Thanks Frank for the post. I wish I could come to your classes.
I've being learning astrology pretty much from this forum and from places like cafeastrology, etc. So basically, online. I'm getting better at it, but sooooo eeevvvvveeeeer soooooooo ssssslllllllloooowwwwlllllhyy. It's a little bit painful.
Everytime there is an interpretation question I feel like having a go at it, then read the skilled knowledgeable astrologers notes on it and see things I never saw! And my input becomes void, because frankly they can just see so much more than me. It definately is a science that takes a lot of time.
I have to admit though, even though I'm a beginner, I do look at Chiron and Juno - for me, personally, I find them important. It could also be because my Juno is conjunct my Sun in 7th house. But even though those with more authority than me will probably tisk tisk at me for it, I also do what intuitively feels right - and involving those two in my interpretations does. I think astrology is not just learning but also intuition - when you look at a chart, you also get a "feel". Or maybe that's just me.
But yeah, as you can see by my name, I'm still learning.