makes a lot of sense. Profection charts are so confusing. This helps!
I do have another question! I guess the planets shift during the chart? Using your example.......If Aquarius is the profection for 7th house but Saturn shows up at 12th house for the chart, does that mean 12 house themes apply strongly to the year?
The place where the count starts, ie the first house, can make a difference: the Egyptian method (which ahs always been the dominant one, and is the one followed by Valens) begins the count at 0 (in other words, the year after birth = the 1st house and is counted as 0) Paulus of Alexandria differed, and began the count at 1 (in other words, the year after birth = the 1st house and is counted as 1) I myself have followed the Pauline profection (all of the available authors have chosen to follow the Egyptian method of starting @ 0, including Lehman, Ben Dykes, etc)
In my experience I have found Pauline profection to be the more accurate profection method
difference is that Valens and many Hellenistic Astrologers
time profections as follows :smile:
The ascendant is considered as being time of birth so from birth to the cusp of the 2nd house is considered to relate to the first year of life: from cusp of 2nd to cusp of 3rd encompasses the second year of life (ie from age one to age two) and so on around the natal chart returning to the Ascendant for the twelfth year of life

by the way
check out Omnisphericus thread entitled "...Profections (Praxis)..."
This is the basic technique given by Paulus of Annual Profections of the Ascendant, i.e. profection of the Ascendant from one sign to the next for each year of life. The Ruler of the Sign in which the Ascendant is falling in that particular year is called 'The Lord of the Year".
This technique is quite simple and you do not need to calculate degrees, only signs.
If you are born with Aries rising, on the Solar Return the next year (when you are 1 year old) the Profected Ascendant would be in Taurus and the Lord of the Year would be Venus.

The Ages 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96 and etc., are the 'Profection Return' (to invent a title xD), the Ascendant in those years is the same as it was at the birth, so the Lord of the Year is the same too.

Years 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85, 97 are given to the 2nd sign from the Ascendant.

Here's a chart:

View attachment 27162

The Lord of the Year is having the same function as the Lord of the Year at nativity. It is most significant planet, ruling the place where the Soul (the Sky) and Body (earth) are merging (at the Ascendant).
Here's what Paulus says about the Lord of the year in profections:



Well-known member
The only sign posts for events
can come from Planets that aspect each other in a Ptolemaic way
in the natal chart(0,30,60,90,120,150, or 180 degree aspect).
30 aka semi-sextile & 150 aka Disregard are Modernistic NOT Ptolemaic aspects :smile:

Since they were defined and used by Ptolemy in the 1st Century AD
the TRADITIONAL major aspects
are sometimes called Ptolemaic Aspects.

These Ptolemaic aspects are:
the Conjunction (0°)
Sextile (60°)
Square (90°)
Trine (120°)
and Opposition (180°).



Well-known member
30 aka semi-sextile & 150 aka Disregard are Modernistic NOT Ptolemaic aspects :smile:

Since they were defined and used by Ptolemy in the 1st Century AD
the TRADITIONAL major aspects
are sometimes called Ptolemaic Aspects.

These Ptolemaic aspects are:
the Conjunction (0°)
Sextile (60°)
Square (90°)
Trine (120°)
and Opposition (180°).

You are a traditional astrologer. I am a modern astrologer.
In Modern astrology they have been co-axed.
I should have said that to avoid being eldered by you.

Note that this is my post 666. Not being of the devil, it is actually the number potential souls to be incarnated, times a billion.

Quite simply ours is a PUBLIC forum
frequented by beginners

beginners benefit from reliable facts :smile:
