Scorpio when not grounded are completely out of this world just like any Water sign.this person, was actually diagnosed with BPD, but she did not like to take the proper medication !! She had attempted suicide !! She was very obsessed, she created many fantasies, she had a tendency to stalk ... very insecure, very jealous, but in her I could see the love she had for my uncle, the fights they had were epic.
I am posting to maybe help in the discussion and donate some light to expand the mind here on the topic.
I don't see many conflicts in the aspects, however, a lot of energy in Scorpio and in the 7th house
I help a huge Taurus stellium, she has suffered with anxiety and depression for 8 years and struggles with change. Pluto in Sag.
Stelliums at least ones where there are too many planets in 1 place = unable to function properly, but they have unique talents and an unconquering spirit in certain areas, so you could then say ahh maybe autism? Since autism is also where people overly fixate in a certain area, my brother is a big Cap stellium with Aqua Moon and Merc and an Aries Mars, is autistic, completely stupid with most things but great in others.
The thing is this is true of life, but with these type of charts the personality is real, they truly are that to the extreme.
Lets add in the flavour of upbringing and external influences and the vast colourfulness of natural life, none will be fully the same, you may get an extremist in political rights from one and a depressed walking emotional sand bag from another.