Baby Boomers = Pluto in Leo ??


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The history of Vietnam is filled with chapters of exploitation by outside powers and corrupted men of wealth, until even now the Vietnamese are harshly ruled, ill-fed, poorly housed, and burdened by all the hardships and terrors of modern warfare.
As a Vietnamese here, I'm feeling very bad about the situation of Vietnamese people right now, especially minorties and poor people, since Pluto's conjunction to Vietnam's ASC from 2008 to 2010, and gradual conjunction of dwarf planet Makemake to its natal Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune (first time conjunct Jupiter is on Nov. 26th 2014, and the last time conjunct Neptune is on Aug. 1st 2020). Now, when Makemake's squaring Vietnam's NN, it's doing even worse to Vietnam because the new president (Makemake) is blocking the new aspirations of the Vietnamese people (North Node)...


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Pluto in Cancer was the parents of the Pluto in Leo for the most part. Called the silent gen because they just did what was expected without much rebellion?? Fight in wars? They went. Raise a family? They did. Work/provide what they thought was a better life? They did that too. Educate their children? Also done. Their parents were the immigrants, and they just accepted what their parents wanted done.
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david starling

Well-known member
Pluto in Cancer was the parents of the Pluto in Leo for the most part. Called the silent gen because they just did what was expected without much rebellion?? Fight in wars? They went. Raise a family? They did. Work/provide what they thought was a better life? They did that too. Educate their children? Also done. Their parents were the immigrants, and they just accepted what their parents wanted done.

The Obedient Generation followed by the Rebellious Generation!


Well-known member
The Obedient Generation followed by the Rebellious Generation!
But a lot of Baby Boomers are more reactionary later in life, because they follow their parent's rightist beliefs. Pluto in Leo is about indulgence of the self, and yes, they serve themselves, not people (Except you of course, because you're very Aquarian).


Well-known member
But a lot of Baby Boomers are more reactionary later in life, because they follow their parent's rightist beliefs.
Sorry but parents of Baby Boomers are not all rightists!

However, Pluto in Leo helped change fashion, changed film and entertainment, changed how we think about ourselves.
After the Pluto in cancer generation that was family and tradition oriented.
Gave birth to the '60s search for freedom that future generations were able to build on.


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When times become too comfortable, people get too comfortable, something Pluto in Leo and Scorpio although they square... they share a fond understanding of fear, a hard world and the sense that both signs are power centric, obviously in different ways... but in truth, lets share an empathetic tail of.. walking in other peoples shoes?

Do you truly believe you would be any different if you were born then? I doubt it, you would carry your own personality as we all do and you would be lead by the current zeitgeist as every generation is.

Although we know of the arrogance of that generation, most of them are not like that, we tend to look for the things we dislike so we know how to avoid it, but we tend to also close off possibility when we are so dogged about it.

I also don't understand pushing political sides onto people, no one needs to scapegoat others to excuse their own existence.

If you have problems in life, tackle them head on or be a coward like many and speak of a whole generation you do not personally know or ever will know and reduce people to one identity you like them to appear as in your head.

Politics works this way with extremists too.

-Pluto in Scorpio, Lilith in Scorpio 8th house.


Well-known member
they share a fond understanding of fear,
Fear of?

Do you truly believe you would be any different if you were born then? I doubt it
Could happen, being born in a different society helps to shape people.
The Post War children (is that the Fear you refer to?) are very different from the current various Gen kids. One might not know it but we are each generation surrounded by different values, different input
Although we know of the arrogance of that generation, most of them are not like that
Thank you at least for this concession.

we tend to look for the things we dislike so we know how to avoid it,
In fact, each generation tends to work against the one prior, the breaking free from the values of the parents and what they stand for.
This allows progress.

I also don't understand pushing political sides onto people
Well said.

If you have problems in life, tackle them head on or be a coward like many
Very much scorpio speaking here!

Pluto in Scorpio, Lilith in Scorpio 8th house.
Scorpio sun, Pluto in Leo.


Well-known member
Fear of?

Could happen, being born in a different society helps to shape people.
The Post War children (is that the Fear you refer to?) are very different from the current various Gen kids. One might not know it but we are each generation surrounded by different values, different input

Thank you at least for this concession.

In fact, each generation tends to work against the one prior, the breaking free from the values of the parents and what they stand for.
This allows progress.

Well said.

Very much scorpio speaking here!

Scorpio sun, Pluto in Leo.
Fear of war, bombs. You guys never lived through the World War but you very much were bought up by the folks who had to endure it.

At the same time you also had different outer planets through your generation so the cohort is not at all alike, same with our gen. Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius, though the Aquarius side became stronger in the first lot of Generation Z then it became lunatic asylum when it hit Neptune in Aquarius. I am one of the Cap gen (Saturn / Neptune / Uranus). It's the Neptune in Aquarius who are the most progressive, our mid generational differences, the Cap one is geared towards drastic change but it's not what people think, it's the changes that are extreme which need to be tethered, Cap gen brings everything back into order.

Which are brought back into line with reality.
And the same Scorpionic unearthing and exposing is applied to the extremists with the bedrock of stability and reliability of Capricorn.

These are Cap generation Scorpio for example.

Candace Owens

Sydney Watson.

This male.

I could go on but I know you get what I am saying here.

The issue with such understanding, people who have their brains stuck in politics override freedom of thought and understanding from these people and use extreme tactics to apply them to Trump supporters or bigots... it's all very difficult but us Cap gen are made of tough stuff mentally, it either ends when people listen or people will end themselves.

This is a funny video.



