Can someone please tell me best dates to conceive?


I have been wanting a baby for so long. And have very irregular cycles. I started taking vitex to help with this though. Based off my chart can someone please tell me my best dates to conceive for the next months or so? Thank you I really appreciate it! And if you want to can you please explain how you got this, so I learn myself. Thanks!


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hithis is not a horary answer. but as you probably know you can only concieve when the egg is passing down you fallopian tube. and this only takes an hour or less( i don't recall the exact itme period.som youm must be fertikize in this narrow period. hence the sperm must be in place before or at the time of the eggs movement. sperm is motile for about 3 days, so sexuality must coccur with 3 days .
the best astrological method i have found is the sabin method.what hism rersearch has found is that you will ovulate at precisely the time when the transitting moon and sun replicate you natal positions each your case with the moon at 7 libra and the sun is at 2 the moon is 113degrees and 10 minute before your sun.each month when thiksexact differences is reach, you will ovulate. so you want to have a lot of sex in the 3 days before and on this day.this will occur on may 30 Ut. i don't have the time to calculate the exact time but if you do calculate the exact time you will find that this is when your body temperature will rise about one degree.the sure sign of ovulation.
when i was marriedwe never used any contraceptionin for 20
years and never had any unplanned children. and when we wanted children thisis method never failed. of course yourphysological condition must be normal.and if you hqave been using the birth control pill, i beleive it takes a few months off it before this naturaul cycles returns.
when i was single i always used this method and never used contraception with no unplanned pregancies.



Thank you for responding. Can you please let me know which area this question should go, or is this the right area? New here:) But your answer was very helpful. A little confusing but that is only because I am still new at astrology. I have been studying for a few years, but its still a lot to take in. I hope I understand better soon though!
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as a horary question, i think this is a correct place to ask it.
you mentioned try to regulate your cycle which i assume is your menstral cycle. as i said taking a medication may upset the astrological fertization cycle.
keep in mind that there is no connection between pregancy and menstration, even though doctors still adhere to this theory which has no statistical signifigance. if it did hold true then catholics would not have any problems limiting their production of children . the fact is a woman can concieve in the middle of her period when by scientific dogma the egg is being flushed from her body and not in the fallopian tube,the only place the egg can be fertilized.
so again as you are using chemicals the above techique may not hold until a few months after stopping the vitex



I've been using vitex for a month. And nothing has happened yet. No period or ovulation. I don't know if you know anything about it but in case you don't it is used to balance hormones. If this will not help me ovulate then I guess I will stop. I have been off bc for years and have always been irregular. I can go MONTHS without a period like my body doesn't need one. I've always hated it but I guess its a reason why its like that. And does this 113 degree happen every month or just certain months? I ask because I have been reading up on Lunar Fertility phase and I am wondering if this is the same thing. Thanks for responding again.
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Well-known member
You posted your natal chart in horary section. Horary is very different from natal - here we answer mostly yes or no questions such as' will I get pregnant this year?' or 'Will we have a baby in next 3 years?' etc...

The chart for horary is the birth of the specific question, that is, the exact time a question came to your mind is then used to cast the chart with your specific location as well...

But I did have a loook at your natal chart, it does show some difficulties with pregnancy. Your 5th ruler of children is Jupiter which is very well dignified in Pisces, in its own sign and fertile. I'd say this looks really good, but what causes problem is Saturn within 3 degrees of 5th cusp - it can cause problems with having children, It delays children, and restricts this area, causes problems in conceiving. Your ASC ruler Sun is in Aqua, not fertile, Moon is also not fertile in Libra.

The good thing is transiting Jupiter soon will enter Cancer, another fertile sign and will trine its natal position. This may help, but there have to be several other aspects pointing to pregnancy. Moon and Venus would also be hepful - I suggest to check your progression chart to see if progressed Moon/Venus are in good position with natal Jupiter. The other thing is you have Uranus in 5th as well, if triggered, this might be when you get pregnant...

The other thing I wanted to comment on - you mentioned your irregular period, if you go for months without one, the chances of getting pregnant each month is even less. Are you normal body weight? Somtimes being too skinny or having excess weight can cause hormonal imbalance. What does the doctors say? I suppose you will need to be on Vitex for longer than one month to see results, perhaps get your hormones in balance first before worrying about pregnancy, me thinks... :)

Good luck! And don't worry too much, you still very young, plenty of time still! Watch that Jupiter! :biggrin:


the exact fertile days of that Rahu given usefull method you can find for yourself (even with possible childs gender) in astrodienst page/specialcharts/Lunar phases fertility calendar, good luck:happy:


Thanks everyone:smile: I didn't want to ask if this year I would get pregnant(though I would love for the answer to be yes!) because I guess I was too afraid it would be a no or maybe next year. I've been wanting a child for almost seven years. Yeah I know I'm still young, but its just what my heart wants. And when I was younger I was a little under weight, but now I would consider me normal weight for my size. Two of my previous doctors said it was okay for me Not to have a period and for some women its normal. And the only time it would be a problem is when I'm actually trying to conceive. Which now I am more than ever. They said then I would probably have to go on fertility treatments. Which I wouldn't want to do and would want a natural approach to me balancing my system. So I hope me continuing the Vitex regime is a good thing!

