Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology Part I - Zodiac
The image of the Fishes is feminine, nocturnal, double-bodied, watery, oceanic, notable, silent, fertile, passionate, missing limbs, two-coloured, mobile, lying and of the west wind. It indicates governorship, travel, wealth, water and summons. Depending on the placement of the houseruler, men born under the influence of Pisces are small, disproportioned and awkward, complicated because of the directions of the Fishes, changeable, restless, mystical, slight, wandering, popular, slightly sallow, delicate, with ruddy head, fish eyes, beautiful hair, soft hands, bright voice, white in complexion, traders, endowed with genius, unsteady, trustworthy, full of ideas, philosophers, commanders of fleets, marines, sailors and business expediters.
Domicile of Jupiter, exaltation of Venus, depression of Mercury, it controls the feet, the reproductive system, the digestive system and the integumentary system. It causes skin diseases on account of the rough skin. It is equinoctial, like-empowered with Virgo, like-ascending with Aquarius and like-engirding with Sagittarius, short in the Northern Hemisphere and tall in the Southern Hemisphere. It is vernal, hot and moist for the north, and autumnal, cold and dry for the south. Pisces controls Phazania, Nasamonitis, Garamantica, Lydia, Cilicia and Pamphylia. The southern fish body is rising up to the 12th degree, the southern fish tail up to the 16th, the southern cord up to the 19th degree, the northern fish up to the 28th, and the bond up to the 30th.
The first 12° belong to Venus - fertile, jealousy, with many enemies
The next 4° belong to Jupiter - advancement, elevation, commanding
The next 3° belong to Mercury - intelligence, well-grown, highly frivolous
The next 9° belong to Mars - violent, excessive, with many accusations
The final 2° belong to Saturn - virtuous, wise, dominant
Head of the Southern Fish - Mercury and moderately Saturn
Body of the Southern Fish - Jupiter and Mercury
Southern Tail and Cord - Saturn and moderately Mercury
Body of the Northern Fish - Jupiter and moderately Venus
Northern Cord - Saturn and Jupiter
Bond - Mars and moderately Mercury
Such, then, are the observations of the effects of the stars as made by our predecessors
Ludwich, A. (Ed.). (1877). Maximi et Ammonis carminum De actionum auspiciis reliquiae: accedunt Anecdota astrologica. BG Teubneri. Retrieved from
Manilius, & Goold, G. P. (1985). Astronomica. BG Teubner.
Robbins, F. E. (1940). Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos. William Heinmann, London. Retrieved from
Schmidt, R. The Astrological Record of the Early Greek Sages. Project Hindsight.
Valens, V. Anthologia. Translated by Mark Riley. Retrieved from