Well-known member
Fear of war, bombs
Into the '50s we still had air raid drills at school. A loud siren would sound off and we were taught to hide under our desks.
And of course, the Cuban missile crisis with the threat of nuclear war, with still fresh memories of the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
At the same time you also had different outer planets through your generation
Neptune in libra, the marriage sign, began us questioning about the traditional structure of marriage, open marriages, etc.

Rebels. James Dean. Marlon Brando. A sullen Paul Newman.
Breaking tradition Elvis Presley, the Beatles.

The job of the young is to question the past, keep what is valid and re-create the rest.
Each generation starting from a higher step of the ladder, building on the past.

Didn't the period of the big banking failures fall under the Pluto in Capricorn transit?


Well-known member
Into the '50s we still had air raid drills at school. A loud siren would sound off and we were taught to hide under our desks.
And of course, the Cuban missile crisis with the threat of nuclear war, with still fresh memories of the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Neptune in libra, the marriage sign, began us questioning about the traditional structure of marriage, open marriages, etc.

Rebels. James Dean. Marlon Brando. A sullen Paul Newman.
Breaking tradition Elvis Presley, the Beatles.

The job of the young is to question the past, keep what is valid and re-create the rest.
Each generation starting from a higher step of the ladder, building on the past.

Didn't the period of the big banking failures fall under the Pluto in Capricorn transit?
Indeed the Pluto in Capricorn happened It was in opposition to my Sun.
Pluto in Capricorn was more than just banks for me, it hit pretty hard but I also lost my first love to death, she was a Scorpio with a Capricorn Moon and Cancer Mars, Venus in Sag. Through Pluto in Capricorn is how I got into astrology, Capricorn is my 12th house and my ascendant is Aquarius, NorthNode also. It was only towards the end of that transit I found stable employment and also the yearning to come back out of the long introspective state I had been in, her death triggered massive transformation that took years to get through, it left being about her and focusing on me, the rights and the wrong, anger, hurting myself, 3 failed relationships after, chaos and breakdown, unearthing my traumatic past, healing that, transforming myself.

Pluto in Cap was in sextile to my 8th house from the 12th so it was quite a storm bringer personally.

Money was the last of my concern.


Well-known member
Lots of Pluto in Libra children in America had divorced parents as children.
As for Pluto in Leos perhaps they weren't as ready for marriage as they thought?


Well-known member
The concept of marriage was changing.
With Pluto in Cancer, the family was the ultimate goal and even terribly bad and abusive marriages had to be kept together, "for the children".
All Cancer qualities.
I find this to be true. My mother a Cancer Sun kept her relationship with our father even though the unhealthy relationship between the two caused massive rifts between our family and it even eventually got us took away.

There may be a possible link to Leo and it's opposite sign Aquarius there, where the focus was them arguing, the children did not get the attention, as a South Node in Leo it speaks similarly to how Pluto in Leo must have influenced your generation with that same family dynamic.

Would you say you see a similarity?


Well-known member
Would you say you see a similarity?
Pluto in Leo turned the energy more inwardly with respect to the Cancerian otherly, family-oriented values.
Pluto in Aquarius would shift it 180° to thinking of the "whole", the distant but philosophical approach, the live and let live attitude of personal freedom.
That unemotional, sometimes cool, Aquarian behaviour that is concerned about humanity but maybe overlooks it's own child that is hungry and thirsty.
It recalls the cartoon where the philosopher is fervently writing at his desk about resolving problems about humanitarian needs, when he hears a knock on the door. Irritated he roughly interrupts his work to open the door where he sees a poor woman who asks him for shelter and bread for her and her baby. He replies, as he closes the door in her face, that he doesn't have time for such things, he's busy working!
Aquarius sees the larger picture. It sees the forest, not the trees.
With Pluto's entry into Aquarius we'll see at lot of innovation on a global scale, and new political systems.
The "Age of Aquarius"!


Well-known member
I feel like a lot of the problems we have now, in America, started with the Silent Generation, not the Baby Boomers! And we can't blame just one generation, either. Perhaps the Silent Generation, and Baby Boomers, might have started some of the problems, but the generations after continued it.

Just some 'grey area' thinking instead of this whole 'blame the Boomers' thing that's trendy with Gen Zers! The Pluto in Cancer generation with the whole Silent Generation makes sense because Cancer tends to be very traditional, and very about the status quo (in general, of course)!


Well-known member
Pluto in Leo turned the energy more inwardly with respect to the Cancerian otherly, family-oriented values.
Pluto in Aquarius would shift it 180° to thinking of the "whole", the distant but philosophical approach, the live and let live attitude of personal freedom.
That unemotional, sometimes cool, Aquarian behaviour that is concerned about humanity but maybe overlooks it's own child that is hungry and thirsty.
It recalls the cartoon where the philosopher is fervently writing at his desk about resolving problems about humanitarian needs, when he hears a knock on the door. Irritated he roughly interrupts his work to open the door where he sees a poor woman who asks him for shelter and bread for her and her baby. He replies, as he closes the door in her face, that he doesn't have time for such things, he's busy working!
Aquarius sees the larger picture. It sees the forest, not the trees.
With Pluto's entry into Aquarius we'll see at lot of innovation on a global scale, and new political systems.
The "Age of Aquarius"!
If I were him, I'd provide her shelter and food, no matter what! That philosopher is not really Aquarian in my approach at all, but rather Libran-Sagittarian, because in reality, good Aquarians can be busy working and talking about solving problems, and still do humanitarian acts without seeing that as interrupting that person's work! Pluto in Aquarius children in the future will be good humanitarians (anarcho-communist) at best, and tyrants at worst, after all. But some Aquarians are similar to the philosopher example as well.