Does anyone know if it would be a better chance for me to get pregnant with my lunar cycles as apposed to my biological cycle(if & when I get one)? I wish I could line them up somehow. And question rafaella, what could trigger my Uranus in the 5th to cause pregnancy? And what aspects would be needed to point to pregnancy? Also I'm looking into the progression charts, but I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what to look for exactly(would be moon/Venus need to be in a trine with Jupiter). Can you help me with this? Sorry if I am asking too many questions, still new at this but very willing and ready to learn for myself. I hope to one day be able to Answer the questions and not just ask:biggrin Should I also add an event charts?
But thanks again everyone:smile:
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hi kiwi

first off the fertility cycle that is used at is NOT the same as the sabin system. i have compared the sabin system with the lunation calculations at, they are slightly different.
i tried to search for the sabin book on the net but have not been able to locate it . i have forgotten the exact name of the book.but the principle is straightforward.
the moon was 113 degrees before the sun when you were born.each month the moon is 113 degrees before the sun.this is when you makes no difference what the signs are as obviously they change month to month. as the lunar cycle is about 29 days, then each month your ovulation date will be about i day earlier than the previous month. so i calculated roughly that may 30 will be the next time the sun/moon difference is 113 degrees. so in june it will be about i day ealier on the 29th and then in july it will be the 28th. but as the months are 28(29 on leaps years,) 30 and 31 days ,you must calculate for each month for the exact day.
even if one has a regular period ,the ovulation day will precede one day per month.this is why fertilization can occur during your period. at one point it will occur during your cycle.
if you calculate exactly to the degree and minute,you can actually predict when your ovulation begins almost to the minute.

you need to start taking your basal body temperature every morning so that you know when your body temperature rises 1 degree because this is a indication you have begun to ovulate.

but the egg only takes about a half an hour to travel down the fallopian tube,so you could sleep through your ovulation i mentioned sperm is motile for three days so you must be sure the sperm is in place and waiting for the egg.

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hey kiwi

here are the next 3 dates of your ovulation cycle.your moon is 113 degrees and 10 minutes before the sun.this difference occurs on may 29th at 23:46 UT,june 28 at 7:56 UT, july 27th 18:33 UT.
subtract the time zone you are currently living in.for example. if you are on the west coast ,subtract 7 hours for PDST from the UT time given above.

good luck



Well-known member
. ...

And question rafaella, what could trigger my Uranus in the 5th to cause pregnancy? And what aspects would be needed to point to pregnancy? Also I'm looking into the progression charts, but I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what to look for exactly(would be moon/Venus need to be in a trine with Jupiter). Can you help me with this? Sorry if I am asking too many questions, still new at this but very willing and ready to learn for myself. I hope to one day be able to Answer the questions and not just ask:biggrin Should I also add an event charts?
But thanks again everyone:smile:

You can get a progressed chart through, just go to extended chart selection and under circular charts choose 'natal charts and progressed charts' or natal with transits and progressions...there are different ones. Uranus can be triggered by a transiting planet or a progressed planet which is usually Moon. You have Uranus trine Ascendant, so this means a planet at your ASC will trigger Uranus as well.. Uusally a trine/conjunction to Uranus or Jupiter for your chart would be positive, I suppose any aspect will do, but the stressful ones such as Oppositions and squares might not quite work as you want as they add to the stress rather than help.

Hope this helps!


Well-known member
I had a quick look at your progressed chart, I don't see strong chances of pregnancy this year, but 2015 july-aug looks good as Transiting Jupiter is conjucnt ASC and T Uranus aspects this Jupiter and natal Uranus in the 5th. Perhaps that is when you have your baby, instead. Currently, I see lots of stressful aspects - Progressed Moon in opposition to natal Jupiter, T Jupiter soon in opposition to Uranus in 5th, to name a few.

I would also suggest for you to ask a horary question when you feel the burning need for answers.

cheers :)


Wow thank you so much rahu and rafaella:happy: Your responses have been very helpful. Though I'm not so happy about the whole this year OR next year may not be my year:sad: But I now know to be careful for what I ask for. But none the less I will keep trying. Hey you never know! And if not at least I know I only have Two years to go! Good thing time flies. I still can't believe it May! But anyways thanks you guys, and I will keep an eye on my charts and do some more research. Lots to learn! If you have anything else you would like to share or any advice or anything, please do so. I could always use some help with this learning process. :biggrin:

Take care,
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Well-known member
I have been wanting a baby for so long. And have very irregular cycles. I started taking vitex to help with this though. Based off my chart can someone please tell me my best dates to conceive for the next months or so? Thank you I really appreciate it! And if you want to can you please explain how you got this, so I learn myself. Thanks!

Hi - Joan McEvers and Marion March - in their book "The only way to learn about Horary and Electional Astrology" have a section on Conception and fertility Elections. They claim that "The best time to become pregnant is based on the astrological fertility cycle as well as on the woman's natural ovulation cycle."

