When times become too comfortable, people get too comfortable, something Pluto in Leo and Scorpio although they square... they share a fond understanding of fear, a hard world and the sense that both signs are power centric, obviously in different ways... but in truth, lets share an empathetic tail of.. walking in other peoples shoes?
Do you truly believe you would be any different if you were born then? I doubt it, you would carry your own personality as we all do and you would be lead by the current zeitgeist as every generation is.
Although we know of the arrogance of that generation, most of them are not like that, we tend to look for the things we dislike so we know how to avoid it, but we tend to also close off possibility when we are so dogged about it.
I also don't understand pushing political sides onto people, no one needs to scapegoat others to excuse their own existence.
If you have problems in life, tackle them head on or be a coward like many and speak of a whole generation you do not personally know or ever will know and reduce people to one identity you like them to appear as in your head.
Politics works this way with extremists too.
-Pluto in Scorpio, Lilith in Scorpio 8th house.