They go on to say that it's the distance from the Sun to the Moon that is used. When the Sun is at the same distance from the Moon as it is at birth is the best astrological time. EG if natal Sun is 15Can40 and natal Moon is 23Sco55, the distance between the luminaries is 128deg15min and, approx every 30 days the Sun and Moon will be at a point where they are separated by 128deg15min.

You would need an accurate time of birth in order to do the calculations. You would also need to rule out anything that could possibly be hindering - e.g. sperm count of partner, health of womb etc etc. It needs an "All things being equal" situation from which to work.

March & McEvers state that a Czech gynaecologist and astrologer worked for many years with this method to help women both conceive and prevent conception.

I've only ever done it for one client and, when it didn't seem to be working after a couple of months she checked with her doctor and got her partner checked out as well to find the root of her problem. It turned out to be a non-astrological problem and so we gave up doing the calculations.

The exact time of this equidistant Sun & Moon in the next month and for several thereafter are the best times for conception and then a 'window' as the best time for sex can be given. Of course, house location of Sun & Moon together with aspects and signs are checked out as well. It takes quite a bit of time, but with a decent astrology software program it's not impossible ... hope that helps. ____
ps : Sorry - I've been repeating some stuff ... Just read the posts above - I agree - there's 113deg10min between your natal luminaries. Just need to find them each month and then check the normal things as for an electional chart.___
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Well-known member
I had to chime in here, as I'm a female and I have been going through this for the past 2 years.

Original poster, how old are you? That will weigh into things here.

In my experience it is not enough to have the biological cycle in order, or just the astrological/lunar one with great aspects. I have had some fantastic aspects for pregnancy come during times of the month that i was not fertile -- nothing can happen in that case. you need BOTH things to align, medically and astrologically, for the best chances.

Also for the record the egg, once released, survives for up to 12 hours in your body. Healthy sperm lives an average of 3 full days but up to 5 in some cases. As Rahu pointed out you want the sperm in your tubes ready and waiting for when the egg is released. Egg release can also vary - a day early or late, 12 hrs early or late. There are forums and books on this too regarding the frequency of intercourse to maximize 1) sperm quality and 2) chances of conception.

Vitex helps some people more than others. Depending on your age it can increase estrogen too much. Estrogen works in balance with progesterone so you cannot increase one without affecting the other.

Since you noted you're not into fertility treatments or invasive medicine, there are other natural methods that help. It would be helpful also to find out the reason for you lack of periods. Is it low weight (you may think you're normal weight but in terms of fertility may need to still add a few pounds); is it too much stress in your life (that can stop cycles); is it a hormonal disbalance? is it another medical disorder like PCOS? blocked tubes? other? Once you pinpoint the medical reason you can address it.
I woudl disagree with any doctor who says sometimes having a period is not normal. When you're trying to conceive every month counts, and the month you dont ovulate is not, then, helping you.

Anyway to natural treatments:
1) ACUPUNCTURE works wonders. It sounds fluffy but what it does is regulate the circulation of blood in the body. If you are not releasing blood, the body is holding onto it or the circulation is unbalanced.

2) take a multivitamin starting NOW with at least 400mg of folic acid and DHA/EPA if you are not already. You need to prime the body for pregnancy and it requires 3 months of that before it is fully ready and healthy to conceive. If your vitamin reserves are not balanced that can be another reason cycles are not regular. Think of your body as a garden, you dont just throw a seed in the ground and expect it to grow. You prepare the soil weeks in advance, you water it, you give it sunlight. Same concept here.

3) exercise (not heavy cardio to lose weight but some exercise each day), like a 30 min walk

There is a great book also called Fertility Wisdom, if you can find it it is worth ordering. If you are serious about pregnancy, I'd advise reading it as it is also an acupuncture-based approach. but it includes which foods to eat depending on what you are deficient in. for example, I had to stop eating cold salads and eat more warm foods in order for my cycles to regulate..

I hope this helps. Also if you have access to a good physician and healthcare where they can take ultrasounds of your follicles, you can then find out if you are producing enough follicles and eggs, and when you are ovulating. That will also help regulate things and allow you to plan better.

After all that is in order-- the aspects that others mention will help a GREAT deal in terms of conception, but the medical part has to be in order too.


Geez Thanks for responding guys! I really appreciate you taking the time out to do that. I'm really hoping I still have a chance this year. :smile: Hey you never know what could happen! Again I really appreciate it. And I will take the advice to heart. Take care.


Well-known member
Get checked for health problems like PCOS (pre type-1 (venus) or pre type-2 (jupiter) diabetes).

Get your thyroid checked and check your iodine levels---you may need more iodine than the RDA--I personally have more regular cycles when I take iodine than when I took thyroid. If your thyroid doesn't work right, then other therapies don't work.

And you may have luck regulating with light therapy---your bedroom needs to be absolutely dark--no streetlights, no clocklights, no nightlights during your sleep period, except for 3 nights mid-cycle (when you want to ovulate). It is best to use red nightlights if you need them for getting up in the night. And staying up late can upset the cycle, so you want a consistant sleep cycle.